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daily winnings thread

the croc

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Re: daily winnings thread Without wanting to interfere in this, I do think it will simplify things for those who win amounts in £ Sterling or € Euros to have a ready reckoner sitting in Post 1 each month, for winners to convert those winnings into $ Dollars, rather than leaving it to the individual to use their own conversion rate to calculate (open to mistakes) or for the collator to do (ball ache). I know that conversion rates change daily but, for the primary purpose of simplicity and consistency, the suggestion has its advantages (I think :$).

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Re: daily winnings thread

If Hen doesn't want to do it and no-one responsible (or sober) wants to do it' date=' then I'll do it:unsure[/quote'] :lol I thought my answer was obvious. But no problem horny. We can share it. I will do this month , you next and so on. Ok? :ok
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