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Virgin STT wierdness


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Re: Virgin STT wierdness Ive noticed a few little boss bugs lately. There is a bug where if you are watching a table and then join it whilst you have it open,(maybe watching the other table when only 2 tables left in a tourney) the software will sit you out after every hand. The only way to stop it is to leave and rejoin the table.

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Re: Virgin STT wierdness

Just sat down for one of Virgins €5 3table stts. Tourney started and i had 2 tables open up....same players at each table but independent games, and only charged 1 buy in. Wierd huh? pokerbk7.th.jpg
This happened to me the other day as well, it took me ages to work out I had 2 games up!! Best bit was I won both of them, nice bonus!!! :ok
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