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Call or Fold?

Tom Hedonist

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I hadn't been at this table for very long, when the following happened. ***** Hand History for Game 6534261117 *****<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

$10 USD NL <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Texas Hold'em - Sunday, November 25, 13:13:14 ET 2007

Table Table 129317 (Real Money)

Seat 6 is the button

Total number of players : 10

Seat 1: hYp4x ( $10.99 USD )

Seat 4: crack3313 ( $12.17 USD )

Seat 5: Playboard ( $5.41 USD )

Seat 7: bali1977 ( $9.10 USD )

Seat 8: full__monty ( $1.80 USD )

Seat 9: Jand_y ( $8.20 USD )

Seat 2: Hedonists ( $9.85 USD )

Seat 10: sugarbear691 ( $6.25 USD )

Seat 6: Gerasim2021 ( $1.85 USD )

Seat 3: DirtySanch11 ( $2 USD )

full__monty posts small blind [$0.05 USD].

Jand_y posts big blind [$0.10 USD].

** Dealing down cards **

Dealt to Hedonists [ Ad Kd ]

sugarbear691 calls [$0.10 USD]

hYp4x folds

Hedonists raises [$0.40 USD]

crack3313 folds

Playboard folds

Gerasim2021 folds

full__monty folds

Jand_y folds

sugarbear691 thinks about it for an age, and then: sugarbear691 is all-In [$6.15 USD]

Do I call or fold?

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Re: Call or Fold? I dont play cash tables much so this is a real toughie. If this was a tournament situation I would call straight away leaving myself enough chips to still creep into the money if I lost. Here though I think I would fold not having enough info on the other player to warrant risking that much of my cash.

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Re: Call or Fold? Nah, i'm pushing here. His bet is a sign of huge weakness, if he had a monster here, he'd flat call you, or do a small raise. His bet is just an attempt to push you off the pot, it screams of something like AQ or KQ. I'm picking you have overcards, and they're suited. I think you have him dominated.

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Re: Call or Fold?

I'd definitely call at this level it's highly unlikey he has aa or kk so you know at worst it's a coinflip. This comes to question does the level you play at alter your decision on a hand, yes I think it does considerably.
if you was playing at the level you was comfortable with, would you make the same call commiting 60% of your stack to an all in call with AKs!
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Re: Call or Fold? Two things: Depends on your read - No read available here. Depends on the gamble in you - i'm a gambler, i may call. Generally at these low levels up to 25/50 i know people will push all in pre flop with an uber strong hand to get paid off, i've done it also. So that's a big possibility for me - JJ+. On a 25/50 table a month or so ish ago i raised a guy re-raised i re-raised he went all in, i went in for $40 with AK, they had AKs and hit a flush. That just shows even slightly higher up the ladder people will go AI with coin flip hands, i called as i like a gamble sometimes and just felt they didn't have AA or KK. I'd put the pusher in your example on a range of 55 - AA even J10s - AKs. I'd probably call, just depends on the gamble in you.

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Re: Call or Fold? Definite call for me, you have no info on player but that means he could be good or bad. Okay we're behind to any pair but most only marginally, I think his range is huge. He may be sitting on AA but he could have A rag as well, it could be to bully you off the pot and rack the chips. Take the chance only 2hands dominate and he could have many holdings here. You could be dog but I think there's more chance you have him dominated.

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Re: Call or Fold? Many thanks to everyone who replied. :ok As always, its very interesting to see the differences of opinion. Result I thought about it for a while and my take on it at the time was that he was weak and trying to push me out of the pot. My reasoning for this was that if he had AA/KK a pot-sized reraise would have been a much better bet (of course people don't always do what you expect!). I also thought that if I ended up losing the hand, I'd have a fairly good read on him, he'd likely give his winnings back to the table in the near future and I stood a chance of getting my money back. I called, he turned over pocket Tens, and I failed to improve. C'est la vie! Unfortunately before I got a chance to even make a note against the player, he left the table, nicking off with my money. Scoundrel. :cry

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Re: Call or Fold? I make him a 53 / 47 fav here, so a minus ev play, but not by much. But you need to do this based on a range of hands he may have, I think it fair to put him on a range like any pocket pair, or any two broadway cards. Here you are a 60/40 fav. I'd be happy enough with the call

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