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Jaded Plays 'Properly'


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Before Morls, Mr V, or any of my other fans get worried, don't be alarmed - I'm still raising with 83o! The 'properly' refers to my newfound determination to go for something approaching bankroll management... scary! Basically, to cut a (very) long story short, the nice people at HSBC have given me a major financial boost this week after I decided it would be a good idea to talk to them about some stuff. This means I have a reasonable amount of money to spend playing poker from now on - normally this would mean I'd actually spend a massive amount of money playing poker. Those of you with sound financial skillz may notice the problem which usually ensues here. No more! New tactics from moi. The following are OUT: No cash games. (As entertaining as it is to drop £250 or so in a hand to Grospellier's cowboys, it can STAY as a once in a life time experience.) No STT's. (My attention span is completely wrong for them - I tend to get bored at about the 5 or 6 player mark and bomb out on or near the bubble.) No stupidly expensive MTT's, unless I can actually qualify through cheap sats. From now on, IN: Cheap MTT's. Maximum buy-in of $10 or £5 (plus fees) are okay at anytime. 'Bigger' games. Will play a maximum of one bigger game, not more than $30 or £15, per week (Monday to Sunday). That's MAXIMUM, meaning I won't necessarily spend Sunday desperately trying to find a £15 game for the hell of it. (People who have me on MSN are free to remind me of this!) Will post results here as long as no-one minds - Mr V reckons it may inspire people, presumably on the basis that if I can do it, anyone can!!

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly'

From now on, IN: Cheap MTT's. Maximum buy-in of $10 or £5 (plus fees) are okay at anytime. 'Bigger' games. Will play a maximum of one bigger game, not more than $30 or £15, per week (Monday to Sunday). That's MAXIMUM, meaning I won't necessarily spend Sunday desperately trying to find a £15 game for the hell of it. (People who have me on MSN are free to remind me of this!)
:hope for you matey - good luck on this- discipline will reap it's rewards. :ok
Will post results here as long as no-one minds - Mr V reckons it may inspire people, presumably on the basis that if I can do it, anyone can!!
:lol :D
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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' Okay, $3.30 down, but not too disappointed - 170 or so in, 24 paid, I went out 41st. Had (7T)T with 2 spades in stud, was short stacked, and after my raise was reraised by a J showing, ended up having to pretty much shove or fold - I shoved, he had the expected J, and we both ended up making 2 pair, his higher. So, not a profitable start, but not despondent by any means.

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' No cash games or SNG's? They're the bread and butter, the place where people should make most money. IMO you should definitely be playing these if you want to consistently make money and with a bigger bankroll it should make you more comfortable playing cash. If sound bankroll management is adopted no matter what the bankroll nobody should go busto, i.e. 5% of your roll buy ins. Good luck anyway :ok

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly'

No cash games or SNG's? They're the bread and butter' date=' the place where people should make most money. [/quote'] Cash games and STT's generally play to the strengths of consistent players, though. I can see how the majority of (good) players make their money there, but for someone with my hit and miss style, MTT's have always been far more profitable.
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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' 53rd of 104 in that one, so no cash again. $7.91 down (Will keep updating in $, using xe.com for currency conversion, just to stop confusing myself.) Off to pub soon so in new spirit of sensible playing probably WON'T play again til tomorrow!

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' Good luck! I'm not quite sure exactly why you think MTTs are better for you than cash games or STTs, though. One of my biggest problems in MTTs is maintaining concentration: I often play pretty well for a couple of hours and then do something monumentally stupid to blow it in a moment of madness. I think I'm better at STTs, and I think that's one of the reasons: I can maintain my concentration for an hour or so without too much trouble. I don't play cash games that much, but I used to have a problem because (I think) of the open ended nature of it. Since there's no point at which you can say "I've won it", I used to keep playing, won a bit to start with, and then gradually got bored and lost a huge pot through lack of concentration. Nowadays, I set myself a target: I'll leave the table when I've won or lost half my buy-in, or something like that (though I'll adjust the target if there's a complete fish at the table). I find that having a specific target helps me psychologically to maintain my concentration.

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly'

Good luck! Nowadays, I set myself a target: I'll leave the table when I've won or lost half my buy-in, or something like that (though I'll adjust the target if there's a complete fish at the table). I find that having a specific target helps me psychologically to maintain my concentration.
excellent response and what we all should do - lock in the profit and fire up another table JJ - why not try short handed STT's? Damo
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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' Despite reasonable arguments to the contrary, I think Jaded is doing the right thing by concentrating on MTT's. Short handed STT's are quick, but Jaded has an edge in playing junk well. I think that he loses this edge (or at least some of it) because the other 4 or 5 players have to lower their starting hand requirements. STT's in general are bad for a person like Jaded because they aren't long enough. There are 10 players, and last around an hour to 75 minutes. If one or 2 players bust out then Jaded can see the end of the game and he starts thinking about what he's doing next, which could be where he starts to lose his focus and tries to rush to the finish. When Jaded plays MTT's for reasons other than boredom he approaches them in the right way because he doesn't see a long tournament, but a series of small challenges. It suits his mind set to take on these challenges and look forward to the next one without getting too distracted. I know it may seem perverse logic but I think that by cutting out 2 leaks to his poker bankroll he will, eventually, see the benefit. I haven't mentioned cash games but to say that I refuse to reveal my true opinion of his cash game should speak volumes.

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly'

I haven't mentioned cash games but to say that I refuse to reveal my true opinion of his cash game should speak volumes.
I agree with the others on here to a degree,about playing solely MTT's, I can just see you getting frustrated getting 1 small cash every once in a while, whilst waiting for the big hit. Plus they take so bloody long to complete. When I was out of sorts with my NLHE I had a run at playing HORSE cash on Stars - The benefits for you would be 1.Limit so no major chances of dropping hundreds (definitely not in one hand). 2.variation 3.The only thing is in the Stud games I feel its important to begin with a good starting hand - but i'm sure a little discipline could be excercised on this bit. I also kept a record of what i won on each discipline, this helped me improve some of the weaknesses in my all round game.
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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly'

When I was out of sorts with my NLHE I had a run at playing HORSE cash on Stars - The benefits for you would be 1.Limit so no major chances of dropping hundreds (definitely not in one hand).
Your faith in me there is touching, voj, but historic data shows that you're not 100% right with this bit!!
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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' First and prob only game of the day is a £5 Head Hunter in 10 mins on Will Hill. Have played a few of these and was quite good at them at one point, but haven't really done anything much about strategy, other than the obvious lowering calling requirements if a guy you have got easily covered moves all in. Depending how it goes, might start another thread with some ideas.

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly' New running total of $19.19 down, but happy with my play (bizarre considering I went out within 5 minutes!) When the money went in on the hand that killed me off, shoving with 99 on a Kxx flop, all hearts - he called with AsQh and hit a heart. I was 47.58% to win, so slight underdog, but given fold equity and the pot odds I think it was the right move.

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Re: Jaded Plays 'Properly'

Good luck! I'm not quite sure exactly why you think MTTs are better for you than cash games or STTs, though. One of my biggest problems in MTTs is maintaining concentration: I often play pretty well for a couple of hours and then do something monumentally stupid to blow it in a moment of madness. I think I'm better at STTs, and I think that's one of the reasons: I can maintain my concentration for an hour or so without too much trouble. I don't play cash games that much, but I used to have a problem because (I think) of the open ended nature of it. Since there's no point at which you can say "I've won it", I used to keep playing, won a bit to start with, and then gradually got bored and lost a huge pot through lack of concentration. Nowadays, I set myself a target: I'll leave the table when I've won or lost half my buy-in, or something like that (though I'll adjust the target if there's a complete fish at the table). I find that having a specific target helps me psychologically to maintain my concentration.
I couldn't sum it up any different to what slapdash has said as to the way I currently feel about poker! Glad I'm not the only one slap
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