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First live game


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Re: First live game Dont drink too much lol ask the croc ;) Just enjoy and look for the tells ;) Poker Tells that Say "I Have a Good Hand!"

  • Acting Uninterested in a Hand While Still in It This is usually a sign of a strong hand. The player is pretending that he’s not excited about his cards – but he is.
  • Shaking Hands During a hand, if you notice a player’s hands are shaking as she places her bet, she probably has gotten a really, really good hand. Perhaps the nuts.
  • Rapid Breathing Some players can control the shakes, but it's harder to control the automatic heart-racing that comes when you see pocket aces or hit the flop really hard. If you can see a player's chest visibly rising and falling, they have an excellent hand
  • Sighing and Shrugging If a player makes a show of sighing or shrugging, and says things like “Oh, I guess I’ll call,” or even “Why am I calling?” he probably is overacting and is trying to hide a big hand.
  • Glancing at Chips After Looking at Hole Cards When a player looks down and sees strong hole or pocket cards, she may glance over at her chips to see just how much she can bet.

Poker Tells that Say "I Have a Weak Hand!"

  • Staring Down Other Players If an opponent is staring you down, he’s trying to represent strength. Usually though, he has a weak hand – he might have something, but it’s something that can be beaten or drawn out on.
  • Holding Breath Often, inexperienced players will hold their breath if they are bluffing.
Poker Tells that Say "I Have a Drawing Hand."
  • Checking Hole Cards After a Flop If the flop shows the possibility of giving someone a flush or straight draw, watch for people re-checking their hole cards. They’re checking to see if they have a piece of it – whether that black Ace was a spade or a club. The player doesn’t have the flush or straight at that point, because if they did, they wouldn’t have to check, but she is seeing if she has a draw to it.
  • Taking a Long Time Before Calling a Bet If a player looks into the pot and seems to be doing some calculating in his head, he probably is. He’s most likely figuring out the pot odds to see if it’s worth it to try and catch the cards he needs to complete his drawing hand.

A final note: more experienced players may give off false tells, so the first thing to read about other players is if they’re novices or pros.

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Re: First live game I promise you that you will shake so much when you get your first big hand that you'll think there's an earthquake. Don't worry about it. The more good hands you get the more you'll get used to it. Never look at your cards as soon as they are dealt. Wait until its your turn so that you can watch other players reactions to their hands. The advantage of this is that you also give less information about your hand. If you are in a hand but it isn't your turn, keep a stack of chips in your hands so that you can disguise your intentions until it IS your go. Don't show any hands that are won without a showdown. Its an easy mistake for a new live player to show that they weren't bluffing, but sod 'em. Let 'em pay for the privilege. Most importantly. Have fun. :ok

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Re: First live game watch out for the hustler type seen more women doing this making out they havent a clue 1 woman even had blokes shuffling for she bet out of turn apologising about all she was doinf wrong a real pleasure to watch she came 2nd . there are real muppets playing same as online dont worry u r probably better than most of them sit quietly watch and listen dont let yourself be intimdated if its a rebuy set your limit you can get carried away but like they all say enjoy yourself the worst you can do is lose

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Re: First live game

Never look at your cards as soon as they are dealt. Wait until its your turn so that you can watch other players reactions to their hands. The advantage of this is that you also give less information about your hand.
This is one thing that pro's always say that I've never really understood. Personally I look at my cards as soon as I get them. Then the other players will rarely see my reaction, while I give myself time to think what I'm going to do, while watching everyone else look at their cards. Can anyone give me a reason to change what I do?
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Re: First live game

Must admit I look at my cards staight away aswell
Me too. If in the blinds or acting late, I'll have a sneaky look early on, then my "official" look when it's my turn to act. I'm not a good enough actor to hide the thrill of seeing AA staring back at me, without a bit of time to prepare. The downside of waiting is that all of the other players are staring at you as you get your first look at the pile of crap (or the occasional decent hand) that you usually pick up. I'd be rubbish on those heart monitors - does it go up to 200 without the paramedics stepping in? At level 2 in the Virgin Festival, I was in the BB, facing a 3xBB raise, a call, and a 6xBB re-raise, and looked down at AA. I felt as if the whole room, not just my table, could hear my heart going BOOM BOOM BOOM :loon. I decided I couldn't disguise my strong hand (partly as a result of my eyes widening to be the size of dinner plates, so I stuck in a further raise, and all the others folded (AK, 99 and AK, as it turned out), but I was happy to win my first big pot, and the fun of stacking chips into different piles is fan-diddly-tastic.
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Re: First live game The time of looking at the cards is a difference of opinion. Which can also depend on the level your playing at.

As a beginner I recommend looking at your cards straight away. If you wait until it’s your turn to act then it is more likely people will be watching you look at your cards. Just be careful not to make a decision until it reaches you. Don’t pick up your chips or fold out of turn.

I do look straight away(except on the blinds) I look up to see who is watching me when I look at my cards, Not actually fully looking at the cards but other people and their reactions to their cards.

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