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cancelled V roll


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--------------------------------------------------- Problems with last nights V*Roll Satellite -------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew (PL FENNER) I’m writing to apologise for the cancelling of last nights V*Roll Sat which was due to a network technical problem. I will ensure that you are added to the V*Roll Sat for next Tuesday (5th Feb) and that 25,000 extra V*Points will be added to the V*Roll final so that no value is lost. I’ve also been advised that some players were unable to register at all. If you know of such players for example through forums I’m happy for you to advise these players to email me at [email protected] writing V*Roll 5th Feb in the subject line and I will also add them for next Tuesdays V*Rolls. These players will need to give me their PIN number (found in the ‘profile’ section in the Virgin Poker software) and nickname so we can quickly check that they did in fact play the minimum number of raked hands. The Boss Network has assured me that this problem has been resolved so hopefully we won’t see similar problems in the future. Many thanks for your patience. Cheers Ollie Virgin Poker cid:image001.jpg@01C86330.68E4BC20<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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