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what would you do?


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Hand T4-57403568-26, Started at 1/2/2008 7:31 PM (GMT+0) Table 'Sarh': 30-30 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 0: mobaymansion (2,925 in chips) Seat 1: Ulkbeer (3,040 in chips) Seat 2: Betclarky1 (2,645 in chips) Seat 3: teaulcsg (2,915 in chips) (on the button) Seat 4: odaikoo (3,405 in chips) Seat 5: simapap (2,820 in chips) Seat 6: XMichFranX (6,565 in chips) Seat 7: newbie luck (3,390 in chips) Seat 8: BBNL (1,620 in chips) Seat 9: STANKOLEV13 (3,385 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : odaikoo : Post Blind (15) simapap : Post Blind (30) Dealt to teaulcsg: Ad Dealt to teaulcsg: 8d *** Pre-Flop *** : XMichFranX : Fold newbie luck : Fold BBNL : Fold STANKOLEV13 : Fold mobaymansion : Fold Ulkbeer : Bet (300) Betclarky1 : Fold teaulcsg : Call (300) odaikoo : Fold simapap : Call (270) *** Flop *** : 4d Jc 5h simapap : Check Ulkbeer : Check teaulcsg : Check *** Turn *** : [ 4d Jc 5h ] 6d

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Re: what would you do? agree with the above, but now your in this position, your the last to act, if nobody bets take the free card, if they bet less than half the pot, call with your 12 outs ( 7s & diamonds) not counting A cause suspect its no good, any more consider folding.

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Re: what would you do?

Get distracted and call an all-in' date=' only kidding id wait for the bets before id decide, hopefully checked around to you again and you see another cheep card[/quote'] :lol:lol you werent far wrong actually,nige....i am a big fish Hand T4-57403568-26, Started at 1/2/2008 7:31 PM (GMT+0) Table 'Sarh': 30-30 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 0: mobaymansion (2,925 in chips) Seat 1: Ulkbeer (3,040 in chips) Seat 2: Betclarky1 (2,645 in chips) Seat 3: teaulcsg (2,915 in chips) (on the button) Seat 4: odaikoo (3,405 in chips) Seat 5: simapap (2,820 in chips) Seat 6: XMichFranX (6,565 in chips) Seat 7: newbie luck (3,390 in chips) Seat 8: BBNL (1,620 in chips) Seat 9: STANKOLEV13 (3,385 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : odaikoo : Post Blind (15) simapap : Post Blind (30) Dealt to teaulcsg: Ad Dealt to teaulcsg: 8d *** Pre-Flop *** : XMichFranX : Fold newbie luck : Fold BBNL : Fold STANKOLEV13 : Fold mobaymansion : Fold Ulkbeer : Bet (300) Betclarky1 : Fold teaulcsg : Call (300) odaikoo : Fold simapap : Call (270) *** Flop *** : 4d Jc 5h simapap : Check Ulkbeer : Check teaulcsg : Check *** Turn *** : [ 4d Jc 5h ] 6d Dealt to Ulkbeer: 7d Dealt to Ulkbeer: Kd Dealt to teaulcsg: Ad Dealt to teaulcsg: 8d simapap : Check Ulkbeer : Bet (2,740) Ulkbeer : All In (2,740) teaulcsg : Call (2,615) teaulcsg : All In (2,615) simapap : Fold *** River *** : [ 4d Jc 5h 6d ] 7s Dealt to Ulkbeer: 7d Dealt to Ulkbeer: Kd Dealt to teaulcsg: Ad Dealt to teaulcsg: 8d Ulkbeer : Show Cards teaulcsg : Show Cards *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 6,270 | Rake: 0 Board: [ 4d Jc 5h 6d 7s ] mobaymansion lost 0 Ulkbeer bet 3,040, collected 125, net -2,915 Shows [ 7d Kd ] (a pair of sevens) Betclarky1 lost 0 teaulcsg bet 2,915, collected 6,145, net 3,230 Shows [ Ad 8d ] (a straight, eight high) odaikoo lost 15 simapap lost 300 XMichFranX lost 0 newbie luck lost 0 BBNL lost 0 STANKOLEV13 lost 0
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Guest gazza271

Re: what would you do? Sorry Al but I think that's shocking play by you, calling a 10 x BB raise with A8 is bad enough and then you also call the all in on a straight/flush draw when you could still easily have got away from the hand. How long you been playing now Al ? long enough not to make plays like that, jeez if the shoe was on the other foot you would be screaming blue murder on here ;):lol

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Re: what would you do?

Get distracted and call an all-in' date=' only kidding id wait for the bets before id decide, hopefully checked around to you again and you see another cheep card[/quote'] How did you know he would become distracted again and call the allin are you psychic:rollin
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