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Heads Up Matchday Reports

Burnley Joe

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1st match day

The English eSport-Poker HeadsUp closed league starts. Richlizzard plays a risky all-in bet to beat BurnleyJoe with an ace-king pre-flop hand. On table 1, Dave888 makes a strong comeback to beat PL_wallg after an hour of exciting play. The English eSport-Poker HeadsUp closed league started on Tuesday 18th March. The 1-against-1 tournaments were played on nine of the ten available tables, as the tournament scheduled for table 2 was cancelled. The games on table 4 and 5 were over at the bat of an eyelid, with players PL_Dodger and mahtalj148 coming away with a win, and therefore 3 points each, after 5 and 6 minutes respectively. Table 10 served as the scene for aggressive and highly interesting play between richlizzard and BurnleyJoe. Although this tournament was a more or less even match between the two players, BurnleyJoe got off to a better start than his opponent. At first, the game was played fast and with small amounts, but hasty betting with generally bad cards got richlizzard below the 900 chips mark. On the other hand, BurnleyJoe was a little more cautious with his chips and showed his opponent that he knew with which cards to play more confidently. The tournament took a slower pace when richlizzard also began to play for higher bids with good hands. After 28 minutes of play and no clear winner on the table, an ace-king hand gave richlizzard the confidence to go for an all-in bet before the flop. It´s not for nothing that ace-king is known as the Anna Kournikova of poker hands, i.e. it looks great but almost never wins, and richlizzard´s move was indeed risky. BurnleyJoe responded with another all-in bet, but lost when richlizzard hit another ace in the flop. The game was decided and the tournament brought to a surprisingly quick end. On Table 1, the style of play was much slower but nonetheless exciting. Dave888 and PL_wallg played for an hour in what was by far the longest and most drawn-out tournament in this first day of the closed HeadsUp league. Here, at least the second half of the game was less about hands, and more about players placing higher bids in order to put off their opponents and encourage them to fold their cards. At one point, Dave888 was hanging by a thread with 125 chips. Extremely cautious play with relatively high bids was his ticket to tipping the balance heavily in his favour, and eventually, to winning the tournament. An all-in bet of 800 chips by PL_wallg was easily matched by Dave888, who had nothing to lose, and the game was over. The winners at tables 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were: SPSlick Mick, Fonzie1411, vic3485, Mr Intensity and pokermbe, respectively.
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports

yup table 2 was cancelled' date='my rival didnt enter, ile take the 3 points any day tho, i think the PL at the beginning of my name might have made my rivals arse twitch:moon[/quote'] Do we know if we get the three points when the opponent doesn't turn up, if so I got a free ride tonight.
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports The English eSport-Poker HeadsUp closed league continues

The English eSport-Poker HeadsUp closed league continues: BurnleyJoe dominates the game against superbell100; PL_Dodger beats ColU_DC with a flush of spades after 29 minutes of play, in what was the longest tournament of this matchday. The English eSport-Poker HeadsUp closed league continued last Thursday. The games on tables 9, 7 and 5 were over within ten minutes, with players Fonzie1411, PL-wallg and GazBlades9 leaving their respective tables as victors, and thereby scoring 3 points each. On table 1, BurnleyJoe was easily able to dominate the game against superbell100. After superbell100´s initial mini-success in winning the relatively large pot of 640 chips, BurnleyJoe came back with a vengeance. He placed an all-in bet with a pair of 9s and another 9 in the flop. A 6 at both river and turn gave BurnleyJoe a winning full house hand, and the chip ratios now stood at 250:2750. Superbell100 was able to double in the next round, when both players went all-in, but lost in the following all-in with a king-ten against ace-five. The community cards (9-6-2-2-J) did not help either of the players. BurnleyJoe emerged as the winner after only 18 minutes of play. Things took only a little bit longer on table 8. For the first 15 minutes, both players had equal standing in the game. Then, Madge280 was able to gain a slight advantage. PLheniek repeatedly tried to go for all-in before the flop, but never got a call, until madge280 responded with a call and a hand of ace-eight. PLheniek won with a hand of ace-ten and by hitting a ten in the flop. The chip ratio was now 350:2650 in PLheniek’s favour, and the blinds were set at 25/50. Madge280 was unable to reverse the situation and was forced to give up after 24 minutes of play. The longest tournament of this matchday was played by ColU_DC and PL_Dodger on table 3. ColU_FC had a slight advantage for a large part of the game, but lost in an all-in bet with a hand of Q-2 against PL_Dodger’s J-8. PL_Dodger hit both the jack and the eight in the flop, while the remaining community cards (6-6-8) were useless for ColU_DC. Now the chip ratio stood at about 400:2600. Shortly afterwards, ColU_DC was able to double with a flush of hearts, but then lost the game in a decisive all-in bet after 29 minutes of play. Here, even though ColU_DC had the better hand of 10-7 against PL_Dodger’s 10-5, the community cards were revealed to be a 10 in the flop followed by four spades. Because PL_Dogers´s ten was also of spades, victory was decided by a flush of spades. The winners at tables 2 and 6 were richlizzard and Mr Intensity, respectively.
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports Great, I lose and suddenly I'm a headline:lol:lol 3rd eSport-Poker HeadsUp tournament played on Tuesday

Richlizzard gives Mr Intensity a hard run for his chips on table 10. PLheniek goes all in after 22 minutes of play and loses in the showdown against PLsmithylfe. On Tuesday 25th March, the English eSport-Poker HeadsUp saw yet another series of quickly played 1-against-1 games. The longest duel of this 3rd matchday was fought out on table 7, where pokermbe beat superbell100 after 34 minutes of play. On table 10, richlizzard beat his HeadsUp opponent for the 3rd time running in this league. Lizzard gave Mr Intensity a hard run for his chips for 17 minutes of play. Table 4 set the scene for a dramatic showdown between PLheniek and PLsmithylfe. After 22 minutes of play, PLheniek went all in with 765 chips before the flop, and the bet was matched by PLsmithylfe. PLheniek´s two and ten of hearts were only able to hit another hearts on the river, losing against PLheniek`s hand of two fives and with it, the game. The games on tables 8 and 6 were over after 3 minutes and 6 minutes respectively, with players SPSlick Mick and Fonzie1411 emerging as the winners. PL-wallg beat vic3485 after 16 minutes on table 1, while Madge280 took a bit longer, beating PLoddsoxzmaz after 33 minutes on table 3.
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports Latest scandal: Multi-registered player caught playing with himself and is kicked out of the tournament...

PLheniek´s two and ten of hearts were only able to hit another hearts on the river, losing against PLheniek`s hand of two fives and with it, the game.
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports PL_Dodger and richlizzard both leading with 13 points PL_Dodger now accompanies richlizzard in the top position with 13 points. Action on table 1 with an exciting last hand after 6 minutes of play. The English eSport-Poker HeadsUp league saw its 5th round being played on 8 tables. Richlizzard lost table 10 to SPSlick Mick after 42 minutes in what was his first defeat this season. On table 7, PL_Dodger beat superbell100 after 9 minutes, winning him 3 points and putting him right at the top of the league table next to richlizzard. Both players now have 13 points. On table 8, the duel between Dave488 and PLsmithylfc lasted for 20 minutes. The chip ratio was 1865:1135 in Dave488’s favour, when PLsmithylfc moved all in. Dave488 called, but the community cards proved to be of no use to either of the players. Dave488 won with the better hand of ace-jack against his opponent’s king-four. It was his third victory in the season, and PLsmithylfc’s fourth consecutive defeat. On table 1, the game between PL-wallg and pokermbe lasted for just 11 hands. After 6 minutes, pokermbe was already ahead with 1975 chips against PL-wallg’s 1025. The last hand of the game was pretty unexciting at first. After PL-wallg called the small blind, both players checked all the way through to the river. With 8C-AD-JH-AC-7S lying on the table, pokermbe swung into action by betting 200 chips. PL-wallg’s prompt answer was to move all in. Pokermbe called and won the table with a full house (formed with JS-AH) against PL-wallg’s straight (formed with 9D-TH). This was pokermbe’s third victory in the season, and both players now have 11 points in the league table. Players ColU_FC, PLheniek, vic3485 and YanZihao beat their opponents on tables 3, 4, 6 and 9 respectively, garnering another 3 points each in the league table.

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports Six is the lucky number in the 6th round Six seems to be the lucky number of the day as both Mr Intensity and ColU_FC hit draws of three sixes and win. Players Dave488, PL_Dodger and richlizzard now lead the HeadsUp league table with 16 points each. The 6th round of the English eSport-Poker HeadsUp league saw superbell100 lose table 4 to SPSlick Mick in a blitz hand lasting 1 minute. On table 6, the game played by Mr Intensity and PL-wallg was longer, and also fairly well-balanced. In the 82nd hand, Mr Intensity had a slight advantage of 150 chips over his opponent. He decided to move all in before the flop on a hand of two sixes. PL-wallg called with an ace and nine of spades. Mr Intensity caught a third six straight away in the flop. The turn and river couldn´t help PL-wallg out of his predicament, and he lost the table after 26 minutes of play. A colourful game was played by PL_Dodger and his opponent GazBlades9 on table 3. PL_Dodger won after 27 minutes. Just before the deciding hand, he had managed to leave his opponent with just 475 chips. The community cards after the turn were 9H-4D-8D-7D. PL_Dodger bet 100 chips, and GazBlades9 responded with an all in. GazBlades9 had a hand of 5H-JD and needed to catch either a diamond card on the river to hit a flush draw, or a ten to hit a straight draw. PL_Dodger`s hand of 9S-5D was the better one from the start as it gave him the top pair. Hitting another 7 on the river for his second pair, he earned his victory. Richlizzard and Dave488 won on tables 8 and 10 after 7 minutes and 24 minutes respectively, putting them at the top of the HeadsUp league table with 16 points, together with PL_Dodger. On table 9, the fight between ColU_FC and YanZihao was over after 52 hands and 27 minutes. Before the deciding hand, YanZihao was losing with 835 chips. After an 80-chip bet, YanZihao responded by moving all in with a hand of ace and seven of spades. ColU_FC called with two sixes. Just like Mr. Intensity did, ColU_FC caught a third six on the river and won with a three of a kind draw. Players Fonzie1411, vic3485 and mahtalj148 beat their opponents on tables 1, 5 and 7 respectively.

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports Richlizzard leads the HeadsUp league table with 19 points Richlizzard beats ColU_FC and takes control of the lead position in the league table. SPSlick Mick draws a gunshot straight and loses to GazBlades9`s pair of nines. PLoddsoxzmaz confirms his losing streak by losing an all in bet with a hand of king-queen. The 7th round of the English eSport-Poker HeadsUp league saw richlizzard taking control of the lead position in the league table with 19 points, after beating his opponent ColU_FC on table 10 after 16 minutes. The game played on table 7 between superbell100 and PLoddsoxzmaz was initially very well balanced. As the game unfolded however, superbell100 took the lead. Just before the 94th hand, he was in possession of 2555 chips, as opposed to PLoddsoxzmaz, who was well on the way out with 445 chips. Both moved all in on the pre-flop. PLoddsoxzmaz`s hand of KD-QC lost out from the start to his opponent´s AS-QD combination. The community cards were revealed to be QS-TD-JH-7H-2C, leaving superbell100 to win the game with his ace kicker after 21 minutes. An exciting match between SPSlick Mick and GazBlades9 on table 5 was brought to a decisive end after 28 minutes. It was the 89th hand, and SPSlick Mick moved all in on the pre-flop with a hand of ace and four of spades. GazBlades9 was a step ahead with a nine and ace of hearts in his hand. The community cards (3S-5C-TH-TD-9D) gave GazBlades his pair of nines. SPSlick Mick drew a gunshot straight and, with it, earned himself his third loss this season. On table 6, pokermbe beat Fonzie1411 after 33 minutes, in what was the longest game of this round. The shortest game was played on table 8, where vic3485 was thrashed by PLsmithylfc after just 1 minute. Players madge280, PLheniek and mahtalj148 emerged as victors on tables 3, 4 and 9 respectively.

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports oh how I love their match reports :loon :rollin:rollin no mention of the fact that I was disconnected due to comp freeze for around 10 mins maybe more and me chips were gobbled up by my opponent in record time.... god they must have friction burns on their mouse finger:rollin:rollin

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports At last my points are right thanks Jo.

Pos. Teamname Pts.
1 PL_Dodger 20
2 richlizzard20
3 SPSlick Mick 20
4 Dave488 18
5 Fonzie141118
6 GazBlades918
7 mahtalj148 18
8 PLheniek 18
9 pokermbe 18
10 vic3485 18
11 ColU_FC16
12 madge28016
13 Mr Intensity 16
14 PL-wallg16
15 BurnleyJoe 14
16 PLsmithylfc 14
17 superbell10014
18 YanZihao12
19 ApresRider8
20 PLoddsoxzmaz8
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports Battle of the flushes on table 6 Table 6 sees exciting showdown as Fonzie1411 and PL_Dodger fight for the pot with two flush hands. In the end, Fonzie1411´s King wins. PLsmithylfc wins table 8 on a pocket pair of nines. The 8th matchday of the English eSport-Poker HeadsUp league set the scene for an exciting showdown on table 6. In the HeadsUp duel fought out between Fonzie1411 and PL_Dodger, both players were on equal standing for most of the game. After the 49th hand, the distribution of chips was pretty much like at the beginning of the game. Fonzie1411`s pile had 1520 chips, and PL_Dodger´s had 1480. Things changed in the 50th hand however. Both players had bet 175 chips up to the turn, at which point the community cards 7H-7H-AD-QH were lying on the table. Despite already having a flush with five and two of hearts, PL_Dodger decided to check. Fonzie1411 raised the bet to 300 chips, and his opponent responded by doubling to 600. Fonzie1411 placed his faith in his own flush (formed with king and three of hearts) and proceeded to moved all in. PL_Dodger called and the river was revealed to be 8 of spades. Fonzie1411´s flush was stronger, and after 21 minutes of play, he emerged as winner of the table. At this point, the match between pokermbe and PLsmithylfc on table 8 was in full swing. Even here, things were well balanced for most of the game, until after 70 hands, when PLsmithylfc managed to gain a slight advantage over his opponent. After 34 minutes, just before the deciding hand, PLsmithylfc was ahead with 2045 chips. Pokermbe moved all in before the flop on a hand of jack and ten of spades. PLsmithylfc called, trusting his luck with a pocket pair of nines. The community cards (2D-4C-3C-QS-AS) were of no use to either of the players and PLsmithylfc left the table to celebrate his third victory this season. On table 3, madge280 beat richlizzard after 35 minutes, in what was the longest game of this round. The shortest game was played on table 7, where superbell100 beat YanZihao after just 4 minutes. Players PL-wallg, PLheniek, ColU_FC, BurnleyJoe and vic3485 won their duels on tables 1, 4, 5, 9 and 10 respectively.

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports PL_Dodger and richlizzard share lead Players PL_Dodger and richlizzard share the first position in the HeadsUp league table with 23 points each. GazBlade9 loses the duel on table 10 after a misplaced bet on a hand of two pairs. The 10th matchday of the English eSport-Poker HeadsUp league left both PL_Dodger and richlizzard leading the HeadsUp league table with 23 points each. PL_Dodger beat his opponent PLheniek on table 3 after 25 minutes of play. The game between superbell100 and richlizzard lasted for 109 hands. Superbell100 only had 255 chips left before he moved all in after the flop with a pair of jacks. At this point, Richlizzard already had two pairs, thanks to his hand of 8S-QC and the community cards 6C-8C-QS. Superbell100´s only hope lay in a third jack, but was disappointed by a 6H and 4D on the turn and river. Richlizzard left the table with yet another victory after 17 minutes of play. On table 10, the deciding hand between GazBlades9 and YanZihao was played in the 27th minute of the duel. At this point, the chip ratio was 1230:1770 in YanZihao´s favour, but his hand of 5D-8D put him at a disadvantage against GazBlades9`s JS-7C in the pre-flop. Nothing much happened right up to the river, when the community cards 6C-9D-3C-JD-7H gave GazBlades9 a hand of two pairs. He thought he was on to a win and called a total of 1210 chips, but lost out to YanZihao`s straight. GazBlades9´s stack shrunk and he was forced to leave the table in the next hand. On table 1, mahtalj148 beat BurnleyJoe after 3 minutes, in what was the shortest game of this round. Players Dave488, Fonzie1411, madge280, PLsmithylfc and PL-wallg won their respective HeadsUp duels on tables 2, 4, 5, 6 and 9 respectively.

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports

1 PL_Dodger 23
2 richlizzard23
3 Dave488 21
4 Fonzie141121
5 mahtalj148 21
6 SPSlick Mick 21
7 GazBlades919
8 madge28019
9 Mr Intensity 19
10 PL-wallg19
11 PLheniek 19
12 pokermbe 19
13 vic3485 19
14 ColU_FC17
15 BurnleyJoe 15
16 PLsmithylfc 15
17 superbell10015
18 YanZihao15
19 PLoddsoxzmaz11
20 ApresRider9
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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports Four players leading with 24 points each Players PL_Dodger and richlizzard are now forced to share the first position in the HeadsUp league table with two other players, after losing out to their opponents on their respective tables. The 11th matchday of the English eSport-Poker HeadsUp league saw both PL_Dodger and richlizzard losing out to their opponents and finishing the round with 1 point each. PL_Dodger was beaten on table 8 by PLsmithylfc after 14 minutes of play, and richlizzard was beaten by GazBlades9 on table 5 after 2 minutes. This means that the first position in the HeadsUp league table is now shared by four players, each having gained 24 points in the league so far. The other 2 players in the lead position are Dave488, who beat Mr Intensity on table 9 after 8 minutes, and Fonzie1411, who beat PLoddsoxzmaz after 8 minutes. Players YanZihao, superbell100, PLheniek, and BurnleyJoe won their respective HeadsUp duels on tables 1, 3, 4 and 7 respectively.

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Re: Heads Up Matchday Reports

1 Dave488 24
2 Fonzie141124
3 PL_Dodger 24
4 richlizzard24
5 GazBlades922
6 mahtalj148 22
7 PL-wallg22
8 PLheniek 22
9 pokermbe 22
10 SPSlick Mick 22
11 ColU_FC20
12 madge28020
13 Mr Intensity 20
14 vic3485 20
15 BurnleyJoe 18
16 PLsmithylfc 18
17 superbell10018
18 YanZihao16
19 PLoddsoxzmaz12
20 ApresRider10

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