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KK in small blind


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Re: KK in small blind You don't say whether this is a cash game, STT or MTT which could well influence any decision. However I think I'd be leading out with a two thirds/three quarter pot size bet hoping to take it down now. If you get a caller then you're probably behind, I'd fold to someone coming over the top.

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Re: KK in small blind i think i would bet the pot, but if i know im playing players who are liable to call on Ax i would prolly make a small bet, hoping to play them off the hand later or hit trips, its always likey they have it 2 pair there are so many players out there that would play rag ace, this is a question where information on players would be vital to me

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Re: KK in small blind

First off with 3 callers before me and being in the sb I would raise 8xBB. Then lead out with a two thirds/three quarter pot size bet.
Spot on IMO :ok 4xBB is too small a raise when out of position against 3 limpers with a big hand.... Not sure I make the continuation bet against 2 opponents :unsure
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Re: KK in small blind The continuation bet is the tough one. This is why in this situation raising big enough pre flop to either take it down or be left with one opponent is what you are looking for. If you got two caller with that flop I'm still for making the continuation bet. The last card you want to see is the ace but should you be scared of it:unsure

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