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Bad Beat or Bad Play???


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Table was mainly full of calling stations who folded to most raises. I had built up my chips by seeing cheap flops and outplaying after the flop when I hit the best hand. I had AQ suited here and elected to call and see what the flop contained. Didn't hit on the flop but tried to steal the pot after the flop as it had been working previously as people gave me respect for a good hand as I wasn't playing too many pots, and when I did go all the way I had fairly good hands. After the turn I had a flush draw and got free look at the river where I hit my A high spades flush. Put him on trip 6's but didn't realise when the 4 of spades made my flush, it also made his full house and in the process gave him all my chips. Should I have raised pre flop to most likely win $0-75, or was the way I played the hand ok and just unlucky? Some feedback would be greatly appreciated... PokerStars Game #12733339102: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2007/10/20 - 02:26:58 (ET) Table 'Tarvos V' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: TangledBlue ($49.50 in chips) Seat 2: Püppi79 ($9.50 in chips) Seat 3: diebitter ($61.60 in chips) Seat 5: pedro41 ($43 in chips) Seat 6: Beejayville ($42.60 in chips) Seat 7: 666DAA ($59.30 in chips) Seat 8: JToney ($31 in chips) Seat 9: jowie53 ($28.95 in chips) TangledBlue: posts small blind $0.25 Püppi79: posts big blind $0.50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Beejayville [As Qs] diebitter: folds pedro41: folds Beejayville: calls $0.50 666DAA: calls $0.50 JToney: folds jowie53: calls $0.50 TangledBlue: folds Püppi79: checks *** FLOP *** [6c 6h Ts] Püppi79: checks Beejayville: bets $1.50 666DAA: calls $1.50 jowie53: folds Püppi79: folds *** TURN *** [6c 6h Ts] [Js] Beejayville: checks 666DAA: checks *** RIVER *** [6c 6h Ts Js] [4s] Beejayville: bets $3 666DAA: raises $15.50 to $18.50 Beejayville: raises $22.10 to $40.60 and is all-in 666DAA: calls $22.10 *** SHOW DOWN *** Beejayville: shows [As Qs] (a flush, Ace high) 666DAA: shows [6d 4h] (a full house, Sixes full of Fours) 666DAA collected $83.45 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $86.45 | Rake $3 Board [6c 6h Ts Js 4s] Seat 1: TangledBlue (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 2: Püppi79 (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 3: diebitter folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: pedro41 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Beejayville showed [As Qs] and lost with a flush, Ace high Seat 7: 666DAA showed [6d 4h] and won ($83.45) with a full house, Sixes full of Fours Seat 8: JToney folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: jowie53 (button) folded on the Flop

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Re: Bad Beat or Bad Play??? Id call that a bad beat if it was me playing. Would be hard to put him on a 4 aswell. It would be likely that he had trip sixes by the way he was playing, but because he didnt raise after the Turn you wouldnt expect he'd have a T or J either. Very hard to put him on a 4

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Re: Bad Beat or Bad Play??? Overall, quite unlucky - yes you need to be cautious on a paired board, but I think it's quite reasonable to think you're ahead too..... However, I'm a little confused by your read of the table....

Table was mainly full of calling stations who folded to most raises.
If they're calling stations, then they call, they don't fold - they'll call you down to the river :unsure Do you mean that they were loose, weak players?
but tried to steal the pot after the flop as it had been working previously as people gave me respect for a good hand as I wasn't playing too many pots
Never never never try and bluff a calling station!! If they were giving you respect and folding to your raises, then as above, they weren't calling stations!!!
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Re: Bad Beat or Bad Play??? The only thing I would have done differently is to raise pre-flop. AQs is, to me, a strong enough hand to open raise with. Yes, you might just get the blinds money, but hands like 64o aren't going to call you. By the river, you had no option, I can't believe that anyone would throw away the Ace flush on the off chance that a full house is lurking.

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Re: Bad Beat or Bad Play???

Don't you mean ''negatively variant'' ???? :tongue2
Yes - you're right ;) Overall he received a little short term negative variance - which we all know of course doesn't matter :ok As someone who wasn't a regular in the Poker forum though - I tried to explain it in plain everyday English to make sure he understood, rather than the more technically correct phrase .... :tongue2
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Re: Bad Beat or Bad Play??? How could that possibly be a bad beat? After the flop the other guy was always miles ahead! Don't like calling pre flop, especially in early-mid position, as it always makes the hand tough to play after the flop. I think it's incredibly tough to get away from on the river, wouldn't ever put someone on exactly 64, so unless I thought he had it early wouldn't think he'd have it then! Think I might have called the $18.50 on the end instead of re-raising, he's pretty unlikely to fold for that amount and the paired board is always a little scary.

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Re: Bad Beat or Bad Play??? Thanx for the feedback guys and will be quite helpful :ok Probably weren't calling stations as such GAF, more loose weak players perhaps...Meant they called pre flop a lot and then generally folded to a raise after the flop. In hindsight I probably should have just called his reraise on the river, however, some of the hands these guys were going all the way with were quite absurd...Some would keep calling to the end with only a pair. I never imagined he had a full house and that's where I misjudged it...Got the flush draw for very little and then when I hit I thought I had the best hand over trips. Good thing about Poker is quite often you learn more when you lose a hand than when you win a hand :dude Thanx for the input everyone as your valued thoughts are much appreciated!

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