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Cracking Game At Circus Casino Newcastle 29/12/07


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Re: Cracking Game At Circus Casino Newcastle Tomorrow! Brag thread yet again im afraid Im the KING DONK!!!!! I Played like a donk and crashed at the end of level 2 Levels were as follows 12000 chips, 49 Runners, a lot of the newcastle high stakes cash players were there along with the majority of players who played the newcastle gukpt events 50/100 for 45 mins 75/150 for 45 mins 20 min break 100/200 for 30 mins 200/400 for 30 mins ( i think ) but i only managed the break after badly slowplaying and tnen pushing in with K10 Clubs on the BB hand before the break, only for an insta call from the sb with KK......£75 down the shitta......oh and it was SELF DEAL too, no dealers but no reg fee either

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