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APAT regionals extra info


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Guest gazza271

Re: APAT regionals extra info

ha ha i got a medal :cow:cow3rd at brighton:)
nice one mate, think that makes you the first PL medal winner :clap:clap:clap:clap
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Re: APAT regionals extra info cheers guys :ok went out on a bit of a mad hand to a guy who cashed in last years razz wsop. i had 10h js he had qh 9s.blinds were 400/800. he min raised from sb i called. flop comes k q 3 all spades ,i think nice open ended straight/flush draw he bets 4000 i push all in for about another 8000 he calls after a long pause.no help on the turn or river and i was out. i was well chuffed with my play as i was down to 1200 on 200/400 blinds with 8 left and built it back to 14k:)

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Re: APAT regionals extra info

still lasted till 7 oclock tho:loon
well played ben and thanks for the lift down :ok i finished 11th after i had played a hand quite badly when i was raising big with aq preflop/flop and the turn,the muppet was chasing a flush after i had convinced myself he had a low pair and i checked the river after hitting nowt he went all in and i folded,,if i had bet or called i would have won the hand:sad bit later utg who is short-stacked goes all-in i am bb,all fold and i call with aq (again),he shows kj..i hit ace on the flop then he runners a king then a jack to stay in..... i go out when bb with k8,all fold to sb (jonathan who cashed the razz in vegas from insidepoker mag freeroll)) and he calls...flop is k/2/3 , i bet 500 he goes over the top of me for the rest of my 400 chips so i call,,he has k/3 :wall as it was when we left it looked like jonathan was just about to win it.:clap very disappointed for APAT with so few runners,it was good to meet Lee, the south representative,but expected so many more to play this month,it had gone from 25 last month (expected low turn-out cos of rugby) but to get only 17 this month and that included 3 that i know of from london,was quite bad. a big thanks to the grosvenor who had laid on 4 dealers this time,and for the food:clap
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Re: APAT regionals extra info Thanks for the report Alan. I'm not sure why Brighton was so badly attended. APAT didn't advertise any of the Regionals, not even via email to our members, because of concerns over dealer numbers etc, but even so, we still sold out places like Manchester, Luton, Cardiff, and even had 74 at the Vic. So the numbers were well up on the previous Regionals, but Brighton (and Newcastle & Plymouth) is a bit of a mystery to me. Maybe the Rendezvous runs a big event on a Saturday?

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Re: APAT regionals extra info

Thanks for the report Alan. I'm not sure why Brighton was so badly attended. APAT didn't advertise any of the Regionals' date=' not even via email to our members, because of concerns over dealer numbers etc, but even so, we still sold out places like Manchester, Luton, Cardiff, and even had 74 at the Vic. So the numbers were well up on the previous Regionals, but Brighton (and Newcastle & Plymouth) is a bit of a mystery to me. Maybe the Rendezvous runs a big event on a Saturday?[/quote'] i`ll look into that one Des :ok
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Re: APAT regionals extra info

Thanks for the report Alan. I'm not sure why Brighton was so badly attended. APAT didn't advertise any of the Regionals' date=' not even via email to our members, because of concerns over dealer numbers etc, but even so, we still sold out places like Manchester, Luton, Cardiff, and even had 74 at the Vic. So the numbers were well up on the previous Regionals, but Brighton (and Newcastle & Plymouth) is a bit of a mystery to me. Maybe the Rendezvous runs a big event on a Saturday?[/quote'] Newcastle problems this week were due to the Sunderland Vs Newcastle derby match at 12.45pm, which was also on sky sports, so with 100k weekly supporters between us it was always gonna be quiet We had (i think) 8 new people turn up, so if the others were at the match that would make 30 in total, which is still way off the national average but the other problem may be the casino itself, it dosent open til 2pm, has no chef til 5pm (so we were all sat there starving), and the saturday tourney is a £10 rebuy, when just down the road is a £30 freezeout with 4k gtd prizepool GL all who go to manchester for the national, im unfortunately unable to make it due to a prior engagement in las vegas for the boxing:ok
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