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mansion tourney info

the croc

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while playing the 150k last night after reaching the last 90,everyone kept asking about the payout structure.just got me thinking,how would anyone know if mansion are actually paying out what they say,you cant find a list of payouts so surely nobody would have a clue.now im sure they pay exactly what they should but why is it they cannot sort the problem,im sure the other sites on the network have the info available.

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Re: mansion tourney info As you say, it's unlikely they're up to anything underhand, but it is annoying. Have any of us asked them about it? I have to admit I've just assumed they must know about it and waited for it to be fixed. Also, does anybody know if it's only the Mansion-only tournaments that the tourney info doesn't work for? Those are the only ones I've played on there.

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Re: mansion tourney info I sent them an email and got this in reply:

Thank you for contacting MANSION. We can confirm that we are aware of the tournament Info button being unavailable, presently our Technical department are at work to implement a fix so that this becomes available as soon as possible. Should you require any information regarding payouts please contact us and we will forward the structures to you. We trust this answers your query, should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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  • 2 months later...

Re: mansion tourney info

What about the password reminder service :tongue2
Err, ... no idea. :unsure You can also sort the player list, which you couldn't do on ChanPoker last week (maybe they've been gradually sorting out the tournament info for the whole network over the last few days?). But there's one slight bug: if you sort by chip count, it does it by alphabetical order instead of numerical order. :rollin
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