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my next sponsored game 23/11/07


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just in case anyone is interested,i am playing at either the rendezvous or grosvenor on friday,as they pretty much have the same thing going on.. it will be a £10 re-buy tourney unlimited for the 1st 90 minutes and 1 add on. the grosvenor has a guaranteed prize of £1500 if 30 runners,not sure about rendezvous,will post that later.. would have preferred playing saturday,but what with me taking the wife out for our 18th wedding anniversary,that is a dead dog

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Re: my next sponsored game 23/11/07 got to casino in good time,and it started with 55 players,so £1500 was guaranteed prize fund before any rebuys were due to bump that up.. got seated in my most hated position,the dealers chair as seat 1 on table 1,not a good sign.. we had a good mix on the table and only 1 crazy chinaman,who re-buyed 8 times within the hour before realising that going all-in with 8/3 etc wasnt going to work....:lol guy sitting next to me in seat 9 had an unbelievable run of cards,aces twice,kings 3 x and queens x2,,i had absolutely nothing,the best hand i had right up to the 1st break and add-on time was a/4 spades,then i hit a/q,pushed it and guy in seat 9 called with a/j....jack hits so had my 1st re-buy. then i get a/k,push again and seat 9 calls with a/k,,:sadsplit pot, made the break and added on then went for coke...... about 20 minutes into the 2nd session i get q/q .. i have less than 3 bb so push and get 2 callers,,put them both on a/?, 1st card on the flop was an ace,so knew that was it for me,as it was the 2 guys had a/q and a/10 so got the read right.. still an enjoyable night though

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