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Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 3


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This is from a $5K Freeroll on Titan yesterday. About 900 runners, standard variable. I have 1440 chips, the blinds are 30/60, there are about 700 left, the average stack on my table is approximately 1800. The table has been quite lively with a few all-ins and big raises already. On the button I have 9h 8C. There is a call from mid position, and the cut-off and myself. The SB (quite an aggressive player, 3000 stack) raises to 270. The BB folds, but the Mid and CO both call. I call as it is 210 into a pot of 870 (ish). My reasoning was the pot odds offered, the fact that i have position, and probably two live cards. Flop: 10d Js Qs. SB bets 600, the other two fold. What should I do? Would you have called the pre-flop raise? Although I have the straight, he probably has 2 broadway cards and I could already be drawing dead. Thoughts please. Steve

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 3 No, I wouldn't have called the pre-flop raise - it's a big chunk of your chips. You have position, but better to wait for better hands in these events, to maximise your chance of getting paid out by the range of lively players who play these. A hard one, I know, but the flop gives you a straight, and I don't like it. On the chance that you are ahead, there will be some, I guess, who will be ahead by the time the other 2 cards come down. However, with 2 folds, I'd then be more inclined to shove. If the raiser actually has AK, would he really run the risk of frightening others off? I'd put him on AQ or KQ. Even if he has trips, you are still a favourite to win. So, although I didn't like it, there's now only 1 opponent, so I'd shove and watch him call you a lucky so-and-so.

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 3 Having decided to limp with your 98o and then call the large raise and subsequent callers, what cards were you hoping to be dealt in the flop? You're not getting a much better flop than that. You say that the SB is playing aggressively so a raise followed by a continuation bet would not be an uncommon play with any 2 cards from that position. You're ahead of anything other than AK and I feel you need to price him out of any draw he might have. I'd be shoving this hand and let him make a decision.

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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 3

You're ahead of anything other than AK and I feel you need to price him out of any draw he might have. I'd be shoving this hand and let him make a decision.
I don't think you can price him out of the hand - there is 2600 or so in the middle after Hornet shoves and its only 500 more to call or so both players are (effectively) AI and seeing the river card Damo
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Re: Hornet's Strategy Questions. Part 3 i think i would shove as well:ok i think its unlikely he would bet that big with ak on the flop even with a flush draw on the board. i would guess either an overpair or aq /kq or maybe even trips. i think the call pre flop is ok with good position and connectors especially mid connectors that people are less likely to read.if you do hit your straight chances are you will take a nice piece of someones stack ,so the implied odds are good as well as the pot odds:ok

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