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Absolute Poker Scandal


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Hi everyone. 1st time poster, long time lurker. Just thought id post this incase it hasnt been posted already incase anyone is till playing on Absolute Poker. http://www.pocketfives.com/445F78F0-7D44-4F3B-AF24-0AFA96F28812.aspx All of the information regarding the cheating is in there. Seems like an inside job to me!! Check out the hand histories on page 4- its pretty conclusive. Seeing this kinda stuff has put the sh1tters up me a bit, but hopefully its a one off incident. I played in the pokerroom 19k gauranteed that wasnt tourney a while back, but this seems a lot worse. Absolute are still denying everything. Its going to be interesting to see how this one pans out. Plastikman

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