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Question for The PokerMag Editors!


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Any chance of you doing an interview with Ed Hollis (aka Bluescouse/Supergrass). His exploits are legendary having no kind of bankroll management and I believe he's now gone broke. He's even borrowed more money in the last week, I'd love to read an interview about this fella.

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Re: Question for The PokerMag Editors! I agree with you to a point. This guy's blog went straight onto my bloglines favourites list the first time I read it: it's quite compelling. But ask yourself this - could anyone write this horrendous saga any better than he does himself? I think even the best journalist would only get in the way.

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Re: Question for The PokerMag Editors! The only problem I can foresee with an article about this, is how does one promote responsible gambling whilst discussing an utter degenerate? I'd hate for someone to use it as an argument against poker/gambling, by suggesting the readers are revelling in this guy having to borrow money and risk money from his 'House Fund', just to run it up and then p*ss it away. Personally, I feel people should be able to do what they want with their life. So long as they don't harm anyone else in the process (not without consent, anyway. ;)) Unfortunately, not everyone is as woolly as me. :cry In a mawkish way I enjoy reading his blog. But I do find myself thinking "For fack's sake fellah, just grind it out at 2/4 and move up as and when."

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Re: Question for The PokerMag Editors! Well the amounts he says he's gambled Gaf are tru I've watched him play on Betfair. They regularly speak of his exploits on the Betfair Forum I think it's a truthful account. He's one of the players you hear of who spins an amount of money up to a large amount pretty quickly but he's honest enough to say he's busted.

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Re: Question for The PokerMag Editors! I'm as guilty as anyone for reading his blog with a car crash-style fascination over the years. The main problem with telling Ed's story in the mag is a story needs a beginning, middle and an end. There doesn't seem to be an end really. It's just a constant cycle of boom and bust. That said, I agree there is probably something in telling his tale at some point. Even if he is hardly the poster-boy for responsible gambling or for the merits of poker as a career choice. Although I did notice Swampster in the comments so maybe he has beaten me to it.

b16-rounded.gifswampsterjy said...
Ed,, fancy being profiled in Flush magazine? let me know and I'll PM you the contact details. Jon 6:07 AM
This follow-up did make me laugh
b16-rounded.gifLuckyJim said...
Jon, does Flush magazine pay for interviews? Would they stretch to £15,000? 6:22 AM
Perhaps I shouldn't laugh...
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