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I have never won with 6 high before!


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Okay I played this poorly - I tried to buy the flop with my flush and straight draw and then tried to convince the viilian I had trips with the 2nd two on the turn and get him to fold his (probable) flush draw, so lesson learnt I checked the river and still won!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Better lucky than good I guess....... :ok Damo ***** Hand 866856045 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 14 December 2007 19:33:17 TH Mini 62 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: cnm5 (20.79) Seat 2: robilaruk (17.51) Seat 4: Xardas12 (6.87) Seat 5: maddan (5.09) cnm5 post SB 0.05 robilaruk post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** robilaruk [6c, 3c] *** Bet Round 1 *** Xardas12 Call 0.10 maddan Fold cnm5 Call 0.10 robilaruk Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [2c, 4d, Kc] *** Bet Round 2 *** cnm5 Check robilaruk Bet 0.20 Xardas12 Call 0.20 cnm5 Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [2c, 4d, Kc, 2d] *** Bet Round 3 *** robilaruk Bet 0.60 Xardas12 Call 0.60 *** River(Board): *** : [2c, 4d, Kc, 2d, 8d] *** Bet Round 4 *** robilaruk Check Xardas12 Check *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.09 Total Pot: 1.81 cnm5 Fold Win: 0.00 robilaruk [6c, 3c] Pair of deuces Win: 1.81 Xardas12 Fold Win: 0.00 maddan Fold Win: 0.00 EDIT: SORRY should be in chat - can a nice Mod move please? Ta Damo

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Re: I have never won with 6 high before!

Well at least you know what he was holding. Has to be 5 3 and he was drawing for his open-ended straight.
when I got the pot I typed ??? into the chat box as I assumed I would lose and at the time I couldn't figure any hand I could beat! so I had to get the HH and make sure he didn't just fold in error :) glad to see you you noticed the obvious brilliance of my play now - i knew he had 35off and was chasing........:lol:lol:lol:lol righty-o delusions of granduer over - just wished I have shoved the river and him call and me still win!:ok:ok:ok Damo this is nearly as good as hitting my royal flush:ok
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Re: I have never won with 6 high before!

when I got the pot I typed ??? into the chat box as I assumed I would lose and at the time I couldn't figure any hand I could beat! so I had to get the HH and make sure he didn't just fold in error :) glad to see you you noticed the obvious brilliance of my play now - i knew he had 35off and was chasing........:lol:lol:lol:lol righty-o delusions of granduer over - just wished I have shoved the river and him call and me still win!:ok:ok:ok Damo this is nearly as good as hitting my royal flush:ok
:lol:lol:lol Have you been having lessons from Jaded Damo?? :tongue2
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