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why do i keep doing this?


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Transcript for your last 1 games requested by teaulc *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #14023003640: Tournament #71174537, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2007/12/22 - 09:15:53 (ET) Table '71174537 5' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: jjunie (8819 in chips) Seat 2: das lekker (17082 in chips) Seat 3: dawgtee71 (15125 in chips) Seat 6: sgerrard4 (25171 in chips) Seat 7: teaulc (5422 in chips) Seat 8: Pret (12415 in chips) Seat 9: CEDOGL (5541 in chips) jjunie: posts the ante 25 das lekker: posts the ante 25 dawgtee71: posts the ante 25 sgerrard4: posts the ante 25 teaulc: posts the ante 25 Pret: posts the ante 25 CEDOGL: posts the ante 25 Pret: posts small blind 200 CEDOGL: posts big blind 400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ah Jc] jjunie: raises 800 to 1200 das lekker: folds dawgtee71: folds sgerrard4: folds teaulc: calls 1200 Pret: folds CEDOGL: folds *** FLOP *** [Ad Ks 6d] jjunie: bets 800 teaulc: raises 3397 to 4197 and is all-in jjunie: calls 3397 teaulc said, "wd" *** TURN *** [Ad Ks 6d] [4c] *** RIVER *** [Ad Ks 6d 4c] [6c] *** SHOW DOWN *** jjunie: shows [Kc Kh] (a full house, Kings full of Sixes) teaulc: shows [Ah Jc] (two pair, Aces and Sixes) jjunie collected 11569 from pot Pret said, "vnh" *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 11569 | Rake 0 Board [Ad Ks 6d 4c 6c] Seat 1: jjunie showed [Kc Kh] and won (11569) with a full house, Kings full of Sixes Seat 2: das lekker folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: dawgtee71 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: sgerrard4 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: teaulc (button) showed [Ah Jc] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes Seat 8: Pret (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: CEDOGL (big blind) folded before Flop If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

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Re: why do i keep doing this? thanks,,,but i am 2 away from the money and less than 1 minute from the break,i always seem to go out around break time,whether it is coincidental or not i dont know but frustrating,,the play in these tourneys is quite bad and i have been very tight to a certain degree,top 18 get paid, was i wrong to push at this stage?

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Re: why do i keep doing this? You aren't that short, so there is an argument for folding your hand (not sure I could though). The flop kills you, you have to shove with the hand, I'm not sure anyone could escape from that. Having now seen that you were two off the money, I (as a confirmed coward) would be looking to nurse my stack into the money, and would probably have folded pre-flop.

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Re: why do i keep doing this?

thanks' date=',,[b']but i am 2 away from the money and less than 1 minute from the break,i always seem to go out around break time,whether it is coincidental or not i dont know but frustrating,,the play in these tourneys is quite bad and i have been very tight to a certain degree,top 18 get paid, was i wrong to push at this stage?
You never said that before:lol:lol In a normal structure, I'm definately still going for it.
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Re: why do i keep doing this?

i always seem to go out around break time
Prostate trouble? Just kidding mate. ;) With 13xBB I'm a definite fold here after the 3xBB raise from UTG. If there were no raise in front of me I'm 3xBB (+1BB for every limper) to try and steal the blinds.
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Re: why do i keep doing this? I don't play tourneys hardly but I can quite safely say I won't cold call raises with AJ without reason. What range are you putting him on? Is he really raising early UTG with less than AJ? And if he is even raising A10 say, you will still be behind his range. Probably should just fold really. I know what tourneys are like though, where you don't get a hand for ages and AJ looks like a monster. But really I would rather be opening 72o from the cut off than calling a raise with AJ in the same position.

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Re: why do i keep doing this?

I don't play tourneys hardly but I can quite safely say I won't cold call raises with AJ without reason. What range are you putting him on? Is he really raising early UTG with less than AJ? And if he is even raising A10 say, you will still be behind his range. Probably should just fold really. I know what tourneys are like though, where you don't get a hand for ages and AJ looks like a monster. But really I would rather be opening 72o from the cut off than calling a raise with AJ in the same position.
good pick up there rob,,i hadnt had a hand in ages and i was out to win this rather than just limping into the cash,my thought process was he was a stealer and i suppose in my mind i could get him off the hand,certainly i thought he had a/rag and nothing better,, i think i knew i should have folded and limped into the cash but i get this rush of blood and away we go...
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Re: why do i keep doing this? AJ is no hand to be going all in with doesn't matter what stage the tourney is at. You are no way short with 13BB and all this 'shove with less than 10 or 8BB' is bollox as well. You have to protect your tourney life for as long as possible, I will go down to 5BB if I have too and when you shove it is best with something like middle suited connectors than AJ. With AJ you are only going to get called by a hand that is dominating you or high PP, either way you are goosed. So if you can't shove with a PP, shove with a drawing hand, at least with 8/9/10/J suited you may have 2 live cards as well as the draw.

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Re: why do i keep doing this?

AJ is no hand to be going all in with doesn't matter what stage the tourney is at. You are no way short with 13BB and all this 'shove with less than 10 or 8BB' is bollox as well. You have to protect your tourney life for as long as possible, I will go down to 5BB if I have too and when you shove it is best with something like middle suited connectors than AJ. With AJ you are only going to get called by a hand that is dominating you or high PP, either way you are goosed. So if you can't shove with a PP, shove with a drawing hand, at least with 8/9/10/J suited you may have 2 live cards as well as the draw.
Don't fall over Bri but I have to agree here - 3x Raise UTG - AJ not even soooooted it is a deffo fold here if you are to win the tourney.
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Re: why do i keep doing this?

AJ is no hand to be going all in with doesn't matter what stage the tourney is at. You are no way short with 13BB and all this 'shove with less than 10 or 8BB' is bollox as well. You have to protect your tourney life for as long as possible, I will go down to 5BB if I have too and when you shove it is best with something like middle suited connectors than AJ. With AJ you are only going to get called by a hand that is dominating you or high PP, either way you are goosed. So if you can't shove with a PP, shove with a drawing hand, at least with 8/9/10/J suited you may have 2 live cards as well as the draw.
Did,nt you knock me out of the focus game on Tuesday when you called my AQ all-in re-raise with AJ;).
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Re: why do i keep doing this?

Did' date='nt you knock me out of the focus game on Tuesday when you called my AQ all-in re-raise with AJ;).[/quote'] I've no idea :unsure I dont know what the game was on Tuesday but I'm guessing it was a freeroll and it wasn't taking much credence over other games I was playing. You cannot compare really as this was a game Alan wanted to do well in, otherwise he wouldn't have posted and AJ was the wrong move in this instance, do you disagree?
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Re: why do i keep doing this? Did,nt you knock me out of the focus game on Tuesday when you called my AQ all-in re-raise with AJ It's obvious WASP is a luckbox. he's always outdrawing people I saw him raise a guy allin in a live fulltilt tourny with ace rag and the guy called with ak, and the WASP doubled up. He's a very lucky player;)

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Re: why do i keep doing this?

I saw him raise a guy allin in a live fulltilt tourny with ace rag and the guy called with ak' date=' and the WASP doubled up. He's a very lucky player;)[/quote'] If that was the fulltilt final in London, it just goes to show how pissed you were that day because thats the hand I went out on :lol:lol
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: why do i keep doing this?

was i wrong to push at this stage?
if you are going to push, then do it preflop. If you are that close to the cash, then it might be best to let it go and pick a better spot if you want to finish ITM first and then try to win the tourney later. As it played out, I can't really see how you could have played it differently, once you have commnited to calling with AJ, you cAn't fold it even if villian might have AK/AQ Damo
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Re: why do i keep doing this?

and when you shove it is best with something like middle suited connectors than AJ. With AJ you are only going to get called by a hand that is dominating you or high PP' date=' either way you are goosed. So if you can't shove with a PP, shove with a drawing hand, at least with 8/9/10/J suited you may have 2 live cards as well as the draw.[/quote'] I've never been convinced by this. To get a calling range for an opponent that does better against AJo than against 109s, you pretty much have to specifically choose just the hands that dominate AJ (e.g., against something like AQ+, AA-JJ, you'll win 25.6% of the time with AJo, but 31.45% of the time with 109s). But you don't have to vary that range much before AJo does better. For example, that range contains about 4.2% of hands. If you choose instead the "best" 4.2% (which means you leave out AQo but include 1010 and 99), then AJo wins 30.3% of the time, but 109s only 28.9%. And even if an opponent does use the range AQ+, AA-JJ, then AJo has the other significant advantage that it will get called less often. The A and J in your hand take away 3 of his possible AA's, 3 of his JJ's, 4 of his AK's and 4 of his AQ's, leaving him only 75% of the hands he can call with. This means you're more likely to be eliminated if you shove with 109s than if you shove with AJo (though admittedly you're also more likely to double up).
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Re: why do i keep doing this?

It's a tricky one though slap isn't it. From early position on a full table I'd rather push with suited connectors' date=' in later position with no raise in front AJ becomes a monster.[/quote'] There's more of an upside for suited connectors compared to AJ from early position: suited connectors do better than AJ against multiple callers with strong hands (which is obviously more likely if you shove from early position) and my point about being more likely to be called with suited connectors is not so significant. But I'm still not convinced that you're better off shoving with the suited connectors, even from early position. Certainly I'd be surprised if they have a significant advantage over AJ, though I may well be missing something.
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