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Ladbrokes STT - 10 pays 5


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Just recently started playing at Ladbrokes again and notice they now have 10 seat STT's with the top five all getting paid the same. :) This seems like a good thing for tight gits like myself and also wondered if it would be profitable signing up for all these and then just sitting out for the whole game? :unsure Anyone been playing these? Red. PS. Playing my first $10 one and the play is extremely tight.

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Re: Ladbrokes STT - 10 pays 5 Started a $2 one with the intention of sitting out or not playing any hands. Unfortunately couldn't resist playing AK in the big blind, and busted out in 10th...oops. :eyes Still playing the first tourney and after 30 minutes there are still 9 of us tight gits left in. :zzz Red.

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Re: Ladbrokes STT - 10 pays 5 Interesting to hear this, as I've thought previously I wonder if a STT with 5 paid would catch on. When I was thinking of them though I came up with a prize structure of 30,25,20,15,10% rather than all being equal. I'd definitely like to have a go at these. :ok

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Re: Ladbrokes STT - 10 pays 5 Tried sitting out on a $5 tourney. I'd played for 30 minutes and had more chips than I started with, I then had to go out for some fresh air and exercise (cough). Came home to see that I finished 7th. :\ Not going to bother with these again. :sad Red.

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