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thoughts please


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i am betting from the off here and expecting valley to fold,was i wrong in that? i get a bit ul with the 2 coming down but committed imo and feel a bit hard done by when the 2nd ace card is dealt Transcript for your last 1 games requested by teaulc *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #13260824119: Tournament #67240461, $5.00+$0.50 HORSE (Razz Limit) - Level VIII (400/800) - 2007/11/15 - 16:59:12 (ET) Table '67240461 4' 8-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 3: teaulc (1742 in chips) Seat 4: BlueBeeEm (1805 in chips) Seat 5: Guessthenews (3593 in chips) Seat 6: thetinkerman (6526 in chips) Seat 7: ValleyGyrl (7557 in chips) ValleyGyrl: posts the ante 40 teaulc: posts the ante 40 BlueBeeEm: posts the ante 40 Guessthenews: posts the ante 40 thetinkerman: posts the ante 40 *** 3rd STREET *** Dealt to teaulc [Qc Ah 2c] Dealt to BlueBeeEm [7s] Dealt to Guessthenews [Th] Dealt to thetinkerman [Jd] Dealt to ValleyGyrl [9s] thetinkerman: brings in for 200 ValleyGyrl: calls 200 teaulc: raises 200 to 400 BlueBeeEm: folds Guessthenews: folds Guessthenews said, "ty" thetinkerman: folds ValleyGyrl: calls 200 *** 4th STREET *** Dealt to teaulc [Qc Ah 2c] [3d] Dealt to ValleyGyrl [9s] [5h] teaulc: bets 400 ValleyGyrl: calls 400 *** 5th STREET *** Dealt to teaulc [Qc Ah 2c 3d] [2s] Dealt to ValleyGyrl [9s 5h] [4s] ValleyGyrl: bets 800 teaulc: raises 102 to 902 and is all-in ValleyGyrl: calls 102 *** 6th STREET *** Dealt to teaulc [Qc Ah 2c 3d 2s] [Ac] Dealt to ValleyGyrl [9s 5h 4s] [Ks] *** RIVER *** Dealt to teaulc [Qc Ah 2c 3d 2s Ac] [6h] *** SHOW DOWN *** ValleyGyrl: shows [6d 2h 9s 5h 4s Ks Kh] (Lo: 9,6,5,4,2) teaulc: shows [Qc Ah 2c 3d 2s Ac 6h] (Lo: Q,6,3,2,A) ValleyGyrl collected 3804 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3804 | Rake 0 Seat 3: teaulc showed [Qc Ah 2c 3d 2s Ac 6h] and lost with Lo: Q,6,3,2,A Seat 4: BlueBeeEm folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet) Seat 5: Guessthenews folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet) Seat 6: thetinkerman (button) folded on the 3rd Street Seat 7: ValleyGyrl showed [6d 2h 9s 5h 4s Ks Kh] and won (3804) with Lo: 9,6,5,4,2 If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

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Re: thoughts please Think the villians stacksize should have been considered before raising, very easy to call with a playable hand in any limit game when you know your maximum loss is only 25% of your stack. With your stack size any 3 cards less than 9 would probably deserve an "o.k this is it" move

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Re: thoughts please I think you chose a bad spot Al. As has already been said the A2 is nice but the Q is a dead card and if I've got your stack I'm folding. That said, I do have a weakness for playing 2 low cards in the hole when I've a high card showing. When the 2 came on 5th street to pair your hand you've now got 2 cards and the hand is dead and you're hoping for runner runner. My read is you were never ahead. Sorry Al. :\

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Re: thoughts please cheers guys,i know where your coming from,but with 2 bb left i push as agressively as possible but with her holding 629 to start i was telling her i had a/2 and a low card and i suppose with her stack size she could just call all the way. better luck next time methinks

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