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AA on Raggy Flop vs 2 Others


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2nd hand on this table, folded the first one. Am in the top 20 at the start of the hand. ***** Hand History for Game 6553823949 ***** NL Texas Hold'em Trny: 36987590 Level: 4 Blinds(100/200) - Sunday, December 02, 08:22:47 ET 2007 Table $2k Gtd (1244079) Table #1 (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 1: stevee199 ( 1,730 ) Seat 2: barry250111 ( 6,890 ) Seat 3: JadedJJ ( 12,250 ) Seat 4: Haesu6 ( 4,670 ) Seat 5: marijap ( 9,890 ) Seat 6: jiwey ( 7,970 ) Seat 7: Det0w ( 5,380 ) Seat 8: siegfried177 ( 1,960 ) Seat 9: johnnyboyrea ( 8,410 ) Seat 10: Marbster ( 8,690 ) Trny: 36987590 Level: 4 Blinds(100/200) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to JadedJJ [ Ad Ah ] Det0w folds siegfried177 folds johnnyboyrea folds Marbster folds stevee199 folds barry250111 calls [200] >You have options at Regular (1244083) Table #2 Table!. JadedJJ raises [800] Haesu6 calls [800] marijap folds jiwey folds barry250111 calls [600] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5h, 6d, Jc ] barry250111 bets [600] Was the 4 x BB raise enough? With a very nice flop, do I just call or do I try and get one or both of them out?

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Re: AA on Raggy Flop vs 2 Others I know you should seal in the win with a decent bet to take the pot now, but I can't see that either of the others would have called with 78 or 89, to have a straight possibility with that board, so I'd be sorely tempted to flat-call that small bet, or just min raise, hoping to tease out a bigger bet from someone holding AJ. Of course, if you're up against trips already, then that's unlucky, but it could be perceived that you are trying to bully with your chip stack. For me, min raise, and see what the turn brings.

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Re: AA on Raggy Flop vs 2 Others Like it pre flop. On the flop i'd re-raise to about 1400 which is just over double the bet and about half the pot. Min raise looks dodgy, you want to make your opponent think their J is good, be it JQ, KJ or AJ so i'd attempt to re-raise enough to look like a steal attempt so your opponent can feel they're ahead but also enough for them to be able to re-raise you all in feeling you're not pot committed enough to call like if you raise to 3k. Don't mind the flat call either on this flop as there's no danger, but depends on your opponents really, if they're really tight and tend to fold to any signs of strength then call but if they like to play their hands aggressively then get your pay off by re-raising. TBH even if they're tight i like to re-raise as you know you're ahead so what's the worst that can happen? They fold and you win a 3k pot.

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Re: AA on Raggy Flop vs 2 Others Agree, I'd reraise this, if he's got a draw then no cheap cards. Having said that, what kind of draw can you put him on ? Would he have called your preflop raise with 7 8. I think not. I think he has a high pocket pair, and is testing the water. I'd be very aware of the danger of pocket jacks and you being miles behind. Raise to 1200 and fold to any rereaise

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Re: AA on Raggy Flop vs 2 Others I think 1200 is too low. A raise to 1200 prices him into the hand but raising more, looking at his stack size he's got to be aware that he could well be playing for his stack after the next card. Thats all well and good but if he's calling my raise I want him doing that expecting the worst.

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Re: AA on Raggy Flop vs 2 Others

With a very nice flop' date=' do I just call or do I try and get one or both of them out?[/quote'] better to win a small pot than lose a big one (by playing passively) so I would be rasing here - make it pot and see what happens - the tricky thing would be if you raise to 2.6K and villian shoves, do you call for another 4K knowing you may be behind to a set? :sad Damo
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