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APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm


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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

:nana I'm in through the satellite route as well. Morls rumour has it you told everyone on your table to blind out a sitout and then accused the other table of colluding ! :spank
Yep that sounds like morls that :lol
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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

:nana I'm in through the satellite route as well. Morls rumour has it you told everyone on your table to blind out a sitout and then accused the other table of colluding ! :spank
Hi Julio The words were " if we all steal his blinds enough and end up taking him out, that'll teach the fcker for sitting out" with a :D smiley and then.....oh and i hope no one thinks im asking for collusion, i just think it would serve him right! No collusion attemps were made and if you knew me, you would know that id never do so!, so thanks for posting this up and trying to tarnish my name!:@
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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

How do you know he was sat out deliberately morl :unsure Sounds to me it's more likely to be connection/technical problems for a buy in event rather than a freeroll :unsure
cos he had about 100k in chips and nearest to him was on 70k with the majority on around 20k he said something in chat box and then sat out
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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

Hi Julio The words were " if we all steal his blinds enough and end up taking him out, that'll teach the fcker for sitting out" with a :D smiley and then.....oh and i hope no one thinks im asking for collusion, i just think it would serve him right! No collusion attemps were made and if you knew me, you would know that id never do so!, so thanks for posting this up and trying to tarnish my name!:@
:rollin:rollin:rollin Sounds like collusion to me, I've mailed Des D and pointed him to this thread :lol PS didn't Julio play for Sunderland :unsure
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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm Good luck all in Walsall. This is the first live APAT that I didn't try to get into. Got more than a few domestic chores to fill up my weekends at the moment, but the main reason for the decision to deliberately miss this one was that my showing in the last one in Luton dented my confidence a bit (especially after I'd enjoyed the Inside Poker 'horse' final in London). Happy to get my next live runout at the Virgin Festival in November. :ok

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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm Julio if you read this thread again, please can you confirm for us all too, the open collusion discussion that happened on your table, when this happened..... One small stack had pushed for 10k, blinds were 2.5/5k and sb said......you better be calling this if i fold.....he folded and then the BB called, causing uproar..... The short stack doubled up and made complaints at the table...

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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

Did anyone get through to the payment bit lol.
Sadly no. Paid within first minute of link but checked 11.00 thread but alas no luck Gutted tyo be honest as this is on the doorstep. Good luck all PLers! Missed satellite on Sunday as not read email but glad as was playing Virgin satellite. Shocking bad beat on Monday satellite. Moneyivey.
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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

Julio if you read this thread again, please can you confirm for us all too, the open collusion discussion that happened on your table, when this happened..... One small stack had pushed for 10k, blinds were 2.5/5k and sb said......you better be calling this if i fold.....he folded and then the BB called, causing uproar..... The short stack doubled up and made complaints at the table...
Its ok I'll second you Morls as I saw/read both incidents. Yours was p*ss take comment, refering to the fact the big stack would get blinded out as he was sat out, as it was that tight on the bubble. The other comment, was when a small stack pushed with maybe 2.5BB left, the SB said to the BB, before he had made his decision, I hope thats an obvious call. The BB then called with 62o and lost to A2. All hell then broke loose, with the BB saying he was going to call anyway and the shortstack saying that the SB had been trying to influence the BB to call. Name untarnished :ok ( now wheres that brown envelope )
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Re: APAT Direct Buy In - 9pm

Julio if you read this thread again, please can you confirm for us all too, the open collusion discussion that happened on your table, when this happened..... One small stack had pushed for 10k, blinds were 2.5/5k and sb said......you better be calling this if i fold.....he folded and then the BB called, causing uproar..... The short stack doubled up and made complaints at the table...
:rollin Sorry Morls didn't think it would be taken so seriously....bit of friendly Sunderland / Newcastle banter that was all that was intended. I can confirm that the SB was bang out of order by making the comment he did when the guy was allin. It was an automatic call for the BB (I've done it myself with 62 offsuit). I just thought it was funny that you followed up your comment about blinding out the sitout with the words "oh and i hope no one thinks im asking for collusion" :rollin I hope there's no hard feelings and may even buy you a pint if you find me at Walsall. Give you a clue - I'm not Argentinian :cheers
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