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Absolute Poker Rigged


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Re: Absolute Poker Rigged October 24, 2007 Interim Statement Absolute Poker (AP) today issued the following statement concerning the recent security breach in its system: “Recently, AP was the victim of a breach of security in which a high-ranking consultant to the site devised a sophisticated scheme to manipulate internal systems and access third-party computers and accounts to view the hole cards of other customers during play and without their knowledge, resulting in unfair play. AP deeply regrets that this incident occurred and is committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure the highest levels of security, privacy, trust and integrity throughout its entire system. “Upon learning of the incident, AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates, an independent worldwide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests and information security, to undertake an internal investigation. Immediately thereafter, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC), AP’s governing licensing authority, opened its own inquiry into the scheme. These investigations are active and on-going. AP is cooperating fully with the KGC investigation. “The Company’s internal investigation is ongoing, and its preliminary findings are subject to the final audit findings. Thus far, the Company’s preliminary findings are as follows: 1. The perpetrator of the scheme was immediately terminated upon discovery and the case was turned over to the KGC. 2. AP has fully corrected the problem that allowed its system to be unfairly manipulated and is working to enhance its existing safeguards. 3. Since the initiation of the internal investigation, the databases have been locked down to ensure the integrity of the auditors’ inquiry. 4. The scope of the audit will not be limited to a certain time period. 5. The suspected period of time of the security breach has been identified. This period is recent and confined to a relatively brief period. The actual dates will be publicly released upon confirmation by the third party auditor. 6. A thorough review of the game play has begun to identify all of the adversely affected players. 7. AP is committed to refunding 100% of the losses incurred by its affected customers. AP has begun the process of reimbursing its customers, and will continue to do so as quickly as possible until all customers are refunded in full. 8. Even after completion of this audit, AP intends to continue working with third party auditors and security firms to ensure that the highest level of game integrity is upheld. 9. AP is instituting strict guidelines to restrict its employees, consultants and contractors and members of their households from playing for money on its sites. “These preliminary findings remain subject to its final audit. AP expects its internal inquiry to last for at least several weeks, and it will continue to cooperate with the KGC’s investigation and to work with Gaming Associates until these outstanding investigations and inquiries are complete. AP will continue to issue interim statements related to its internal investigation as appropriate.”

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Re: Absolute Poker Rigged

“Upon learning of the incident, AP immediately contacted Gaming Associates, an independent worldwide expert in audits, interactive gaming tests and information security, to undertake an internal investigation.
Makes me laugh - it took them weeks to acknowledge the problems - even in the face of everwhelming evidence they were saying that there was no problem, that it was "impossible" for this to happen etc..... yet they claim "immediate" action!! They appear to have only taken any action at all when their hand was completely forced and they clearly couldn't get away with denying everything anymore.....
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Re: Absolute Poker Rigged This seems quite a significant statement - by "adanthar" - a mod on 2+2 and someone who has been central to exposing Absolute from the start...


No mention of them having contacted the police, in any country. Think about that.

I don't think AJ Green blackmailing AP is a secret by now so I'm just gonna come out and say it: AJ Green blackmailed AP. duh.




No mention of them having contacted the police, in any country. Think about that.

I don't think AJ Green blackmailing AP is a secret by now so I'm just gonna come out and say it: AJ Green blackmailed AP. duh.

if the secret has come out, then why aren't they going after him now? If true, wouldn't that be the fastest way for them to regain their credibility?
please explain how going after him now would stop him telling the DOJ what he knows any better than a week ago


AJ had something on Absolute that they were willing to pay for rather than go to the police....

please don't say "cheating" because then I'm going to have to laugh and probably ban you for idiocy hint: most of these people are US citizens running a poker site

So if I'm reading that right - AJ Green will expose the owenership hierarchy of Absolute Poker, who are American citizens and will be arrested if Absolute take any action or testify against him? It seems pretty much accepted now on 2+2 that AJ Green and Scott Tom, Founders and Part-Owners of Absolute, were behind the cheating, and responsable for the cover up which followed immediately afterwards - now they still have their hold over absolute with the threat of blackmail? :unsure
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Re: Absolute Poker Rigged Just discovered pokersitescout - stunned to see that their traffic is not only holding up, but growing!!!! I suppose the period here also includes a Summer to Winter effect in the northern hemisphere, but even so.....

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Aug 3 @ 7:50 PM 2174
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Oct 20 @ 8:20 PM 1928
Oct 21 @ 7:50 PM 2190
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Re: Absolute Poker Rigged Just reading the report into this on 2+2 - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?t=101547 Couple of things standing out.... Those involved have been identified, but not named - what is to stop them setting up their own poker rooms again in the future? (and being more careful next time around?) Absolute deliberately deleted logs and records in an attempt to block the investigation :loon

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Re: Absolute Poker Rigged . Quote:

(JANUARY 11, 2008) — Absolute Poker (AP) issued the following statement today in response to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission’s (KGC) release of its report “In the Matter of Absolute Poker Investigation Regarding Complaints of Cheating.” “When Absolute Poker notified the KGC of the security breach in our system, we had every expectation that the Commission would undertake a comprehensive and fair investigation. After reviewing the published report, we recognize the completeness and accuracy of the KGC conclusions, and we accept without reservation the KGC’s findings and sanctions. Most importantly, we are pleased, after these many months, that Absolute Poker can finally put behind it a most distressing and regrettable experience for the Company, its employees, and its customers. “The KGC points out that ‘AP has taken the appropriate actions to address the vulnerability in its systems…and to prevent its systems from being compromised again…’ AP has appointed a team of both internal and external members to improve controls and install safeguards, and accepts the audit findings as an opportunity to improve our internal practices and guarantee the safest playing environment in the industry. “We are pleased that the KGC’s findings of fact point out that ‘there is no evidence to indicate that the impugned activities were initiated or sanctioned by AP…or were intended to benefit AP, as a corporate entity.’ The report also states that ‘AP made expeditious efforts to appropriately reimburse all players…with interest’ who were affected by the cheating. “The Company also regrets the inadvertent deletion of certain gaming logs and records during the course of the investigation, although AP is relieved that these deletions did not, according to the KGC, ‘prevent the Commission from obtaining sufficient information…’ “Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of a security breach, we fully appreciate the importance of trust and security for AP itself and the broader industry. A secure site goes to the heart of player confidence, and we are more committed than ever to ensuring that confidence. To that end, we have taken it upon ourselves to convene on January 18, 2008 the first of a series of ‘poker security summits’. AP will invite respected and independent members of the poker community to focus on innovative and cutting-edge ways to further improve AP’s security and enhance its transparency. “As AP has repeatedly stated in the past, we regret the damage done to our players and to our own reputation by this incident. We acknowledge that the Company did not act with sufficient speed to uncover the fraud; however, once we were convinced of the veracity of the allegations, we moved quickly to inform the KGC and to reimburse affected players. While AP is paying a severe penalty for the fraud perpetrated upon the Company and its customers, we are gratified that we can now close the book on this sordid affair and return our full focus to providing the safest, most secure, and most eenjoyable poker playing experience in the industry.”
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