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Hodgey's cash games


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I too was inspired by the mole late last year and decided to give shorthanded cash another go. I will keep it all in here from now on. ;) Here's a short summary of how it's gone so far: Dec-07 +$252 Of which most of it was played on 0.10c/0.20c table giving $132 and the rest on 0.25c/0.50c giving $120 So I've stuck with the 0.25c/0.50c table but it's not going so well this month, mainly due to a poor session on the 6th: Jan 1st +$14 Jan 2nd +$19 Jan 6th -$153 Jan 6th (2) +$49 Jan 8th +$2 Jan 9th +$31 Jan 12th +$6 Jan -$32 Overall +$220

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Re: Hodgey's cash games 2 sessions today. First one this afternoon I went from $20 up to finish $9 down. That was 2 sessions in a row that had happened - I preferred it when I started off losing and then fought back! :loon Then another one just now yielded $43 profit. So Jan 13th +$34 Jan +$2 - back in the black for the month. :) Overall +$254

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Re: Hodgey's cash games

Good Luck Mate.:hope Stay focused and disciplined:ok
Cheers mate. :) Just played at Nordic for a bit to get my raked hand for tomorrow - and made a dollar too! :lol So it's now Jan 13th +$35 Jan +$3 - back in the black for the month. :) Overall +$255
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Re: Hodgey's cash games Got my $50 up to about $70 with some solid play. Was going to stop there after the last couple of sessions where I give it all back. Stuck with what i was doing and then these two hands came along. :D ** Game ID 1816208237 starting - 2008-01-14 20:47:38 ** Big Shot [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - rob264 sitting in seat 1 with $23.17 [Dealer] - Cashgirl sitting in seat 2 with $15.70 - keano_sk sitting in seat 3 with $9.12 - PokerleonE sitting in seat 4 with $68.50 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 5 with $76.18 - porta76 sitting in seat 6 with $86.68 Cashgirl posted the small blind - $0.25 keano_sk posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds PokerleonE folded Sleekshot raised - $2.00 porta76 folded rob264 folded Cashgirl folded keano_sk called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: Jack of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds, 8 of Clubs keano_sk went all-in - $7.62 Sleekshot called - $7.62 ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 6 of Diamonds keano_sk shows: King of Spades, Jack of Diamonds Sleekshot shows: Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds Sleekshot wins $18.52 from the main pot ______________________________________________________________ ** Game ID 1816212522 starting - 2008-01-14 20:50:17 ** Big Shot [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - rob264 sitting in seat 1 with $23.17 [Dealer] - Cashgirl sitting in seat 2 with $14.95 - fylleangst sitting in seat 3 with $49.00 - PokerleonE sitting in seat 4 with $71.78 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 5 with $83.33 - porta76 sitting in seat 6 with $85.93 Cashgirl posted the small blind - $0.25 fylleangst posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Jack of Hearts, Jack of Spades PokerleonE folded Sleekshot raised - $2.00 porta76 folded rob264 called - $2.00 Cashgirl folded fylleangst folded ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Spades, 7 of Clubs, 2 of Clubs Sleekshot bet - $4.00 rob264 called - $4.00 ** Dealing the turn: 2 of Hearts Sleekshot bet - $12.00 rob264 called - $12.00 ** Dealing the river: 4 of Diamonds Sleekshot bet - $18.37 rob264 went all-in - $5.17 Sleekshot shows: Jack of Hearts, Jack of Spades rob264 mucks: Sleekshot wins $44.74 from the main pot That was probably my most solid session so far. Felt in control, stayed disciplined with no rash moves and it paid dividends in the end. Happy with that. Jan 14th +$55 Overall +$310

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Re: Hodgey's cash games A weird session earlier. It was a pretty loose table and I ended up playing rather loose too. :\ Throw in: a bit of sledging; AK being beaten by 88 preflop after raise, raise ,re-raise, all-in; then AT getting it all back 2 hands later; AA on the button getting no action; and I ended up $16 after 67 fast and furious mins! :loon Jan 19th +$16 Overall +$348

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Re: Hodgey's cash games A topsy turvy day. Played this afternoon far too loosely and lost $74. Walked away for a bit, then went back for another stint and recouped $23. Then had another go this evening and got another $27 back. So overall it's a loss of $24. I think I should stop playing Sunday afternoon's! Jan 20th -$24 Overall +$323

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Re: Hodgey's cash games First hand this afternoon: ** Game ID 1835698295 starting - 2008-01-26 14:37:19 ** Bayu [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Sleekshot sitting in seat 1 with $49.50 - RealDev sitting in seat 2 with $51.67 - porta76 sitting in seat 3 with $49.00 - JoWicked sitting in seat 4 with $44.93 [Dealer] - Monkeyman25 sitting in seat 5 with $49.75 [sitting out] - ABLONDET sitting in seat 6 with $65.32 ABLONDET posted the small blind - $0.25 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs RealDev folded porta76 folded JoWicked called - $0.50 ABLONDET folded Sleekshot bet - $2.00 JoWicked called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: King of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, 5 of Spades Sleekshot bet - $2.12 JoWicked called - $2.12 ** Dealing the turn: 6 of Clubs Sleekshot bet - $4.24 JoWicked called - $4.24 ** Dealing the river: Queen of Spades Sleekshot bet - $8.48 JoWicked raised - $33.92 Sleekshot went all-in - $33.16 JoWicked went all-in - $2.65 JoWicked shows: 5 of Diamonds, 6 of Spades Sleekshot mucks: Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs JoWicked wins $87.11 from the main pot End of game 1835698295 :puke So $45 down. Then this: ** Game ID 1835713182 starting - 2008-01-26 14:48:07 ** Bayu [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Sleekshot sitting in seat 1 with $67.02 - RealDev sitting in seat 2 with $52.17 - porta76 sitting in seat 3 with $47.00 [Dealer] - Funkyfredik sitting in seat 4 with $36.75 - Monkeyman25 sitting in seat 5 with $49.50 - ABLONDET sitting in seat 6 with $65.82 Funkyfredik posted the small blind - $0.25 Monkeyman25 posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Diamonds, 3 of Diamonds ABLONDET folded Sleekshot called - $0.50 RealDev raised - $2.25 porta76 folded Funkyfredik folded Monkeyman25 folded Sleekshot called - $2.25 ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds Sleekshot checked RealDev bet - $4.00 Sleekshot called - $4.00 ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs Sleekshot checked RealDev bet - $10.00 Sleekshot raised - $20.00 RealDev went all-in - $35.92 Sleekshot called - $45.92 ** Dealing the river: 9 of Spades RealDev shows: Ace of Spades, King of Clubs Sleekshot mucks: Ace of Diamonds, 3 of Diamonds RealDev wins $102.09 from the main pot End of game 1835713182 This is poor play from me I know. I called the raise in the hope of the flush, not pairing my ace. Called the flop bet for two reasons - it may have been a C-bet, and there was one diamond. The turn is a killer for me - the other ace on the board suggests he doesn't have one. His all-in suggests he did and I should have folded there (or probably way before actually). Still, writing it here should hopefully stop me doing it again. :spank In between those hands, I got a few dollars back, so I'm $70 down at this stage. :( But a flush beat someone's 2 pair to get $50 back and some other smaller pots meant I ended up $5. Settle for that after a poor start. Jan 26th +$5 Overall +$344

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Re: Hodgey's cash games

Nice going so far Hodgey.
Cheers mate. Must admit it's been tougher than I thought it'd be. That's probably cos I hit a bit of a purple patch at the end of December and perhaps thought it was easy. Plus I've also had 2 nightmare sessions in Jan costing $152 & $74 respectively so I guess to be up $100 in Jan overall is not bad considering. Played 2 sessions today. First one finished $12 down mainly due to one very poor play from me which I can only put down to boredom/frustration due to lack of cards. I must remove that from my game. Second session was better and finished $21 up. I had a few situations where I've hit a pair and drawing at the nuts/much stronger holdings but never got paid off big with them. Like these: Hand 1 ** Game ID 1838193076 starting - 2008-01-27 20:14:19 ** Fribourg [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - dartdenta sitting in seat 1 with $72.37 - Modean sitting in seat 2 with $11.32 - MrUrin666 sitting in seat 3 with $68.87 [Dealer] - Sleekshot sitting in seat 4 with $49.25 - sweetmaria sitting in seat 5 with $27.43 - donaldino sitting in seat 6 with $49.71 Sleekshot posted the small blind - $0.25 sweetmaria posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Spades, Queen of Clubs donaldino folded dartdenta folded Modean called - $0.50 MrUrin666 called - $0.50 Sleekshot raised - $2.50 sweetmaria folded Modean folded MrUrin666 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the flop: King of Spades, Queen of Spades, 6 of Spades Sleekshot bet - $3.00 MrUrin666 folded Sleekshot mucks: Sleekshot wins $8.70 from the main pot End of game 1838193076 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hand 2 ** Game ID 1838220312 starting - 2008-01-27 20:23:30 ** Fribourg [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - dartdenta sitting in seat 1 with $73.56 - Modean sitting in seat 2 with $13.49 - MrUrin666 sitting in seat 3 with $66.17 [Dealer] - Sleekshot sitting in seat 4 with $51.20 - sweetmaria sitting in seat 5 with $26.88 - donaldino sitting in seat 6 with $44.08 [sitting out] Sleekshot posted the small blind - $0.25 sweetmaria posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Ace of Clubs, 5 of Clubs dartdenta folded Modean folded MrUrin666 called - $0.50 Sleekshot raised - $2.50 sweetmaria folded MrUrin666 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Diamonds, King of Clubs, 2 of Spades Sleekshot bet - $2.75 MrUrin666 called - $2.75 ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Clubs donaldino was disconnected Sleekshot bet - $11.00 MrUrin666 folded Sleekshot mucks: Ace of Clubs, 5 of Clubs Sleekshot mucks: Sleekshot wins $21.45 from the main pot End of game 1838220312 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hand 3 ** Game ID 1838244219 starting - 2008-01-27 20:32:00 ** Fribourg [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - dartdenta sitting in seat 1 with $69.92 - Modean sitting in seat 2 with $27.92 [Dealer] - MrUrin666 sitting in seat 3 with $54.10 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 4 with $54.05 - sweetmaria sitting in seat 5 with $24.88 - zblodge sitting in seat 6 with $48.00 MrUrin666 posted the small blind - $0.25 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: 8 of Hearts, 6 of Hearts sweetmaria folded zblodge folded dartdenta called - $0.50 Modean called - $0.50 MrUrin666 called - $0.50 Sleekshot checked ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Clubs, King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts MrUrin666 checked Sleekshot bet - $1.00 dartdenta called - $1.00 Modean called - $1.00 MrUrin666 folded ** Dealing the turn: 7 of Hearts Sleekshot checked dartdenta checked Modean checked ** Dealing the river: 4 of Spades Sleekshot checked dartdenta bet - $2.50 Modean folded Sleekshot raised - $6.25 dartdenta called - $6.25 Sleekshot shows: 8 of Hearts, 6 of Hearts dartdenta mucks: Sleekshot wins $16.63 from the main pot End of game 1838244219 --------------------------------------------------------------- Hand 4 ** Game ID 1838258833 starting - 2008-01-27 20:37:17 ** Fribourg [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - dartdenta sitting in seat 1 with $99.30 [sitting out] - Modean sitting in seat 2 with $23.67 - MrUrin666 sitting in seat 3 with $52.69 [Dealer] - Sleekshot sitting in seat 4 with $62.43 - sweetmaria sitting in seat 5 with $19.69 - zblodge sitting in seat 6 with $48.19 Sleekshot posted the small blind - $0.25 sweetmaria posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: Jack of Diamonds, King of Diamonds zblodge folded Modean called - $0.50 MrUrin666 called - $0.50 Sleekshot raised - $2.50 sweetmaria folded Modean folded MrUrin666 called - $2.50 ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds Sleekshot checked MrUrin666 checked ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Diamonds Sleekshot bet - $3.00 MrUrin666 folded Sleekshot mucks: Jack of Diamonds, King of Diamonds Sleekshot mucks: Sleekshot wins $8.70 from the main pot End of game 1838258833 ------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure if I'm playing this sort of hand wrongly. Thought anyone? Jan 27th +$9 Overall +$353
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Re: Hodgey's cash games Hey hows it going on Prima lately Hodgey? I been playing a bit back there lately at 0.25/0.50 and 0.50/1.00, "variance" been killing me but I'm up $200 for the week, would love to see how much I should be up though lol. You found any really fishy players? I have a few names if you want 'em, but I don't get how the buddy list works, looks like you have to get them to accept an invite in order to add them which isn't ideal and doesn't help game selection. Any ideas? Cheers, Rob

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Re: Hodgey's cash games

Hey hows it going on Prima lately Hodgey? I been playing a bit back there lately at 0.25/0.50 and 0.50/1.00, "variance" been killing me but I'm up $200 for the week, would love to see how much I should be up though lol. You found any really fishy players? I have a few names if you want 'em, but I don't get how the buddy list works, looks like you have to get them to accept an invite in order to add them which isn't ideal and doesn't help game selection. Any ideas? Cheers, Rob
Hi mate. Nice going to be $200 up for the week. :ok I haven't had time to play much this week - just that sole 15 mins on Monday. I don't write any notes down, but I do use the colour coding buttons at the table and I have a few with a green tick on them. The trouble is of course I can only find them by opening all the tables up - maybe I should write a list. Sure, PM the names you have if you like and I'll see if I recognise any of them (hope I'm not one of them! :$) and see if I have them as green next time I'm in. I can then send you back my list as I compile it if you like?
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Re: Hodgey's cash games So my end total for January was $114 profit. As said earlier, I was a little disappointed with that but considering I had two sessions giving a combined loss of $227 I'll settle for that. I played 22 days in Jan and only had 2 losing days, so again fairly happy. The ironic thing is this was gonna be the year I really gave cash a go, and after one month I have made a small profit but Jan was my best ever month for MTT winnings with $700 profit! :D A couple of summaries:

10c/20c18 hrs 43 mins$538.00$669.56$131.56$7.03
25c/50c21 hrs 21 mins$1812.80$2047.62$234.82$11.00
Dec-0724 hrs 19 mins$973.00$1,225.03$252.03$10.36
Jan-0815 hrs 45 mins$1,377.80$1,492.15$114.35$7.26
Let's see what February brings...
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Re: Hodgey's cash games

So my end total for January was $114 profit. As said earlier, I was a little disappointed with that but considering I had two sessions giving a combined loss of $227 I'll settle for that. I played 22 days in Jan and only had 2 losing days, so again fairly happy. The ironic thing is this was gonna be the year I really gave cash a go, and after one month I have made a small profit but Jan was my best ever month for MTT winnings with $700 profit! :D A couple of summaries:
10c/20c18 hrs 43 mins$538.00$669.56$131.56$7.03
25c/50c21 hrs 21 mins$1812.80$2047.62$234.82$11.00
Dec-0724 hrs 19 mins$973.00$1,225.03$252.03$10.36
Jan-0815 hrs 45 mins$1,377.80$1,492.15$114.35$7.26
Let's see what February brings...
well done mate only 2 losing days is an excellent run,good luck for feb :hope:hope:hope
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Re: Hodgey's cash games DO you use PokerTracker on Prima? (You should - it's one network where you really should) You can have something like 8 or 12 tables open at a time, and Pokertracker will collect data as an observor - leave it running for a few days and you'll start to build up a database - then you'll start to be able to see the fish in PokerAce/Gametime + without restricting yourse;ves to the fish you've seen...... I'm building a database in Ladbrokes at the moment (with half an eye on a future cash challenge) and can see players like these in the database (at 25c/50c NL) Player 1 Played 8,891 Hands BB/100 (16.70) Total Profit/Loss ($742.20) Player 2 Played 1,159 Hands BB/100 (116.22) Total Profit/Loss ($673.51) W$/SD 30.30% Player 3 Played 1,455 BB/100 (81.26) Total Profit/Loss ($591.19) VP$IP 64.54% And there are loads of players like these......

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Well a bit of a nightmate yesterday. The first hour I was a couple of dollars up. Made 1 mistake which cost me $19, but apart from that was happy with my play. I then chased a flush draw which missed, plus a couple of straight draws which again missed. Then another mistake which cost about $20. After analysing my hands, both mistakes stem from calling raises with suited cards (A2 & K7). In the cold light of day I know that I am only playing these cards looking for a flush, but I keep getting into trouble when I make a pair. Incidentally the A2 was beaten by AQ on an AQx board, and the K7 was beaten by AK on a K55 board - although I did get away from the second one eventually. I then made the cardinal sin of tilting largely and ended up walking into Aces. So instead of losing around $65 dollars I lost $112 and am back to square one for the year. I guess if I ignore the tilt and look at it as a session of missed draws - on another day maybe they hit and I win $65 - then it's possibly just variance. However I am beginning to wonder whether I'm just not good enough to play cash games. I certainly need to remove the mistakes - I'm aware I'm making them I just need to get away from them in the heat of the battle. Feb 3rd -$112 Overall +$254

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Re: Hodgey's cash games I must admit I still haven't got round to buying my PT licence, so no I don't have GT running. And after yesterday's performance I really don't feel inclined to part with $55 at the moment either.

DO you use PokerTracker on Prima? (You should - it's one network where you really should) You can have something like 8 or 12 tables open at a time, and Pokertracker will collect data as an observor - leave it running for a few days and you'll start to build up a database - then you'll start to be able to see the fish in PokerAce/Gametime + without restricting yourse;ves to the fish you've seen...... I'm building a database in Ladbrokes at the moment (with half an eye on a future cash challenge) and can see players like these in the database (at 25c/50c NL) Player 1 Played 8,891 Hands BB/100 (16.70) Total Profit/Loss ($742.20) Player 2 Played 1,159 Hands BB/100 (116.22) Total Profit/Loss ($673.51) W$/SD 30.30% Player 3 Played 1,455 BB/100 (81.26) Total Profit/Loss ($591.19) VP$IP 64.54% And there are loads of players like these......
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Re: Hodgey's cash games

I must admit I still haven't got round to buying my PT licence' date= so no I don't have GT running. And after yesterday's performance I really don't feel inclined to part with $55 at the moment either.
You could always sign up to a rewards site which offers PT as part of the signup... thats what I did when I was in to cash games. Aldric
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Re: Hodgey's cash games Another bad day. ** Game ID 1852687283 starting - 2008-02-04 21:20:58 ** Erlangen [Hold 'em] (0.25|0.50 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - steef_79 sitting in seat 1 with $47.77 - yantheman10k sitting in seat 2 with $50.36 [Dealer] - Im_Back sitting in seat 3 with $49.25 - Sleekshot sitting in seat 4 with $53.66 - venegar sitting in seat 5 with $21.64 - Fireblade187 sitting in seat 6 with $86.58 Im_Back posted the small blind - $0.25 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to Sleekshot: King of Clubs, 7 of Clubs venegar raised - $2.00 Fireblade187 folded steef_79 folded yantheman10k called - $2.00 Im_Back folded Sleekshot called - $2.00 ** Dealing the flop: King of Spades, 6 of Clubs, 10 of Clubs Sleekshot checked venegar bet - $3.50 yantheman10k raised - $7.00 Sleekshot raised - $27.25 venegar went all-in - $16.14 yantheman10k called - $27.25 ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Spades Sleekshot went all-in - $24.91 yantheman10k went all-in - $21.11 ** Dealing the river: 5 of Spades Sleekshot shows: King of Clubs, 7 of Clubs yantheman10k shows: Ace of Clubs, King of Hearts venegar shows: 10 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds yantheman10k wins $57.44 from side pot 1 venegar wins $62.17 from the main pot End of game 1852687283 You could argue that I shouldn't have called, esp after what I wrote about suited cards, however this is the flop I am playing them for. I can live with that, although it would be nice to hit a draw once in a while. The rest of the session I'm playing ok but I get no action with my PP's, my flushes are not paid when they do hit and when I get a small blind special to get 2 pair versus AJ on a Ace high board, the board pairs and I lose again. Am thoroughly fcuked off with this game at the moment. Maybe I am just shit at it.

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Re: Hodgey's cash games Had a few days off. Played (and won :tongue2) a PL Omaha tourney last night to cheer me up. And decided to have a little go again just now. For once the majority of things went my way and I finished $65 up in 35 mins. Hopefully this is the start of the (long) road to recovery. :) Feb 9th +$65 Overall +$239

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