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Folding KK

Guest gazza271

Folding KK  

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Guest gazza271

Re: Folding KK

Don't know about that Gaz but I remember when rivrd was the short stack and pushed allin you were the bb I think you had about 4000 chips you were getting 3/1 on your money and folded' date=' it would have cost you 600, maybe you can dig that hand out and we can have a look at it.[/quote'] Steve, think the one below is the hand you were on about :ok ***** Hand 959661914 ***** 200.00/400.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 17 February 2008 21:30:09 PLOPS Satellite (Real /Tournament ) Seat 2: Drousy (7015.00) Seat 3: wallg1 (3570.00) Seat 4: hornet01 (7084.00) Seat 5: HectorMcG (4679.00) Seat 7: Griff5 (1504.00) Seat 8: GpdDelusio (5718.00) Seat 9: PLgazza (4990.00) Seat 10: rivrdu (1040.00) GpdDelusio post SB 200.00 PLgazza post BB 400.00 ** Deal ** Drousy [N/A, N/A] wallg1 [N/A, N/A] hornet01 [N/A, N/A] HectorMcG [N/A, N/A] Griff5 [N/A, N/A] GpdDelusio [N/A, N/A] PLgazza [Qs, 4c] rivrdu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** rivrdu All-in 1040.00 Drousy Fold wallg1 Fold hornet01 Fold HectorMcG Fold Griff5 Fold GpdDelusio Fold PLgazza Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1400.00 Drousy Fold Win: 0.00 wallg1 Fold Win: 0.00 hornet01 Fold Win: 0.00 HectorMcG Fold Win: 0.00 Griff5 Fold Win: 0.00 GpdDelusio Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza Fold Win: 0.00 rivrdu By default Win: 1400.00
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Re: Folding KK

That's the hand Gaz 1640 in the middle costs you 600 to call getting over 2.5/1 I know its a bad hand but Rivrd could be pushing with anything' date=' I'm probably calling everytime there what does everyone else think?[/quote'] Historically, I'd have always called without hesitation ..... more recently......I'd think a bit more about it.... there's not really much upside to calling - even if it is positive ev, it's not a lot :unsure If we assume Rivrd is shoving with an average hand or better (top 50%) then Q4o is a 38.5% dog ...... actually, changed my mind ..... yes 2.5-1 is enough for me to call......
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Re: Folding KK

Hurrah he agrees with me:tongue2.
Don't cheer too soon ... I agree too. I don't think Rivrd's range should be as wide as top 50%: more like top 35%-40%, biased towards hands that play well against more than one opponent, but in any case 2.5/1 odds is good enough for me. I don't think folding is terrible, though.
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Re: Folding KK Going back to the original problem and the Phil Helmuth situation ..... I do think that being chip leader amongst 55 players going for 45 seats (it just says 45 getting paid, but the assumption I'm making is that it's 45 equal prizes) is a pretty substantially different situation to being equal chip leader with 3 left and 2 seats ...... not sure I can articulate why I think that though :unsure

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Re: Folding KK

Going back to the original problem and the Phil Helmuth situation ..... I do think that being chip leader amongst 55 players going for 45 seats (it just says 45 getting paid' date=' but the assumption I'm making is that it's 45 equal prizes) is a pretty substantially different situation to being equal chip leader with 3 left and 2 seats ...... not sure I can articulate why I think that though :unsure[/quote'] Um, am I reading it differently from everybody else? :unsure He was acting. The script said he had to fold and go to talk to somebody. He got dealt pocket aces and thought "bugger!".
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Re: Folding KK Erm....looks like you read it properly and I only skim read it :$ So Mr V's prime piece of poker advice actually only applies if you're on a filmset and a director tells you that you have to fold the hand? :unsure Did you notice this Mr V and I've just been incredibly dense and slow to catch up? :$

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Re: Folding KK

Now that you clever people have had a good laugh. I'm off. :ok
I wasn't (mainly :tongue2) laughing at you. It was more the way GaF had half talked himself round to thinking that the precise numbers of players involved might make an important difference, until he realized what was going on.
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Re: Folding KK Quote:

Why risk getting eliminated when you're only a 4.5-to-1 or less favorite?
I'll risk getting eliminated as a 4.5 to 1 favourite if I believe it increases my chances of getting through..... In the game we were looking at, if gazza always folds to raises from SteveO (every hand), then when hornet makes a stand (as he must) and goes in as a 60-40 favourite against SteveO, that will be a 60% shot that gazza is all but the short stack and suddenly gazza is the favourite to get eliminated - in those circumstances I'm more than happy to take 4.5 to 1 against eliminating (as I effectively would) SteveO if he's stupid (:tongue2) enough to call when I reraise him with KK (or AA)
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