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Does your personality dictate the way you play!


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I think extroverts are more likely to play a loose game and introverts more tight, do you think that this is true in your case. I class myself as an omnivert(somewhere in between)and play a mostly tight aggressive game, but give me alcohol and I'm a loose aggressive maniac. How does your personality dictate the way you play?

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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play! I'm not convinced that your personality, per se, affects your play. I'm pretty extrovert but generally play tight. I would say that the way you are feeling at the time will affect your play. Tiredness, Annoyance, and of course Intoxication will all loosen up my play

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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play! The reason I started this thread is that I rarely see introverts play a loose aggressive game it seems that they're uncapable of playing that way. Of course it doesn't imply to all introverts just a generalisation.

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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play! Sounds a reasonable hypothesis to me...... Of course, the very best players should be able to move beyond this and play any way, adjusting their style of play to maximise the profit against their opponents

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Guest gazza271

Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play!

I think it does. I play like a twat.
:lol:lol:lol:lol class :ok Believe it or not I'm actually quite shy :lol and I think that reflects in my game, play tight and not take to many risks in the early stages.
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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play!

:lol:lol:lol:lol class :ok Believe it or not I'm actually quite shy :lol and I think that reflects in my game, play tight and not take to many risks in the early stages.
:loon:loon:loon Not when you send txt msg's telling people you love them :rollin:rollin:rollin
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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play!

I think extroverts are more likely to play a loose game and introverts more tight, do you think that this is true in your case. I class myself as an omnivert(somewhere in between)and play a mostly tight aggressive game, but give me alcohol and I'm a loose aggressive maniac. How does your personality dictate the way you play?
Poker is a reflection of the person, you can try and change and play by a set of rules in a book, but the person will shine through in the end
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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play! i think your personality probably give you your best game to start to play with as i would guess a timid player would feel out of place pushing chips around, and a outgoing person would not be able to sit tight for ages. i started playing tag and i am fairly introverted, mind you the first book i read was hellmuths so that would also have given me a tightish outlook on the game;). my standard plan is to play tight to start but i have picked up a lot of different moves from books ,mags and watching other players and my game has evolved a lot over the few years i have been playing. i now feel comfortable playing aggressively, but at the start i just felt like a fish out of water:unsure so i think your theory is sound but i also agree with gaf that to get better you have to adapt past that:ok.

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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play! I think your personality can have an effect on how others play against you. at the irish open i played against a guy who was an ignorant bugger kept trying to rush me and saying things like "well its you to go" the guy clearly had no manners. i made it my mission to take him out and duly did :). I also find if people like your personality they tend to take it easier on you. how do you spell duly it doesn't look right?

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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play!

The reason I started this thread is that I rarely see introverts play a loose aggressive game it seems that they're uncapable of playing that way. Of course it doesn't imply to all introverts just a generalisation.
I'm incredibly shy - there goes THAT hypothesis. :rollin
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Re: Does your personality dictate the way you play!

but the person will shine through in the end
I'm not sure if this is so, actually. I'm Mr Cautious when it comes to money in general - I get a cold sweat if there's a ton owing on my Visa card - but I sometimes feel the real me decides to take a time out when I sit down at a poker table. Granted, there's a very true tournament poker axiom that says you have to be prepared to die if you want to live but whenever I analyse flaws in my game, too much aggression rather than too little tends to be top of the list. So, no; I don't think you do have to be imprisoned by your personality when you play poker.
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