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Stuck at home due to Surgery


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I had arthroscopic knee surgery last week and I am totally stuck at home bored out of my skull. Would anyone care to transfer some $$ to my pokerstars account. Not much....like $10 or so. I will pay back $20 no later than Monday which is when I get paid and will be doing an epassporte deposit. Hopefully I can pay you back within 24 hours. My user name is Sabot. If you care to do it I would really appreciate it. Thanks

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Re: Stuck at home due to Surgery ROTF! You had me all excited there thinking you were going to do it. I'm just so damn bored. Just tired of watching tv on the damn couch as that is about all I can do for the next few days. Thanks anyway.

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Re: Stuck at home due to Surgery Sabot, with a first post like this you surely cannot think you are going to get any seriously responses. I was debating whether to remove the post and to ban you from the forum, but decided to leave it for now as I thought we'd all enjoy the laugh. Are there no freerolls at this time of night (or day for you?) on Stars that you can play.

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Re: Stuck at home due to Surgery He is in one now:ok

Sabot, with a first post like this you surely cannot think you are going to get any seriously responses. I was debating whether to remove the post and to ban you from the forum, but decided to leave it for now as I thought we'd all enjoy the laugh. Are there no freerolls at this time of night (or day for you?) on Stars that you can play.
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Re: Stuck at home due to Surgery LOL. I didn't think I would. And yes I been playing some freerolls as well but they get a bit old. Just bored. Sitting on the couch for 3 days makes a guy go crazy. Not to mention this stupid freaking brace on my leg which is not the most comfortable thing in the world.

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