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mikes on final table at sheffield winter festival


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Re: mikes on final table at sheffield winter festival

Of course I realise you'd have won had it not been for a horrendous bad beat. ;)
LOL @ Mr V Thanks all for your kind comments :ok. Was quite short when it got to the last 3, had less than 10% of the chips in play, so didnt mind so much when my 67% favourite JJ preflop allin bet lost to A8s, when A8 came on the flop. But yes your right Mr V, its so hard to win these things on skill alone......:lol Going to play in the main event tonight, so hoping for a bit of luck and some nice cards.
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Re: mikes on final table at sheffield winter festival Hi guys, thanks for your best wishes. Unfortunatley only 15 entered the tournament, low numbers blamed on the GUKPT festival in Blackpool, they were expecting at least 50. Anyway fancied my chances, despite low numbers even if they were all local pro's I was up against, infact I dont think Ive ever felt more at ease, maybe that was my first of a few mistakes - top 3 getting paid it was a case of going for it and not hanging about and turned into a very agggressive game, got rivered about 6 times, made a massive error of judgement when i called an allin with 99 against JJ, when I though my oppponent was making a play, but also made some great calls IMO, anyway ended up going out in 11th after about 4 hours when my AKs lost to 22. Blinds at 400/200 I raised to 1200 on the button, BB raises to 2500, I reraise to 7000 allin. BB thinks for about 5 minutes then declares he's priced in and calls. Flop A :) 3, 2:( Still chuffed about last nights result and looking forward to playing again soon. and out I go. Still I'm £1100 up for the two nights and have enjoyed myself

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Guest gazza271

Re: mikes on final table at sheffield winter festival Unlucky mike but congratulations on a nice profit for the weekend :clap:clap:clap As this was one of your sponsered events will we be seeing a good mag write up ?

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