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Call or Raise


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I am a bit stuck on the river bet... Against 1 player I would raise here but against 2 players I am not sure???????????????? 0.50/1.00 Omaha (PL) - Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:31:45 PM Table OH 16 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: iale (96.50) Seat 2: PLdobbin (214.56) Seat 3: GimmeMore! (136.99) Seat 4: Used_Rugs (97.50) Seat 5: checkface (133.78) GimmeMore! post SB 0.50 Used_Rugs post BB 1.00 ** Deal ** iale [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] PLdobbin [4h, 2s, 4s, 10d] GimmeMore! [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Used_Rugs [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] checkface [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** checkface Call 1.00 iale Raise to 4.50 PLdobbin Call 4.50 GimmeMore! Fold Used_Rugs Call 4.50 checkface Call 4.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [4c, 3c, 7d] *** Bet Round 2 *** Used_Rugs Check checkface Check iale Check PLdobbin Bet 18.50 Used_Rugs Call 18.50 checkface Call 18.50 iale Call 18.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [4c, 3c, 7d, 3s] *** Bet Round 3 *** Used_Rugs Check checkface Bet 15.00 iale Call 15.00 PLdobbin Call 15.00 Used_Rugs Call 15.00 *** River(Board): *** : [4c, 3c, 7d, 3s, Kd] *** Bet Round 4 *** Used_Rugs Bet 15.00 checkface Call 15.00 iale Fold PLdobbin ????

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Re: Call or Raise i would definately be raising here :ok your behind to 3 hands ks ,7s and 3s none of these seems very likely here as i would have thought that the other two left in would be pushing the pot more on the river if they had,the $15 bet is a bit weak in a $130 pot . they could well have a 3 each(maybe 3 7), although their calls pre flop would indicate a better holding than that:unsure or maybe highish pps(hopefully not those ks:eek) so i'm pretty sure that your ahead :ok so i would raise 50-70 bucks, should be enough to tempt someone with a 3 or small house to call . and yeah id be dumping the hand pre flop as well:spank been caught to many times by someone hitting a set with a higher pp which can be expensive:eek

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Re: Call or Raise I do not profess to being an authority on PLO however here is my two pennorth. What were you doing in the hand in the first place and by the time it gets to the river you are going to make a crying call because of what you have already invested. Ballsy play would be to raise the pot ! An abject lesson in getting too involved in a hand with a weak starting holding, fold preflop!

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Re: Call or Raise I think that I would just flat call here. As Uber says there are so few hands that have you beaten, who is going to call a raise of say $50? I dont think someone holding a 3 or the straight is going to call you, the only people who would call would have a full house. Fantastic if it is 3's full, not so great if they have 7's or K's.

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Re: Call or Raise

I think that I would just flat call here. As Uber says there are so few hands that have you beaten' date=' who is going to call a raise of say $50? I dont think someone holding a 3 or the straight is going to call you, the only people who would call would have a full house. Fantastic if it is 3's full, not so great if they have 7's or K's.[/quote'] its suprising how many people will pay you off even with trip 3s ,even tho its a dumb call:ok it is only about a third of the pot on top and with you on the button, could be seen as a steal. also if dobbin has been mr action man then that may tempt callers. people do get caught in the mindset that you can't have a hand everytime so they are more likely to call. not only that if he has taken big pots off the other two players that can help as well,they may be tilting slightly;).
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Re: Call or Raise Hmmm, I would actually consider if you are happy to call a raise with a weak starting hand, what is anyone else calling with ? It could be junk, but they are all claiming to have a part of the flop and after the turn with their calling. Having got this far, I can't see the logic in folding to a $15 bet in a $180 pot- A raise will likely see at least 1 folder, but the calling hands that beat you are just as likely as the straight or trip 3s that might call. I would just flat call thinking at least one guy will be calling the flop and turn with qq-kk-aa so a hand that beats me might be out there (I do realise that is only the ks by the way .... just thinking about the range of hands you see péople call with i´n Omaha to low flops). Im not so worried about 77s, but if someone turns over 7s or ks full they take my money (if I had ks full I would be waiting for someone else to raise a pot that has been played weak all around). In this case I havent lost a great deal if Im beat and the pot has been played so "limpishly" all round I cant get a good enough read to decide either way. I actually fancy you may be in front, but the k on the river would have stopped me raising with no-one else left to act.

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