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Make the play part whatever..


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2nd hand of a 6 player STT, I hit big on the river, what should I be doing here to maximise my return ? PokerStars Game #XXXXXXXXX: Tournament #XXXXXX, $6.00+$0.60 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/03/25 - 03:12:02 (ET) Table '82193883 1' 6-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: waldo5247 (1505 in chips) Seat 2: Gatorgirl74 (1490 in chips) Seat 3: MagiccMann38 (1505 in chips) Seat 4: asjohnstone (1500 in chips) Seat 5: bigdustycool (1500 in chips) Seat 6: mg1884 (1500 in chips) MagiccMann38: posts small blind 10 asjohnstone: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [As Ac] bigdustycool: folds mg1884: calls 20 waldo5247: folds Gatorgirl74: folds MagiccMann38: calls 10 asjohnstone: raises 20 to 40 mg1884: calls 20 MagiccMann38: calls 20 *** FLOP *** [2c 2d 9h] MagiccMann38: checks asjohnstone: bets 80 mg1884: calls 80 MagiccMann38: folds *** TURN *** [2c 2d 9h] [Qs] asjohnstone: bets 160 mg1884: calls 160 *** RIVER *** [2c 2d 9h Qs] [Ad] asjohnstone: ????

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. With 600 in the pot I would like to shove a bet in that makes it looks like I'm scared of the Ace but trying to nick the pot. So I'd pitch it at 400 and hope he has a hand strong enough to raise with. So early in the game it's impossible to gauge your opponent, so it's equally difficult to judge the best move. A check may get a sizeable bet from him, an all-in may get an instant call...you just wouldn't know. :unsure

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. I'd be reluctant with a shove there. You're showing strength all the way through. Shoving screams that you have hit on the ace. Checking I'd consider, but then he might think "hmmm there's a lot out there that can beat me, do i want to risk anymore chips? and just go to the showdown" So I'd raise most prob the same as Daftpegasus aroung the 200-240 mark.

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. Thanks, I really struggle to get money into the pot sometimes, I did consider pushing here, but decided a small bet was better. *** TURN *** [2c 2d 9h] [Qs] asjohnstone: bets 160 mg1884: calls 160 *** RIVER *** [2c 2d 9h Qs] [Ad] asjohnstone: bets 100 mg1884: raises 200 to 300 So I show weakeness, and I think he tries to steal the pot. Push now or reraise to 600 ??

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. i would raise to 700 :ok. i can only really see him on either 9s, a9,aq or q9 . his bet on the river looks like he wants a caller ,so i guess he thinks he's ahead with at least 2 pair . if he does have 2 pair he should at least call that bet as its only 400 more into a big pot. if he has hit a boat then chances are he will reraise all in anyway . if not then you at least get the extra 400 chips you may lose with the push ,as he can still fold it if you go all in. it is a bit of a mistake not to push the pot a bit more earlier. if you had you could have easily gone all in at this point ,as he would have been more pot commited.

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. I pushed :( asjohnstone: raises 920 to 1220 and is all-in mg1884: calls 920 and is all-in *** SHOW DOWN *** asjohnstone: shows [As Ac] (a full house, Aces full of Deuces) mg1884: shows [2s 2h] (four of a kind, Deuces) mg1884 collected 3040 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3040 | Rake 0 Board [2c 2d 9h Qs Ad] Seat 1: waldo5247 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Gatorgirl74 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: MagiccMann38 (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 4: asjohnstone (big blind) showed [As Ac] and lost with a full house, Aces full of Deuces Seat 5: bigdustycool folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: mg1884 showed [2s 2h] and won (3040) with four of a kind, Deuces

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. Unlucky AJ... no way you could get away from that hand. Nothing wrong with the push in the end as even if you had only raised rather than pushed he would have got all your money in the middle anyway. Very hard to put him on 22. Tough luck mate. :(

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. Not saying he wouldnt have got to the flop anyway but what is with the pissy pre-flop raise...? Either way that guy was probably laughing his ass off when he saw your hand, impossible to get away from by the river. Im pretty sure when i get quads the other guy doesnt hit a full house to get me paid, bastard.

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Re: Make the play part whatever.. yeah, the preflop raise was crappy, I decided to take a chance and try and pot build, I'm on the big big and I've had one caller plus the smal blind, I really want to keep people in the pot. Would have been better raising to 100 and lifting the blinds

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Re: Make the play part whatever..

yeah, the preflop raise was crappy, I decided to take a chance and try and pot build, I'm on the big big and I've had one caller plus the smal blind, I really want to keep people in the pot. Would have been better raising to 100 and lifting the blinds
I know what you mean, we all want customers when weve got big hands. Either way, we cant be certain he is folding to a raise anyway.
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