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pocket kings


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Re: pocket kings two weeks is a very short time period to consider this over. How many hands are we talking about ? Anyway, KK is about a 70 / 30 favourite against A 2, so you should expect to lose with this hand, roughly 1 time in 3. It's a +ev call, if you get the money in the middle with a 70/30 fav, then you've done nothing wrong in a cash game, win or lose. In the early stages of a STT, there might be a case of a smaller raise, say 5 x BB, which allows you to get away if an Ace flops. btw, Welecome to the PL

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Re: pocket kings

I get pocket kings and i lose much of the time. How should i play this? If i go allin somebody with A 2 calls and A always comes on table. What should i do please. It happens too much to me in 2 weeks.
:welcome FloppenDaNuts. Is there any chance you can post the hand history? Without knowing how you played the hand, its impossible to give advice as to whether you played it badly or if you just got unlucky. FWIW, here's a link to a similar hand I posted about a year ago. I received a tonne of good advice about how I played that hand (and a few others I posted). As a result, I'm still here a year later and still learning from many of the posters here :notworthy :ok
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Re: pocket kings :welcome to PL FDN :ok A new world of poker started for you eh? Wave goodbye to life as you used to know it :tongue2 A mistake that a lot of new players make is that they will bet big and bluff when they have nothing (trying to push opponents off of their hands), but bet small and just call when they have a big hand (for fear of pushing their opponents off of their hand) - so you win small and lose big - don't do it!! Remember that you want to play big pots when you have big hands, and you want to play small pots with small hands..... KK is a BIG hand - it is only behind to one hand (AA), however that doesn't mean it will always win - as AJ says - it's about a 70% favourite against A2 ..... that means it will frequently (3 times in 10) be beat by the A2.... the way you need to look at it though is, if you get all the money in pre flop, against one hand, A2, then you are getting odds of about even money, but you have a 70% chance of winning - that's the kind of bet you're happy with - somethimes you win, sometimes you lose, but overall you will be in profit..... If you are multi way - say against two opponents with QJs and A2o, then you are about a 55% favourite - you will lose almost as often as you win!!! HOWEVER, you are still happy for all the money to go in pre flop against these hands - why? Because you have a 55% chance of tripling your money!!! Again it's odds!! Whilst you may lose almost half the time, you are getting more reward when you win than you need to take that risk...... So don't slow play and dont be worried about getting out drawn if you get the money in with the best of it.... The other word of caution - you need to bet these hands hard pre flop whilst you are ahead - that means putting a significant raise in - a minimum raise (which a lot of beginners do) is almost never the right sized bet - as a minimum you need to be betting 3xBB, and significantly more if there are limpers or raisers before you..... Hope this helps :ok

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