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Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight


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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight

Any chance of putting up the payout structure.Because i'm on AOL it won't let me open the file.
It won't let me open it either. I'd just work on getting into the top20:ok!!! I seem to recall on another thread Burnley Joe or Robilaruk had finished just outside the seats and they won a few bucks.
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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight Cheers Karl. This needs to be looked at by the mods. I qualified for $10, without rebuy or add-on, got lucky a bit, but also got stung for half my stack once and for $10, I am in a $150,000 (no rebuy) guaranteed tourney!! Get in guys!:clap

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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight By the way, has anybody figured out how the seats work? Looks like you have the choice of when you play the $150k tourney, but are you automatically registered for next Sunday's so you have to unregister if you want to play it at a later date?

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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight

And does "Tournament Info" work for anybody?
Nope. Mucked around with my Internet Explorer security settings but didn't work. Wondered if it was an issue with my Firewall - but I don't have it switched on. :$ Also wouldn't let me deposit money from my Neteller account as it's not allowed from the Country I live in??? :\ I'm expecting a Mansion upgrade to fix it in the near future. :hope Red.
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Guest gazza271

Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight Bubbled for the seats tonight :sad Was getting very short stacked and dealt JJ on my BB. all in and called by AK and he rivered a 5 high straight :lol $12 for my troubles. Will be playing it again :ok

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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight Played the 10pm one tonight, i did add on, but qualified and although when you look in the lobby it has a blue arrow, you still have to register for it, so if you dont it will not use your token you have a month to use it, thank feck as i`m in Malaga on Sunday! Gl all playin Sunday I`m also very very drunk

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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight I cheekily asked Mansion if you qualified twice for the $50K (which is a $50 rebuy) whether you could use your second ticket for a rebuy/add-on. The answer was, sadly, no.:sad Not sure it makes the $50K an attractive proposition, I think we are better off qualifying for the $150K

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Re: Value Qualifier on Mansion at 8pm tonight out 24th :wall:wall:wall

Seat 1: Hakunila_Kid ($7,600 in chips)
Seat 2: Seabass_1 ($9,000 in chips)
Seat 3: bobbibox ($8,950 in chips)
Seat 5: Jardemyr27 ($10,528 in chips)
Seat 6: MrJansson1 ($7,539 in chips)
Seat 7: herkkunalle ($5,080 in chips)
Seat 8: the_ croc ($4,742 in chips)
Seat 10: Poker Puma ($3,655 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS the_ croc posts blind ($400), Poker Puma posts blind ($800). PRE-FLOP Hakunila_Kid folds, Seabass_1 calls $800, bobbibox folds, Jardemyr27 folds, MrJansson1 folds, herkkunalle folds, the_ croc calls $400, Poker Puma checks. FLOP [board cards: 9H,4S,JC ] the_ croc bets $2,000, Poker Puma folds, Seabass_1 calls $2,000. TURN [board cards: 9H,4S,JC,AS ] the_ croc bets $1,942 and is all-in, Seabass_1 calls $1,942. RIVER [board cards: 9H,4S,JC,AS,7D ] SHOWDOWN the_ croc shows [ TH,QC ] Seabass_1 shows [ TS,8S ] Seabass_1 wins $10,284.
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