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poker / new year resolutions 2008


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are any of you going to make any resolutions with regards to your poker?? mine will be: more live games and qualify for a big buy-in while sponsored. 100% disciplined with keeping my bankroll up to date,including recording every session i play (at the moment i am not doing this). to gain the respect of my peers. to once again get to W.S.O.P. AND play in the W.S.O.P.E.

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Re: poker / new year resolutions Definitely play more live games, I always play with mates at least once a week and try and get to the casino at least once a fortnight but really want to play in more events like the GUKPT etc. To concentrate more on cash games, invest a good starting roll into my preferred account and only play for a set amount of hours each day, this will also allow me to play regular focus games. Get my punch bag put back up. Without a doubt the best way to get rid of your aggression when on tilt rather than taking out on other people and beating yourself up about it. Fell out of love with poker half way through the year but my love for it has come back with a vengeance. Good luck everyone in the New Year, and I hope it's a prosperous one for all PLer's.

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Re: poker / new year resolutions

Hahaha - no chance you muppet :tongue2
I have my strategy already in place so its a gimme,wait until most of pl goes to wsop this year then play every focus game so the bpp will be mine,failing that going to arrange the bartender to spike everybodys drink at one of the pl meetings:moon:moon
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Re: poker / new year resolutions My targets are: - Play more Sattelites for big money tournies! :ok Play less Freerolls.... over 3 hours on Friday for $12...just don't do it!:wall Stop wasting my Poker Winnings on Sports Betting!:wall Withdraw $4000 from Neteller every time it reaches $5000....instead of depositing into some Sports Betting Site. :cry Try and stay sober at least 1 weekend out of the year......impossibble!:lol Continue to chuck my chips in when I've the best hand....feckin variance GaF..:wall Nice thread....good luck to everyone in the coming year and Merry Christmas. :beer TQM

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Re: poker / new year resolutions Ok my resolutions for 2008: 1. Keep records. 2. Enter more sats to higher value online or live tournies. Also agree with TQM, stop playing low value tournaments. 3. Realise that post pub sessions are not productive. A couple of drinks before/during play is (IMO) ok, a dozen isn't!! 4. Should I qualify for another live final with a free bar, try not to look on the free bar as a challenge that needs to be beaten:loon. 5. Meet more PL-ers. 6. Last but not least, double my bankroll. That should keep me going!!

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Re: poker / new year resolutions To play far more seriously this year. That means playing cash games more concentrated for longer periods of hours in days over weeks, firstly for a challenge to test myself, but also to see if it's a serious way forward for me. For the last 7 months i've been playing cash on and off making money the whole way, even the last 2months i've barely played and still made a nice chunk so the plan is to consistently play and look to improve a lot more. Also want to re-build my roll on Stars through the STT again like i did up until i lost my PokerOffice when the laptop died a bit ago and withdrew it all. MTT - not really bothered about playing them, there's money to be made there but only if played regularly and that's not something i'd so will only carry on playing for fun. Bring on the 10th January - when i've got all my assignments done ! :nana :beer

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Re: poker / new year resolutions Last year I only had one, to qualify for the WSOP Main Event. I did that comfortably enough :lol so I'm having 3 this year! 1) To get past day 2 in the Main Event this time. 2) To cash in the WSOP (any event, I don't mind). 3) To finally have a cash game. I'm rubbish, and have no problem admitting it.

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Re: poker / new year resolutions

Likewise' date=' although I do have the excuse of having only started playing this year! :$[/quote'] Wow the newest poker recruit I know sign back in after a week to see how you're getting on:ok. P.S. Was it a New Year's resolution to play this crazily addictive game. Be warned your life will never be the same again.
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Your Goal For 2008 Yet another year has passed us, Hope you all done well ? Have you set yourself a target for 2008 ? or is there something that you are yet to acheive ? Please feel free to leave your objectives that are you are aiming for. Mine are as follows in no paticular order :- 1) To play in a live event (only ever done home games) 2) To try and move up stakes in my STTs to maybe $30/$50 with a good ROI (currently $20 games with 30% ROI) 3) To beat my PB in a MTT currently standing at $1650 4) To get better at cash games 5) The most important one is NOT TO THROW MY MOUSE ACROSS THE ROOM WHEN SOME MUPPET GETS LUCKY !!! :lol These are only a few of my goals, but its a start Good Luck for 2008

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Re: poker / new year resolutions

Wow the newest poker recruit I know sign back in after a week to see how you're getting on:ok. P.S. Was it a New Year's resolution to play this crazily addictive game. Be warned your life will never be the same again.
Hah, no pressure then... :tongue2 Nah, I'd been playing casually with some mates last month and we eventually found ourselves watching the stuff on sky, one thing led to another and... well here I am.:eek
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Re: poker / new year resolutions You won't learn anything from Sky :loon Biggest donkfest out there :loon Shame cos the core of the "expert" presenters came over from Poker Night Live and that was, IMO, great education :ok Anyway :welcome to PL - look forward to seeing you on the tables :ok

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: poker / new year resolutions Well, that was a long week! :lol Just thought I'd let you know how I've been getting on - cos I've been travelling about a bit and not really able to download software I've spent most of my time on sky. It isn't too bad, although my mixed results from it probably say more about the room than I think! (I hope). My offline skills have improved a bit though, good to get over on my mates more regularly!;) Anyway, I think I'll see if I can play in the big tourny on sky tomorrow and then switch my focus to somewhere like stars, or ft (is this as good as everyone seems to say?!).

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  • 11 months later...

Re: poker / new year resolutions Did you fulfil your resolutions-I'm happy to say i did and now to think of this years:ok

Take my team to the badbeat final(if i get enough points)and we/they put in a good team performance. Try and qualify for some of the big buy-in live tournaments.eg.wsope wsop ept. Get that BPP
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Re: poker / new year resolutions

are any of you going to make any resolutions with regards to your poker?? mine will be: more live games and qualify for a big buy-in while sponsored. 100% disciplined with keeping my bankroll up to date,including recording every session i play (at the moment i am not doing this). to gain the respect of my peers. to once again get to W.S.O.P. AND play in the W.S.O.P.E.
1: nope 2: nope 3: doubt it 4:nope
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Re: poker / new year resolutions

Ok my resolutions for 2008: 1. Keep records. SORT OF 2. Enter more sats to higher value online or live tournies. Also agree with TQM, stop playing low value tournaments. YES 3. Realise that post pub sessions are not productive. A couple of drinks before/during play is (IMO) ok, a dozen isn't!! SORT OF 4. Should I qualify for another live final with a free bar, try not to look on the free bar as a challenge that needs to be beaten:loon. I WAS OK AT THE PLWSOP 5. Meet more PL-ers. YES 6. Last but not least, double my bankroll. EASY That should keep me going!!
I'd forgotten about these. Not too shabby on the whole.
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