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The session


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Had a couple of hours a session yesterday and just a thought. This is not bad beat tread or bragging, just a reflection :ok. I spend most of my poker time playing on Pokerstars. I recently moved up a ladder and been playing 50/$1 tables and feeling comfortable. The day before I made about $100 at the tables and won stud tourney for 130, so I was pretty upbeat and ready to go. Very confident (or maybe over confident. I sat at 2 tables and BANG. Few loose calls and after 20 minutes I was down $250 :eyes:$. I confess, I made few calls to many, which is not my style. Especially one. Guy on the button raised 3rd time running x4 and I called with 96 of spades on BB. I know I shouldn't be in that hand. Anyway, flop comes 832 with 2 spades. He over bets for $12, I re raised him to 30 and he goes all in (buy in is $100). I got gut feeling, that he didn't have a pair and didn't connect and I call :eyes. 3rd spades comes on the river and I'm rubbing my hands for him to turn over AQ of spades :\. As I said, Shouldn't be in that hand. So, here comes a turning point. AM I right to reload and carry on? AM I on tilt? Do I really want to play? I sat out for 5 minutes, had a drink and came back to the tables. Opened 2 more tables. I totally blacked out last 30 minutes (I swear to it) and decided to play ABC poker and no stupid stuff. After 2hrs I was up about $90 and then comes the hand: PokerStars Game #13439022911: Hold'em No Limit ($0.50/$1.00) - 2007/11/24 - 12:40:30 (ET) Table 'Salvia' 9-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: Grim Reaver ($117.40 in chips) Seat 2: pburgh virus ($67.90 in chips) Seat 3: jkr1 ($18.60 in chips) Seat 4: paulafar ($66 in chips) Seat 5: Lottsof Luck ($17.90 in chips) Seat 6: heniek31 ($147.95 in chips) Seat 7: pajunk ($46.35 in chips) Seat 8: kokokolo ($39.40 in chips) Seat 9: ZepHendrix ($86.50 in chips) kokokolo: posts small blind $0.50 ZepHendrix: posts big blind $1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [8c 7c] Grim Reaver: raises $2 to $3 pburgh virus: folds jkr1: folds paulafar: folds Lottsof Luck: folds heniek31: calls $3 pajunk: folds kokokolo: folds ZepHendrix: folds *** FLOP *** [5d 6h 9s] Grim Reaver: bets $5 heniek31: calls $5 *** TURN *** [5d 6h 9s] [Ts] Grim Reaver: checks heniek31: bets $10 Grim Reaver: raises $10 to $20 heniek31: calls $10 *** RIVER *** [5d 6h 9s Ts] [Qc] Grim Reaver: bets $36 heniek31: raises $83.95 to $119.95 and is all-in Grim Reaver: calls $53.40 and is all-in *** SHOW DOWN *** heniek31: shows [8c 7c] (a straight, Six to Ten) Grim Reaver: mucks hand heniek31 collected $233.30 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $236.30 | Rake $3 Board [5d 6h 9s Ts Qc] At this point I'm closing all tables with $20 down for the day. And I'm happy with that :D. I didn't have a chance to reflect on my play till late this afternoon. I had about 4 hrs on the train and reading new Poker Player. Runner up of WSOP 2006 Paul Wasicka has perfectly summed up my session :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy: Aftershock "If you look at bad beat objectively, you really dint win or lose any money on any given hand, because your good and bad luck will even out over the course of your lifetime. So all that's left is how you let a hand affect your future play determines whether you win or lose money". I love poker :ok.

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Re: The session

Phew!:loon I thought you were going to lose that one to KJ:unsure. Massive well done on not tilting and shame about the good read not working out. I love Poker too:ok
I wasnt worried abou it at all. When he min raise me on the turn, I expected he had had 99 or 1010 (or other over pair), so I was praying for no pair on board on the river. If he (had KJ and) was trying to bluff me of the pot (on the gut shot str draw which is very unlikely) on the turn, his re raise would have to be huge.
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Re: The session

Why not re raise the turn here?
I still have nuts and want to keep him in. I know there's a flush draw, but I'm willing to take my chance. If I re raise him all in on turn, he might fold his QQ or even AQ of spades. He bets 1st and big on the river, so its possible the river improved his hand.
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Re: The session I don't think he is minraising the turn with QQ here ever. Most likely holding is 10 10. I definitely repop the turn here, if the board pairs or comes a spade are you disciplined to fold here enough? I'm not so sure I would be, so I personally make him pay to draw here especially as with a min raise like that I think he thinks he is ahead. Nice pot anyway but I personally think the play was wrong.

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Re: The session I would definitely have raised more on the turn with a possible flush draw and the guy could have been playing a gutshot J 8 strongly which is now an open ender as well. I though for sure it was going to turn in to a bad beat and the guy would show J 8 or K J.

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Re: The session What did the guy have ?? I know he mucked his hand, but at the show down his actual hand will be written to your history file. You'll be able to see it from there, or in poker tracker. From my read of the hand, he seems pretty sure he's ahead throughout the hand, and has you nailed dead on the river. I'm guessing high pocket pair, KK or maybe even QQ

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Re: The session Sorry guys, I'm a blind twat :$:$:$. Seat 1: Grim Reaver mucked [6s 6c] Seat 2: pburgh virus folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: jkr1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: paulafar folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Lottsof Luck folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: heniek31 showed [8c 7c] and won ($233.30) with a straight, Six to Ten Seat 7: pajunk (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: kokokolo (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: ZepHendrix (big blind) folded before Flop @Invasor. I played this guy on two of my tables and theres no way hes raising UTG with J8 or even KJ. He was tight solid. As I said, I wasn't worried about the flush. Agree, should have re raise him on the turn :ok.

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Re: The session

Sorry guys, I'm a blind twat :$:$:$. Seat 1: Grim Reaver mucked [6s 6c] Seat 2: pburgh virus folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: jkr1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
I think you were right to leave that bit off, made for an interesting debate as we tried to put him on a hand and work out his motivation :ok
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