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playing blind


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just watched annette-15 (the girl who won the wsope main event) win a 180 seat sng with her hole cards covered up! Must admit she got lucky a few times when she was behind all-in, but apart from that it was just a masterclass in aggression and more importantly position at the table. Has anyone ever tried this in say a 10 seat sng? It must be a good exercise in how important position is at the table.

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Re: playing blind

just watched annette-15 (the girl who won the wsope main event) win a 180 seat sng with her hole cards covered up! Must admit she got lucky a few times when she was behind all-in, but apart from that it was just a masterclass in aggression and more importantly position at the table. Has anyone ever tried this in say a 10 seat sng? It must be a good exercise in how important position is at the table.
was this 'live' so to speak or via a video on t'internet? Damo
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Re: playing blind

has anyone ever tried this in say a 10 seat sng? It must be a good exercise in how important position is at the table.
Did it on a low buy in 10 Man STT on Titan and won. I blogged it here http://voiceofjoe.blogspot.com/2007/03/if-stevie-wonder-played-poker.html Winning the heads up was the hardest part as you cant win the match by forcing someone off the pot - so you do need a bit of luck at that stage
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Re: playing blind i have tried this before a couple of times :ok. its a good way to hone your positional sense ,your read of other players and really aggressive play as thats the only thing you can do in this situation,also it makes you difficult to read;) dont do it alot though coz its a definate money loser but worth it for a different view on things. mind you i did get a third in a stt doing this so it is possible to cash ,but you have to get very lucky.

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Re: playing blind Just won the stars 180 seat sng for $216.00:loon, After watching annette-15 I just played a lot more aggressively than what i normally would raising with anything in late position and not getting to involved when out of position. I,m pretty certain I would,nt of come close to winning playing my normal plodding game. Food for thought if I try this more aggressive style of poker more often I,m sure its the right way to go but feels a bit alien to me at the moment, it sure was a roller coaster ride early on not good for the old blood pressure! Cheers annette-15 if your reading this I,m sure your a secret member.:ok

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Re: playing blind

Just won the stars 180 seat sng for $216.00:loon, After watching annette-15 I just played a lot more aggressively than what i normally would raising with anything in late position and not getting to involved when out of position. I,m pretty certain I would,nt of come close to winning playing my normal plodding game. Food for thought if I try this more aggressive style of poker more often I,m sure its the right way to go but feels a bit alien to me at the moment, it sure was a roller coaster ride early on not good for the old blood pressure! Cheers annette-15 if your reading this I,m sure your a secret member.:ok
Tell me more Mr Goater ;) Seriously, over the last month or so i've been thinking a lot more about developing this aggressive side to my game and then during the WSOPE i read some intriguing comments from Annette which outlined that she was only an average player before developing aggression. Just interested in how you went about using aggression - was it against certain players, or in certain un-raised pots? etc... I'm hoping to start properly implementing some aggression into my game again after getting bored of playing the last 2/3 weeks meant i never really got going with it. PS. V well done on your win :ok Cheers.
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Re: playing blind

Tell me more Mr Goater ;) Seriously, over the last month or so i've been thinking a lot more about developing this aggressive side to my game and then during the WSOPE i read some intriguing comments from Annette which outlined that she was only an average player before developing aggression. Just interested in how you went about using aggression - was it against certain players, or in certain un-raised pots? etc... I'm hoping to start properly implementing some aggression into my game again after getting bored of playing the last 2/3 weeks meant i never really got going with it. PS. V well done on your win :ok Cheers.
i was raising un-raised pots from late position with any 2 cards, just standard 4bb raises and then betting the flop turn and river if I sensed weakness. Like yourself I needed to up my aggression but until watching the vid never had the balls to give it a go, as long as I had position on the other player I was confident I could make the right decesion. As I said in my opening post it was a bit of a rollercoaster early on going from a big stack to a short stack and back again, saying that I was only all-in twice in the entire game. Watch the video nade and give it a go you definetley have the skill to carry it off. (watch everyone start playing back at me now in the focus games!)
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Re: playing blind Nade watch the video, and see if you can spot who she plays against - watching it as it is gives you a reall feel for her play - there are certain times she always raises (well enarly always) despite her position Damo

Tell me more Mr Goater ;) Just interested in how you went about using aggression - was it against certain players, or in certain un-raised pots? etc... I'm hoping to start properly implementing some aggression into my game again after getting bored of playing the last 2/3 weeks meant i never really got going with it. PS. V well done on your win :ok Cheers.
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Re: playing blind After watching the video I gathered the following points about her play (bear in mind shes playin a $4 buy-in as opposed to the normal $200+ that shes used to) - In the later stages (not watched the heads up yet) she rarely pushed all in, just a standard type raise - she didnt seem to call short stack pushes - regularly attacked raggy flops - attacked almost all flop checks by opponent (Surprised she didnt get check raised more) Oh yes and you also need shed loas of luck - she was all-in at least 3 times when behind and won every one Just my view from upto hand 270

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Re: playing blind Just watched the vid and it was really interesting but also a relatively simple strategy to implement. Pretty much every un-raised pot in late position raise then 3/4 pot bet on flop/ turns is how she won the majority of her hands which is something i'll try in a SNG sometime today (but not blind - at first anyway ;)) A big thing i took from it is that she started doing it right from the first few hands, i was wondering before if she'd be TAG for the first few levels then go aggressive, but her style - the 'unconvential' approach - can be beneficial early on as well. I used to be loose early on to try and accumulate chips, but as i had no clear strategy the chips dissapeared eventually anyway which is part of the reason i started to get into reading poker books to give me that defined strategy to make money. But ultimately i've become bored of the regimented approach the last few weeks so this experiment by her has been inspirational for me to look at implementing this aggression back into my game and get back playing poker. The books and reading in general will still give me that base, but with some practice the next phase of my development will definitely be implementing more aggression throughout a tournament which should be exciting and interesting.

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Re: playing blind I haven't watched the whole video yet, but I did notice that, although she mostly played hands when she had position, she did sometimes play out of position. Has anybody figured out how she decided when to do this? Was she targetting particular players?

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Re: playing blind

I haven't watched the whole video yet, but I did notice that, although she mostly played hands when she had position, she did sometimes play out of position. Has anybody figured out how she decided when to do this? Was she targetting particular players?
Only watched it once through very quickly but i think she only raised maybe twice in mid/early position unless 6 or less handed so i don't think it's often enough to pick up a pattern. I'm not hot on short handed play so i'm not totally sure whether position counts as much at this stage but she was raising a little more 'out of position' but still it was mainly button/ cut off.
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