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Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight


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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight

There's a $10+1 qualifier for the $110k guaranteed ($100+8 buyin) starting in just over 10 minutes with 2 seats guaranteed and only 3 registered at the moment. Don't know if there's a minimum number for it to run?
Started with 12 players.
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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight

cant get enough of these $110k and $150k qualifiers. anyway another one starts in 17 min,2 seats to 110k($108).this one is 10+1 freezeout.8 regged atm :ok
Looks like it started with 31 runners, so no added value. The ones that usually seem to be value are (a) The $5 freezeouts with one guaranteed seat (also turbo, but 5 minute blinds, if I remember rightly): I've played in one of these with 11 runners, so almost 100% overlay. (b) The $10 rebuys with 20 guaranteed seats. These seem to have around 45 runners, and despite being rebuys, the average number of buy-ins per player seems to be only just over two. I've played in one of these that had more than a 100% overlay. I think somebody said that the tokens lasted a month? At the moment, my main problem is avoiding the temptation of winning more tokens than I can possibly use (I think I have two $150k tokens and one $110k token in the bank at the moment). Of course, the fatal flaw in my cunning plan is that you have to cash in the actual tournaments to make a profit, which I've failed to do since they introduced the added value satellites. :$
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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight played the turbo got to F/T and this happens:wall Hand T4-53342927-49, Started at 06/11/2007 13:33 (EST) Table 'Guilin': 1,000-1,000 No Limit HE (TournamentChips) Seat 1: --VonAnka-- (11,150 in chips) Seat 3: Finzzy (17,610 in chips) Seat 5: Mulder5 (4,570 in chips) Seat 6: daveygh2 (6,305 in chips) (on the button) Seat 8: saudati (6,865 in chips) *** Blind Bet Round *** : saudati : Post Blind (500) --VonAnka-- : Post Blind (1,000) Dealt to daveygh2: Kh Dealt to daveygh2: Ks *** Pre-Flop *** : Dealt to Finzzy: Jd Dealt to Finzzy: Ac Dealt to daveygh2: Kh Dealt to daveygh2: Ks Finzzy : Bet (4,000) Mulder5 : Fold daveygh2 : Raise (6,305) daveygh2 : All In (6,305) saudati : Fold --VonAnka-- : Fold Finzzy : Call (2,305) *** Flop *** : Qc 5d Kd *** Turn *** : [ Qc 5d Kd ] 10h *** River *** : [ Qc 5d Kd 10h ] Ah Dealt to Finzzy: Jd Dealt to Finzzy: Ac Dealt to Finzzy: Jd Dealt to Finzzy: Ac Dealt to daveygh2: Kh Dealt to daveygh2: Ks daveygh2 : Show Cards Finzzy : Show Cards *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 14,110 | Rake: 0 Board: [ Qc 5d Kd 10h Ah ] --VonAnka-- lost 1,000 Finzzy bet 6,305, collected 14,110, net 7,805 Shows [ Jd Ac ] (a straight, Ace high) Mulder5 lost 0 daveygh2 lost 6,305 Shows [ Kh Ks ] (three Kings) saudati lost 500

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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight

There's a $10+$1 rebuy qualifier to the $150,000 at 9pm GMT - Top 20 get seats, next 10 get cash - $2260 gtd - 5 in at the moment... Seems to be the only one of interest tonight....
The freezeout satelites normally have about 14 runners so are added value too.
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