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APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07


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Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07 just got back and only 14 players this time:unsure:unsure:unsure think only 1 player went out before the 1st break,all very tight with most raises being folded,,was sitting in seat 5 with ben in seat 3 and mcgin in seat 6.. 1st hand after the break i raise with a/q and mcgin is all in as he is fairly short stacked,,he turns over k/k :(,flop doesnt help but turn gives me the ace :),sorry mate,,, then fairly quickly we hit final table.....i am bb with j8 and manage to see the flop with 2 other players,board shows j/6/7 and i raise, caller folds and sb raises all in with a call for me of a couple of hundred and he turns over j6 :sadturn is a 5 and i am praying for 4 or 9 but another 7 hits on flop..... this leaves me with about 1800 chips with blinds now 400/800, couple of hands later i have pocket 7`s and go all in ,,bb calls with k/10,, flop is 8/8/8 :cow:cow:cow.turn k :cry:cry:cry and river doesnt help,,out in 7th... was really pleased with my game today,made some good judgement raises and folds... unfortunately for ben i didnt have long to wait for him to give me a lift home,,his a/6 hit a/k,v ul mate.he finished 6th

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Guest gazza271

Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07 unlucky guys, when's the next one ? will hopefully be able to make this one :hope, We can drag Eric along as well :ok

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Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07

unlucky guys' date=' when's the next one ? will hopefully be able to make this one :hope, We can drag Eric along as well :ok[/quote'] The live games sticky makes it easy to see that thenext regionals are 5th April :loon :tongue2 PL Home Games and Poker Meets Bit of a gap - checked the APAT site and that's right....http://www.apat.com/schedule_S2_Regional.php
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Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07 bloody hell thats ages away:eyes didnt play to bad yesterday :unsurehad nothing before the break but stole quite a bit due to the tight table . i did come unstuck before the break slightly tho,tried a bit of verbal confusion by moaning about wanting a ciggie then raised on the last hand with 56 when the clock had gone over .i was thinking they would think i must have a hand or i'd already be out smoking:lol:loltrouble was the sb pushed and it was only 500 to call with 1500 in the pot so had to call. he had k8 and i didnt hit so back to 3k chips. after the break got a few cards and built up to about 5500 but the blinds were starting to hurt at 300/ 600 . went back to about 4400 then picked up a6 in the small blind ,all folded round to me so i raised to 1800 bb called. flop came 552 doesnt look like it helps either of us so i pushed all in and he calls with ak:wall:wall no help and im out 6th. bit gutted but picked up another 4 points so thats 11 now:)

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Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07

i am bb with j8 and manage to see the flop with 2 other players,board shows j/6/7 and i raise, caller folds and sb raises all in with a call for me of a couple of hundred and he turns over j6 :sadturn is a 5 and i am praying for 4 or 9 but another 7 hits on flop..... this leaves me with about 1800 chips with blinds now 400/800,
Did you not win this hand with Jacks and 7's with the 8 kicker? Sounds like you guys had fun! TQM
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Re: APAT regional / BRIGHTON 15/12/07 Have to stop going out the night before these events :) Especially if they keep piping that depressing music through the card room! All in all I played rubbish, was dealt rubbish and thourghly deserved to go out 2nd last. Good to meet all the rest of you guys again though, and at least my chips went to tealuc in the end!

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