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gazza's cash game's 2008

Guest gazza271

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Guest gazza271

Ok this is intended to act as my bankroll yardstick,post any hands that I think I played well or I think were bad beats (eh GaF ;)) etc. I am fairly new to cash games so feel free at any stage to offer advice/criticism (constructive :lol). Just before Christmas I withdraw most of my bankroll for shopping :\ but hey,it was a good Christmas:beer:beer:beer:beer. I think I had a couple of hundred Euro's left in Virgin and Paradise but for the sake of easyiness (is that a word) I will include them in 2008 figures :ok The main sites I intend playing at are Virgin and Paradise. I will also look at all my old accounts and if there is $20 or over I try building on that, lower than that I will withdraw to Neteller. I deposited into VC for the PL exclusive game, $50 so I will also be playing there. Below are the current figures and I will try and update after each session :ok. I will just add that I have also in the last week withdrawn from Paradise and Virgin. Got a little confused (:beer:beer) and I think their balance is both showing 0.00 so will need to make a deposit back from Neteller :\ The figures for below will be the 2008 figures :ok The withdrawals to neteller and deposit to VC;

Jan 10 10:06WebDollar- £733.06GBP
Jan 10 08:07Sportingbet.com- £300.00GBP
Both above are withdrawals :ok Deposit to VC;
Jan 07 10:52Victor Chandler International£30.00- GBP
That makes a total so far of +1003.06GBP. I will use the 1£ = 2$ for easyiness :ok. The total looks good to start the year but bear in mind that will drop over the next week or so when I make deposits back into Virgin/Paradise :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2006.12 This was posted earlier by myself in the other thread... Short session tonight on the VC tables, .50/1 and bought in for $50 Ended session at $76.70:ok Start balance at VC was a deposit of £30 ($60) so taking into account the PL exclusive £5 = 0.50 (which I will keep included in the total) that session has ended as Initail deposit $60 End cash session $76.70 So another $16.70 to add to the running total :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2022.82 As a start if there's any easier way to keep track of the profit/loss margin then please chip in with advice :ok Will have a look back through my Virgin Hand History for some of the bigger hands and post them here (although I think it only goes back 100 hands)

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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2022.82

Good Luck Gaz:ok
Thanks mate :ok Just had another hour on the VC tables, Start Balance $76.70 End session balance $109.44 Was a bit strange tbh, this was the 6 seater (allways play the short-handed tables) .50/1 tables but found it a better quality of play earlier on the .25/.50 tables :unsure Still, another $32.84 towards the total :ok
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Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2022.82

Thanks mate :ok Just had another hour on the VC tables, Start Balance $76.70 End session balance $109.44 Was a bit strange tbh, this was the 6 seater (allways play the short-handed tables) .50/1 tables but found it a better quality of play earlier on the .25/.50 tables :unsure Still, another $32.84 towards the total :ok
Not sure what time you were playing mate but sometimes late Fridays and Saturdays you get some weird play - I put it down to people coming home after the pub. :unsure Nice going though - more profit. :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2065.66 Here's some of the hands from the last couple of weeks, *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 430.60 dairyboy Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza [Kc, Kd] Two pair kings and deuces Win: 430.60 Gnuhunter Fold Win: 0.00 Elo_Janusz Fold Win: 0.00 PasiER [N/A, N/A] Highest card threes Win: 0.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 498.70 Big_Aces Fold Win: 0.00 efsane1900 Fold Win: 0.00 leijohn21 Fold Win: 0.00 operno Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza [8h, Kh] Flush to the king Win: 498.70 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 441.00 Big_Aces Fold Win: 0.00 efsane1900 Fold Win: 0.00 leijohn21 Fold Win: 0.00 StephanBo Fold Win: 0.00 PLgazza [Kh, 5h] Flush to the king Win: 441.00 All the above were on the 1/2 tables but going to go back to the .25/.50 and .50/1 tables for a while to get a bigger bankroll behind me before I go back up to the 1/2 tables :ok I have had one big loss where I lost an entire buy in on one hand :loon:lol:lol:sad but looking through my hand history the other loss's are all fairly small, around the $20 - $40 mark.

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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2065.66 The last 2 hands printed above, winning decent pots with K8s and I think was K4s, any views on playing those sort of cards ? I play the short handed games (5 seater at Boss) and if I can see a flop cheaply with a couple of suited cards then why not ? Easy to bin if you dont hit but if you do hit then you can expect a nice pay day with them. Right/wrong ?

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Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2065.66

The last 2 hands printed above, winning decent pots with K8s and I think was K4s, any views on playing those sort of cards ? I play the short handed games (5 seater at Boss) and if I can see a flop cheaply with a couple of suited cards then why not ? Easy to bin if you dont hit but if you do hit then you can expect a nice pay day with them. Right/wrong ?
I think on a fairly placid table where someone isn't always raising limpers, that kind of hand is playable. I would say that it is very dependant on the nature of the table though.
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Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2065.66

The last 2 hands printed above, winning decent pots with K8s and I think was K4s, any views on playing those sort of cards ? I play the short handed games (5 seater at Boss) and if I can see a flop cheaply with a couple of suited cards then why not ? Easy to bin if you dont hit but if you do hit then you can expect a nice pay day with them. Right/wrong ?
Good luck with this gazza, yes playing suited cards can be very profitable, but a lot of people get sucked in if they hit say the king in the examples youve given, then it can be costly.
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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008, Bank currently +/-..........+$2065.66 Losing session on VC tonight, horrendous run of cards/beats :sad Start session $100 End session $31.51

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008 Have edited the title as my bankroll is all over the place at the moment, have made a couple more withdrawals and also a couple of fairly big deposits (poker kings and full tilt for the HMOB games). Have not properly played the cash tables for nearly 2 weeks now due to work/family commitments. I also seem to have a fair bit of money spread about several accounts and think that I should be keeping my cash play to one network or even one site so I can keep records more easily. I am off for a week now so expect to get back into it a bit, anyone got a link to the spreadsheet for cash games that Croc is using ? I have done a search but didnt see it, altho only been in from work a few minutes and having a couple of beers :ok:beer

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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008 Cheers Croc, will have a look for that in a minute :ok Quick half hour session on Virgin, $50 buy in ended session at $86.40

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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008 another short session on Virgin, Bought in for $50 and session ended on $86.40 before the site froze and table collapsed :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall I know there is another thread on Virgin problems with freezing etc but it is bloody annoying :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall. Has happened to me a lot prior to the last 2 weeks and was one of the reasons I stopped playing so much TBH, lost quite a bit on hands when raising with a decent hand then then site freezing.

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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008 ooooooh nice quick session on Poker Kings before I got frozen out :@:@:@ ( my internet connection this time :@) Bought in for $100 and ended session on $259 :ok

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008 Well after a weeks break from the cash tables I had 3 sessions on PokerKings today. First 2 sessions on the .50/1 tables then a couple of hours tonight on the 1/2 table. Everything seemed to fall into place and my balance at pokerkings has risen today from 198euro's to 504euros :ok

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Re: gazza's cash game's 2008

Well after a weeks break from the cash tables I had 3 sessions on PokerKings today. First 2 sessions on the .50/1 tables then a couple of hours tonight on the 1/2 table. Everything seemed to fall into place and my balance at pokerkings has risen today from 198euro's to 504euros :ok
nice going gaz but are these levels are bit high for the b/roll(1/2 tables=200 buy in)which would have been all your roll,even with your 504 its still risky m8 imo. good result anyway :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008

nice going gaz but are these levels are bit high for the b/roll(1/2 tables=200 buy in)which would have been all your roll,even with your 504 its still risky m8 imo. good result anyway :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
Yes mate, I probably should'nt be playing the 1/2 tables but I feel quite comftable on there and always seem to do better than on the .50/1 tables :unsure It's not a regular thing, I'm normally on the .25/.50 or .50/1 tables
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Guest gazza271

Re: gazza's cash game's 2008

You could be crushing 1/2 tables' date=' and totally pwn them, but if your bankroll is 1-3 buy ins, you will almost certainly go bust.....[/quote'] I know mate, honestly I do BUT and this will sound really strange and also bear in mind that the 1/2 tables are not every day for me. I know within 10 minutes of sitting down at a table if that table is "right" for me. I can't really explain it any more than that and it probably goes against everything that the decent players are doing :$. I am, however, still winning but am also very aware that 1 big losing session will put me back to the lower tables. I am trying to be careful but also seems that the winning sessions are far outweighing the losing sessions.
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