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Tonight 100k on Stars. I have 9k with blinds 500/1k. 3030 left, 3000 get paid ($18 lowest). Im 4th to act. If I let it go, Im in the money in 2-3 hands. What do you do? PokerStars Game #12903524934: Tournament #64650466, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (600/1200) - 2007/10/28 - 17:33:29 (ET) Table '64650466 33' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: spurg2 (19139 in chips) Seat 2: Sixthson (10910 in chips) Seat 3: heniek31 (9260 in chips) Seat 4: Chris324 (17730 in chips) Seat 5: L_Sprewell (28231 in chips) Seat 6: keule1978 (28303 in chips) Seat 7: bigredbagger (16061 in chips) Seat 8: RaysTwo (5265 in chips) Seat 9: BlackMG62 (9850 in chips) spurg2: posts the ante 125 Sixthson: posts the ante 125 heniek31: posts the ante 125 Chris324: posts the ante 125 L_Sprewell: posts the ante 125 keule1978: posts the ante 125 bigredbagger: posts the ante 125 RaysTwo: posts the ante 125 BlackMG62: posts the ante 125 bigredbagger: posts small blind 600 RaysTwo: posts big blind 1200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [Qh Qc]

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Re: Bubble I would ve without hesitation fold AK or AQ, but not ladies :ok. Dealt to heniek31 [Qh Qc] BlackMG62: folds spurg2: folds Sixthson: folds heniek31: raises 7935 to 9135 and is all-in Chris324: folds L_Sprewell: folds keule1978: calls 9135 bigredbagger: folds RaysTwo: folds *** FLOP *** [4c 3c 8c] *** TURN *** [4c 3c 8c] [8d] *** RIVER *** [4c 3c 8c 8d] [Ts] *** SHOW DOWN *** heniek31: shows [Qh Qc] (two pair, Queens and Eights) keule1978: shows [Ah Ad] (two pair, Aces and Eights) keule1978 collected 21195 from pot :\

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Re: Bubble ffs - it was just a Bad Beat thread - I got sucked in - not only did I waste my time reading it, I replied to it as well :wall :wall :wall :wall :tongue2 On 2+2 they have the following rules on their MTT strategy forum - stonking idea if you ask me ;) :

a) Do NOT post bad beats: Step away from the keyboard. No one cares. Your bad beat is not special. We've all had ‘em. I don’t care if someone runner runner runner runner'd your quads with a straight flush. My dog doesn’t care either. My cat might, but he's a donk. Cliffs notes version: Don’t post bad beats, we don’t care. If you absolutely feel the need to post a bad beat the only place where it is acceptable to do so is here. Finally, keep in mind that bad beat posts are no less unacceptable if you try to disguise them behind a silly question like ‘should I waited until the river to go all in with AA since I knew he would call with anything?’.
f) Do not post results: Consciously or not, it’s impossible not to be impacted by the results of hand. Accordingly, not posting them is necessary to getting the best possible discussion. Therefore, results should always be absent, and should not be implied in the title or preamble to the hand (incidentally, if you only seek out advice on and discussion of hands that you lose, you probably have a lot to learn about poker). Not only should you not post results, you should stop all the action at the point in the hand that you want to discuss. For instance, the following is flawed:


PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t100 (9 handed)
FTR converter on zerodivide.cx
MP1 (t2450) Hero (t710) MP3 (t545) CO (t4923) Button (t2580) SB (t1726) BB (t1809) UTG (t1168) UTG+1 (t835)
Hero is MP2 with 9
, 9
UTG raises to t400
UTG+1 raises to t835
1 fold
, Hero calls t710 (All-In),
5 folds
, UTG calls t435.
(t2530) K
, 4
, 6
(3 players, 1 all-in)
(t2530) 5
(3 players, 1 all-in)
(t2530) 7
(3 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot:

While it may not contain the end result of the hand, there is still information there that may poison the well, the hand should be posted as follows:


PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t100 (9 handed)
FTR converter on zerodivide.cx
MP1 (t2450) Hero (t710) MP3 (t545) CO (t4923) Button (t2580) SB (t1726) BB (t1809) UTG (t1168) UTG+1 (t835)
Hero is MP2 with 9
, 9
UTG raises to t400
UTG+1 raises to t835
1 fold
, Hero calls t710 (All-In)

I especially like the do not post results rule - if you're results orientated, you'll never beat poker - the result of a single hand is of no significance whatsoever to what the correct play is.....
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Re: Bubble

Step away from the keyboard. No one cares. Your bad beat is not special. We've all had ‘em. I don’t care if someone runner runner runner runner'd your quads with a straight flush. My dog doesn’t care either. My cat might, but he's a donk.
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Re: Bubble

  1. shove if you want to have a chance to win more than $18
  2. fold if you want to win $18
  3. count the clock down and hope others bust before you and then shove hoping you have already won $18 with a chance for a few more

personally I would choose option 1 Damo

Tonight 100k on Stars. I have 9k with blinds 500/1k. 3030 left, 3000 get paid ($18 lowest). Im 4th to act. If I let it go, Im in the money in 2-3 hands. What do you do? Dealt to heniek31 [Qh Qc]
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Re: Bubble

I especially like the do not post results rule - if you're results orientated, you'll never beat poker - the result of a single hand is of no significance whatsoever to what the correct play is.....
I agree with this - if you post the entire HH straight up it becomes less informative in terms of figuring out the correct decision the less the information the better Damo ps we have a 'I'm pissed off' thread for bad beats, lets not post them in the strategy forum unless you put something in the subject line as well so we know and can decide whether to read or not? (just my thoughts)
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