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Anyone playing Step on PS?

Burnley Joe

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Re: Anyone playing Step on PS? Bought a level 1 ticket this morning using my FPPs and pretty much climbed through the levels (2 attempts at level 3). Was a tough day but ended with a ticket to level 5, finally ending my level 4 jinx !! PokerStars Tournament #89993121, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $200.00/$15.00 9 players $6.00 added to the prize pool by PokerStars.com Total Prize Pool: $1806.00 Tournament started - 2008/05/28 - 07:22:47 (ET) Dear Myrie16, You finished the tournament in 1st place. You have won an admission ticket to 'WSOP Step 5'. This ticket allows you to participate only in a tournament of this type. Tickets are not redeemable for cash or Tournament Dollars (T$); if you register and then unregister from the tournament, your ticket will be returned. Not sure when I will play (tonight or friday), but will post an update.

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Re: Anyone playing Step on PS? So, level 5 ... hmmmmm ...... Cut a long story short, lost a few hundred raising preflop with AKo, re reraised so I called. Flop didnt help so gave it up. After that my biggest 4 hands were 77 (twice), AQo and A10s. Very tight table down to the last 6 so I knew how I was going out. Folded to me in small blind, raised all in (6 x BB) with K9s, BB called with JJ and won the race. So back to level 4 :cry:cry And so to level 3 after pocket 9s hit the flop against my QQ ...... Grrrrr Nearly enough points for another level 1, but I might end up there naturally anyway !!!

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Re: Anyone playing Step on PS? Aaaargh!! Crass!! :wall PokerStars Level 4 WSOP Steps. Top two qualify for Level 5, and I'm already guaranteed at least another go at Level 4 for coming third. I know I shouldn't be calling here! :sad PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t300 (3 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver) Button (t4310) Hero (t4450) BB (t4740) Preflop: Hero is SB with Adiamond.gif, Qclub.gif. 1 fold, Hero raises to t900, BB raises to t4715, Hero calls t3525 (All-In). Flop: (t9165) 9club.gif, Jspade.gif, 4diamond.gif (2 players, 1 all-in) Turn: (t9165) 7club.gif (2 players, 1 all-in) River: (t9165) Kspade.gif (2 players, 1 all-in) Final Pot: t8875 Results in white below: Hero has Ad Qc (high card, ace). BB has 2h 2c (one pair, twos). Outcome: BB wins t9165.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Anyone playing Step on PS? 2nd attempt at Steps and gone better than my previous level 4 Dear therivr, You finished the tournament in 1st place. You have won an admission ticket to 'WSOP Step 5'. This ticket allows you to participate only in a tournament of this type. Tickets are not redeemable for cash or Tournament Dollars (T$); if you register and then unregister from the tournament, your ticket will be returned Will probably play this tomorrow :hope

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