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Hodgey's cash games


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Re: Hodgey's cash games Another half hour earlier for $32 profit. Maybe I have found a leak in my game - that is playing for too long at a time. If I look back at all 8 of my losing days they have all been in sessions of over an hour long. Of course there is always the possibility that I have played longer in the hope of regaining my losses (ie chasing losses) so in turn maybe that leads me into another weakness and I should follow croc's example that if I lose a buy-in I should stop. Or maybe combine the two so the 'rules' would be: Don't play for more than an hour (regardless of winning or losing). If lose a buy-in - STOP. Feb 14th +$32 Overall +$318

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Re: Hodgey's cash games 56 minutes played yesterday for a $15 loss. I made 2 poor mistakes which put me over $50 down and I broke my own rule of not stopping there and then. :spank However, it turned out to be for the best as a flopped flush got $47 in one hit. I then got level and was going to leave when I got dealt QQ in the SB v the BB. An ace on the flop put paid to that though and I finished $15 down. It was then it was approaching the hour so I thought I better not break the other rule I set and just accept the small loss. Feb 16th -$15 Overall +$326

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Re: Hodgey's cash games First hand: ** Game ID 1880330390 starting - 2008-02-20 20:31:43 ** Debrecen [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DELAVEINE sitting in seat 1 with $40.07 [Dealer] - thomasz sitting in seat 2 with $14.89 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 3 with $49.50 - asswiggle sitting in seat 4 with $62.75 - redbull247 sitting in seat 5 with $36.25 - pablo_eskoba sitting in seat 6 with $43.06 thomasz posted the small blind - $0.25 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Diamonds, 9 of Diamonds asswiggle called - $0.50 redbull247 called - $0.50 pablo_eskoba folded DELAVEINE folded thomasz folded Sleekshot checked ** Dealing the flop: 4 of Spades, King of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds Sleekshot checked asswiggle bet - $0.50 redbull247 raised - $2.00 Sleekshot called - $2.00 asswiggle raised - $3.50 redbull247 went all-in - $33.75 Sleekshot went all-in - $47.50 asswiggle folded ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 8 of Clubs redbull247 shows: Ace of Spades, Ace of Clubs Sleekshot mucks: Ace of Diamonds, 9 of Diamonds redbull247 wins $73.75 from the main pot End of game 1880330390 Doh! I think it was the correct play, probably just a shame 'asswiggle' re-raised else I prob could have got away cheaper. Never mind. Still 39 minutes later and I leave with all that back and a profit of $14 too. Feb 20th +$14 Overall +$341

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Re: Hodgey's cash games To be honest I wouldnt be makin this call here. In a limped pot there is a fair chance he has a set or something there, and even if he has KQ or a similar hand you are still about 45% and only just getting odds. Unless he is a total maniac I'm folding here, the only hand you beat that should push is QdJd. Also what do you make of pablo_eskoba on that table? I seem to see him on a lot of tables but have no proper notes on him yet.

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Thanks for your feedback mate. :) I've always considered a nut flush draw on the flop to be about 50% (I don't know the exact figures) and have been happy to get the money in. I remember when I played in the PokerDome Perry Friedman knocked someone out doing the same thing and he didn't hesitate getting the chips in. However, I take on board what you said and I will do some more research into whether or not it is a good play in the future. :ok Regarding pablo_eskoba I think it's the first time I have had him at my table so can't really comment. From what I remember I thought he was fairly steady and didn't play many pots. One guy to look out for though was CaptainPedro who joined later. I liked him and got all my cash back through him! :ok

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Re: Hodgey's cash games I did have an outside chance of a Royal Flush too! ;) No, in all seriousness I appreciate your views and it looks like maybe I am in the minority and have been playing flush draws wrong. If so - then I am happy to learn from it. :) Anyone else got any views on it?

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Re: Hodgey's cash games

I did have an outside chance of a Royal Flush too! ;) No, in all seriousness I appreciate your views and it looks like maybe I am in the minority and have been playing flush draws wrong. If so - then I am happy to learn from it. :) Anyone else got any views on it?
call from me too :ok
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Re: Hodgey's cash games

call from me too :ok
Cheers mate. :)
Had they both gone all in I'd call every time.
That's an interesting point mate and I did think afterwards perhaps I should have flat called in the hope of getting the other guy in the pot too. Another point I've just thought of though - what if I'd folded cos I don't have the odds and then the other guy calls? Tricky one that. :unsure Have been playing about a bit on poker calculators and have put three situations in: flushdrawtc5.jpg So obviously if I'd known he had aces I should fold. But I didn't know. A very possible hand is KQ - in which case I probably did have the odds seeing as the 3rd guy had put money in the pot too. Another hand, though not as likely to shove with in this instance, is 88. I think this is probably where the 50/50 ratio in my head has come from in the past. And one final possibility is he was drawing to a lower flush too, which I would beat most of the time, unless he pairs something and I don't. Still open to views on this - it's certainly made me think a bit more about flush draws. :ok
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Re: Hodgey's cash games Was looking like being one of those sessions after getting no action with KK, AA and AKs and losing a few small pots. Then a cheeky bluff (I don't normally! ;)) secured a nice pot and suddenly it all turned round and I ended the sesh $44 up. Feb 23rd +$44 Overall +$385 And the best thing is I'm finally back in profit for Feb. Its taken a while since those dark days on 3rd and 4th Feb but I've recouped all of the $192 loss. :)

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Recognising when to bluff can be very profitable Hodgey you need be up against a gd opponent who is able to recognise that you are representing extreme strength. Also it needs to be a flop that isn't likely to have hit your opponent, and must follow through with the bluff to the end.

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Re: Hodgey's cash games

Recognising when to bluff can be very profitable Hodgey you need be up against a gd opponent who is able to recognise that you are representing extreme strength. Also it needs to be a flop that isn't likely to have hit your opponent' date=' and must follow through with the bluff to the end.[/quote'] Totally agree mate. I think sometimes it's difficult to find a good opponent to do it against at my level (or maybe they just see straight through me! :lol) and I sometimes in the past failed to follow it through. But very satisfying when it comes off. :ok
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Re: Hodgey's cash games Played a short sesh last night on a very agressive table. My 1st hand cost me $15 after I misread my opponent thinking he was flushing. 2nd hand I flopped a straight but unfortunately hadn't reloaded in time so only got $35 from it. I then made trips to get to $45 up in about 5 minutes. A mistake by me cost $30, but then flopped another straight to finish $48 up in 20 minutes. Nice. :D Feb 24th +$48 Overall +$433

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Finished Feb last night with an hour sesh. Nothing much was happening until my flopped 2 pair was beaten by a higher 2 pair on the turn. Not much I could do about that I guess. :\ ** Game ID 1895182041 starting - 2008-02-29 19:36:50 ** Come with Me [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Flushyfish sitting in seat 1 with $52.23 - Tero1000 sitting in seat 2 with $20.94 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 3 with $44.51 [Dealer] - Koren87 sitting in seat 4 with $16.53 - LaParka sitting in seat 5 with $48.75 - Cardenden sitting in seat 6 with $34.09 Koren87 posted the small blind - $0.25 LaParka posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: 5 of Spades, 4 of Hearts Cardenden folded Flushyfish folded Tero1000 folded Sleekshot raised - $2.00 Koren87 called - $2.00 LaParka folded ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, 4 of Clubs Koren87 checked Sleekshot bet - $2.25 Koren87 called - $2.25 ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds Koren87 checked Sleekshot bet - $4.50 Koren87 called - $4.50 ** Dealing the river: King of Spades Koren87 went all-in - $8.03 Sleekshot called - $8.03 Koren87 shows: Ace of Spades, 10 of Diamonds Sleekshot mucks: 5 of Spades, 4 of Hearts Koren87 wins $32.36 from the main pot End of game 1895182041 Nothing much then happened for what seemed ages. All my draws were missing, no pairs until this: ** Game ID 1895258491 starting - 2008-02-29 20:18:06 ** Come with Me [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - thomasz sitting in seat 1 with $69.42 - Tero1000 sitting in seat 2 with $32.93 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 3 with $37.69 [Dealer] - ouiee sitting in seat 4 with $49.91 - Dennis_78 sitting in seat 5 with $51.33 - Cardenden sitting in seat 6 with $39.61 ouiee posted the small blind - $0.25 Dennis_78 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: 9 of Diamonds, 9 of Spades Cardenden folded thomasz called - $0.50 Tero1000 raised - $3.00 Sleekshot raised - $11.00 ouiee folded Dennis_78 folded thomasz folded Tero1000 called - $11.00 ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Hearts, 10 of Clubs, Ace of Spades Tero1000 checked Sleekshot checked ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Clubs Tero1000 bet - $11.62 Sleekshot called - $11.62 ** Dealing the river: 5 of Spades Tero1000 went all-in - $10.31 Sleekshot called - $10.31 Tero1000 shows: Ace of Clubs, King of Hearts Sleekshot shows: 9 of Diamonds, 9 of Spades Sleekshot wins $64.11 from the main pot End of game 1895258491 A perfect flop, and then even better turn. :D The final key hand came when someone limped in early with AK and my K8 in the BB beat him. ** Game ID 1895288440 starting - 2008-02-29 20:32:56 ** Come with Me [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - thomasz sitting in seat 1 with $57.92 [Dealer] - Tero1000 sitting in seat 2 with $65.02 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 3 with $79.60 - JIMHOVA sitting in seat 4 with $37.95 - Blaze_ sitting in seat 5 with $51.68 - Cardenden sitting in seat 6 with $24.80 Tero1000 posted the small blind - $0.25 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: King of Clubs, 8 of Clubs JIMHOVA folded Blaze_ folded Cardenden called - $0.50 thomasz folded Tero1000 folded Sleekshot checked ** Dealing the flop: 3 of Diamonds, King of Spades, 5 of Spades Sleekshot checked Cardenden checked ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Hearts Sleekshot bet - $1.25 Cardenden raised - $2.50 Sleekshot raised - $5.00 Cardenden went all-in - $21.80 Sleekshot called - $24.30 ** Dealing the river: 4 of Diamonds Cardenden shows: King of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds Sleekshot shows: King of Clubs, 8 of Clubs Sleekshot wins $47.36 from the main pot End of game 1895288440 I only played last night in the hope of getting the $29 leap year bonus from Stan James but ended up with $36 profit instead! :D Feb 29th +$36 Overall +$469

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Re: Hodgey's cash games So another month completed and after a horrendous start I have to be pretty pleased to finish it $100 up. 12 days played and 3 losing days so again not bad. Just need to remove the big loss days now.

A couple of summaries:
10c/20c18 hrs 43 mins$538.00$669.56$131.56$7.03
25c/50c31 hrs 38 mins$2,712.25$3,049.73$337.48$10.67
Total50 hrs 21 mins$3,250.25$3,719.29$469.04$9.32
Dec-0724 hrs 19 mins$973.00$1,225.03$252.03$10.36
Jan-0815 hrs 45 mins$1,377.80$1,492.15$114.35$7.26
Feb-0810 hrs 17 mins$899.45$1,002.11$102.66$9.98
Total50 hrs 21 mins$3,250.25$3,719.29$469.04$9.32
And have also received $45 in rakeback now. I won't include that in my running stats but it's a nice addition.
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Re: Hodgey's cash games Nice to start the month off with a winning hour. :ok Nothing really eventful happened. I guess this was the best hand profit wise. Kinda played itself though: ** Game ID 1896299001 starting - 2008-03-01 13:23:23 ** Bootylicious Vinyl [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Maxxxan sitting in seat 1 with $72.18 [Dealer] - Sleekshot sitting in seat 3 with $52.00 - Deizoo sitting in seat 4 with $48.25 - poccis sitting in seat 5 with $70.08 - hannes10 sitting in seat 6 with $16.01 Sleekshot posted the small blind - $0.25 Deizoo posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Jack of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds poccis folded hannes10 called - $0.50 Maxxxan folded Sleekshot called - $0.50 Deizoo checked ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Spades, 8 of Clubs, 7 of Hearts Sleekshot checked Deizoo checked hannes10 checked ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Clubs Sleekshot checked Deizoo checked hannes10 bet - $1.50 Sleekshot called - $1.50 Deizoo folded ** Dealing the river: Queen of Diamonds Sleekshot bet - $2.25 hannes10 raised - $5.62 Sleekshot went all-in - $48.00 hannes10 went all-in - $8.39 hannes10 shows: Queen of Spades, King of Clubs Sleekshot shows: Jack of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds Sleekshot wins $30.90 from the main pot End of game 1896299001 Mar 1st +$28 Overall +$497

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Half hour sesh last night resulting in $4 profit. Lost $39 on a bluff, which I carried through to the river when I thought he was flushing. :$ Then my KK got busted on the river with this junk: :puke ** Game ID 1905222594 starting - 2008-03-06 20:16:51 ** Of A Broken Heart [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - ma6inata sitting in seat 1 with $124.73 - raider-bg sitting in seat 2 with $29.76 - warningshoot sitting in seat 3 with $45.75 [Dealer] - saintoza sitting in seat 4 with $51.45 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 5 with $53.03 - HesBigHesRed sitting in seat 6 with $21.64 saintoza posted the small blind - $0.25 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: King of Spades, King of Hearts HesBigHesRed called - $0.50 ma6inata folded raider-bg folded warningshoot folded saintoza called - $0.50 Sleekshot bet - $2.50 HesBigHesRed called - $2.50 saintoza folded ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 6 of Spades, Queen of Hearts Sleekshot checked HesBigHesRed bet - $1.37 Sleekshot raised - $4.80 HesBigHesRed went all-in - $17.77 Sleekshot called - $19.14 ** Dealing the turn: 6 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 5 of Diamonds HesBigHesRed shows: 5 of Spades, Queen of Spades Sleekshot mucks: King of Spades, King of Hearts HesBigHesRed wins $41.60 from the main pot End of game 1905222594 But then very next hand against the same muppet got it all back. Particularly pleased with my overbet on the river! :lol ** Game ID 1905224671 starting - 2008-03-06 20:17:28 ** Of A Broken Heart [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - ma6inata sitting in seat 1 with $124.73 - raider-bg sitting in seat 2 with $29.76 - warningshoot sitting in seat 3 with $45.75 - saintoza sitting in seat 4 with $51.20 [Dealer] - Sleekshot sitting in seat 5 with $31.64 - HesBigHesRed sitting in seat 6 with $41.10 Sleekshot posted the small blind - $0.25 HesBigHesRed posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: 5 of Spades, 9 of Spades ma6inata folded raider-bg folded warningshoot folded saintoza folded Sleekshot called - $0.50 HesBigHesRed checked ** Dealing the flop: 3 of Hearts, 6 of Diamonds, 7 of Spades Sleekshot checked HesBigHesRed checked ** Dealing the turn: King of Spades Sleekshot checked HesBigHesRed checked ** Dealing the river: 4 of Spades Sleekshot went all-in - $31.39 HesBigHesRed called - $31.39 Sleekshot shows: 5 of Spades, 9 of Spades HesBigHesRed mucks: Sleekshot wins $60.78 from the main pot End of game 1905224671 And a few mins later got all my cash back from him with this: ** Game ID 1905229380 starting - 2008-03-06 20:19:09 ** Of A Broken Heart [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - raider-bg sitting in seat 2 with $27.76 [Dealer] - warningshoot sitting in seat 3 with $45.00 - saintoza sitting in seat 4 with $54.63 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 5 with $60.78 - HesBigHesRed sitting in seat 6 with $7.96 warningshoot posted the small blind - $0.25 saintoza posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds Sleekshot raised - $2.00 HesBigHesRed went all-in - $7.96 raider-bg folded warningshoot folded saintoza folded Sleekshot called - $7.96 ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Clubs, 9 of Spades, Queen of Spades ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Spades ** Dealing the river: 6 of Clubs HesBigHesRed shows: 7 of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts Sleekshot shows: Ace of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds Sleekshot wins $15.84 from the main pot End of game 1905229380 Then this little straight put me back into the black for the night: ** Game ID 1905243221 starting - 2008-03-06 20:25:40 ** Of A Broken Heart [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DeeKay77 sitting in seat 1 with $18.83 - raider-bg sitting in seat 2 with $23.26 [Dealer] - warningshoot sitting in seat 3 with $45.54 - saintoza sitting in seat 4 with $54.63 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 5 with $68.79 - walshyo4 sitting in seat 6 with $23.92 warningshoot posted the small blind - $0.25 saintoza posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: 6 of Spades, 7 of Spades Sleekshot called - $0.50 walshyo4 raised - $1.00 DeeKay77 called - $1.00 raider-bg folded warningshoot folded saintoza called - $1.00 Sleekshot called - $1.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Spades, 8 of Hearts, 5 of Diamonds saintoza checked Sleekshot checked walshyo4 bet - $1.50 DeeKay77 called - $1.50 saintoza folded Sleekshot called - $1.50 ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Hearts Sleekshot checked walshyo4 bet - $2.24 DeeKay77 called - $2.24 Sleekshot raised - $8.85 walshyo4 called - $8.85 DeeKay77 folded ** Dealing the river: 10 of Diamonds Sleekshot bet - $14.34 walshyo4 went all-in - $12.57 Sleekshot shows: 6 of Spades, 7 of Spades walshyo4 mucks: Sleekshot wins $51.14 from the main pot End of game 1905243221 So an entertaining half hour, with no damage done in the end. Mar 6th +$4 Overall +$492

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Re: Hodgey's cash games :wall A very poor session yesterday. Made one huge error which cost me a buy-in. Ground my way back to about $20 down when dealt KK. Only to get outdrawn on the turn, and then not good enough to fold even though I suspected he might have the straight. ** Game ID 1912050353 starting - 2008-03-10 22:12:10 ** Feel This Way [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Bikkosos sitting in seat 1 with $87.79 - ma6inata sitting in seat 2 with $167.33 - P18 sitting in seat 3 with $40.22 [Dealer] - h01aer sitting in seat 4 with $45.63 - _Slaughter_ sitting in seat 5 with $29.78 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 6 with $82.56 h01aer posted the small blind - $0.25 _Slaughter_ posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: King of Diamonds, King of Clubs Sleekshot called - $0.50 Bikkosos folded ma6inata folded P18 called - $0.50 h01aer folded _Slaughter_ bet - $1.50 Sleekshot raised - $4.50 P18 called - $4.50 _Slaughter_ called - $4.50 ** Dealing the flop: King of Spades, 6 of Hearts, 10 of Clubs _Slaughter_ checked Sleekshot checked P18 bet - $3.00 _Slaughter_ folded Sleekshot called - $3.00 ** Dealing the turn: Queen of Clubs Sleekshot checked P18 bet - $7.72 Sleekshot raised - $20.00 P18 went all-in - $25.00 Sleekshot called - $32.72 ** Dealing the river: 3 of Hearts P18 shows: Ace of Clubs, Jack of Clubs Sleekshot shows: King of Diamonds, King of Clubs P18 wins $82.19 from the main pot End of game 1912050353 Sets just aren't happening for me at the moment. Earlier I flopped a set of 2's against 2 callers but no action at all. And then to rub it in right at the end of the sesh, my Ace paired only to be beaten by a set of Jacks. :( So a poor day, which puts March into the red. Mar 10th -$91 Overall +$427

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Awful session last night resulting in a $150 loss. Things really conspiring against me at present. 4 key things yesterday: 88 beaten by AA on a 6 high board -$38 Ace high flush beaten by Full House -$38 2 pair rivered by a set -$18 AA beaten by 44 -$34 I don't think I'm playing any differently to how I have been, but if I'm not then I'm suffering from some serious short-term variance swing. And at the end of the day I've wiped out nearly 2 months profit in 2 days. :sad Am really gutted again. It's not so much the money, but the fact that I really wanted to make a go of cash games this time round. I shall continue with it mainly cos I'm only a few loyalty points short of releasing a $50 bonus but I'm not sure if I have a long-term future at it. :unsure Hats off to you guys who consistently win at the cash tables. :clap Any tips gratefully received. Mar 11th -$150 :( Overall +$277

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