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A chair but no chip


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The most peculiar thing happened. After I got knocked out of the PLOPS final, I was playing a 3-table SnG on Virgin while I watched the more successful PLOPPERs. I got knocked out at the 50/100 blind level when I was all in with QQ v 1010 and he hit a 10 on the turn. I think it told me I was out before I closed the table, but anyway I've checked the HH and I did lose all my chips. About 15 minutes later, a table suddenly opened with me on it, with 150/300 blinds, and I had 1340 chips! Several of the same players as before, so obviously the same tournament. It looked as though it had just got down to the last two tables. I trebled up shortly afterwards, and made the final table, but was eliminated for the second time in 9th. Anybody else come across this?

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Re: A chair but no chip

What it was Slap' date=' I felt so guilty at busting you out that I hacked into the software and gave u a seat in a sitngo forgot to tell you though:ok.[/quote'] I have to admit, that was one explanation which had just not occurred to me.
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Re: A chair but no chip ***** Hand 907917713 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 13 January 2008 16:30:01 Holdem 3 Table (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: BISL03 (1815.00) Seat 2: CYRC (835.00) Seat 3: MFK863 (1385.00) Seat 4: drash001 (1430.00) Seat 5: doclazy (2420.00) Seat 6: soudara000 (3440.00) Seat 8: slapdash1 (1515.00) Seat 9: CrisFer (3610.00) Seat 10: FIGHTERS (1550.00) doclazy post SB 50.00 soudara000 post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** BISL03 [N/A, N/A] CYRC [N/A, N/A] MFK863 [N/A, N/A] drash001 [N/A, N/A] doclazy [N/A, N/A] soudara000 [N/A, N/A] slapdash1 [Qs, Qd] CrisFer [N/A, N/A] FIGHTERS [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** slapdash1 Raise to 300.00 CrisFer Fold FIGHTERS Raise to 500.00 BISL03 Fold CYRC Fold MFK863 Fold drash001 Fold doclazy Fold soudara000 Call 500.00 slapdash1 Call 500.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [3h, 7d, 4s] *** Bet Round 2 *** soudara000 Check slapdash1 All-in 1015.00 FIGHTERS Call 1015.00 soudara000 Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [3h, 7d, 4s, 10s] *** River(Board): *** : [3h, 7d, 4s, 10s, 2s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3580.00 BISL03 Fold Win: 0.00 CYRC Fold Win: 0.00 MFK863 Fold Win: 0.00 drash001 Fold Win: 0.00 doclazy Fold Win: 0.00 soudara000 Fold Win: 0.00 slapdash1 [Qs, Qd] Pair of queens Win: 0.00 CrisFer Fold Win: 0.00 FIGHTERS [10c, 10h] Three of a kind, tens Win: 3580.00

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Re: A chair but no chip And here's the hand where I re-appeared. I started another SnG after getting knocked out of this one, and there are hands from that in my HH between these two hands, but they all have blinds of 15/30 and 25/50. ***** Hand 907944714 ***** 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 13 January 2008 16:44:46 Holdem 3 Table (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: xinler (2200.00) Seat 2: SKRrUuuubB (4655.00) Seat 3: Petitos (580.00) Seat 4: FIGHTERS (1500.00) Seat 5: 1962JB (3030.00) Seat 6: drash001 (1375.00) Seat 7: slapdash1 (1340.00) Seat 8: VOMJAHB (4520.00) Seat 9: snoopy 9 (0.00) Seat 10: Spike_4 (1980.00) Spike_4 post SB 150.00 xinler post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** xinler [N/A, N/A] SKRrUuuubB [N/A, N/A] Petitos [N/A, N/A] 1962JB [N/A, N/A] VOMJAHB [N/A, N/A] snoopy 9 [N/A, N/A] Spike_4 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** SKRrUuuubB Fold Petitos Fold 1962JB Fold VOMJAHB Fold snoopy 9 All-in 1170.00 Spike_4 Fold xinler Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 750.00 xinler Fold Win: 0.00 SKRrUuuubB Fold Win: 0.00 Petitos Fold Win: 0.00 FIGHTERS [N/A, N/A] Highest card Win: 0.00 1962JB Fold Win: 0.00 drash001 [N/A, N/A] Highest card Win: 0.00 slapdash1 [N/A, N/A] Highest card Win: 0.00 VOMJAHB Fold Win: 0.00 snoopy 9 By default Win: 750.00 Spike_4 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: A chair but no chip Ok - yes you're definitely out in the first hand!!!! Just remembered someone reported a bug on Boss - where they entered a SnG and they had two STTs open with the same players (but were only charged once IIRC) - if the same happened to you - but only one table opened - you were eliminated from that, but still going in the second one, as a sit out (till you moved table)... I would have expected you to lose more that 160 chips as a sit out, UNLESS the table hadn't opened for anyone, and you were all sat out until the new table opened :unsure

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Re: A chair but no chip

I would have expected you to lose more that 160 chips as a sit out, UNLESS the table hadn't opened for anyone, and you were all sat out until the new table opened :unsure
But in that case, nobody would have been eliminated from my table, and we'd all have about 1500 chips. Also, nobody made any comment in chat (well, that includes me, so I suppose that doesn't prove anything ... but you'd think somebody would have said something). Anyway, I've sent them an email. I'll post here if I get an enlightening reply.
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Re: A chair but no chip No information yet except that they're investigating it. But they've refunded my buy-in! :loon Not quite sure why I deserve a refund for a tournament where I was knocked out fair and square and then got a second chance, but I'm not complaining. :rollin

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