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Starting Out


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Just introducing myself in here. Im well into poker and have been reading and watching about it for years and years. I haven't played as much as I would have liked to be honest but im going to start soon. Just registered with ladbrokes and they run alot of nice freerolls so going to start out there and try and build something from nothing to start with. Does anyone on here actually make a living from playing poker then, it seems a lot of people make it pay these days, even online???

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Re: Starting Out

Does anyone on here actually make a living from playing poker then, it seems a lot of people make it pay these days, even online???
I think there are many players on here who make a steady profit, though not make a living (but check out the mole). If you take the game seriously, work at it, and have some aptitude, I don't think it's that hard to make a nice amount of pocket money at the lower levels. But it doesn't scale like other kinds of betting: if you're betting on horses or football, you could multiply your stakes by 10 and win 10 times as much (so long as you don't run into bookies' limits). But in poker, if you multiply your stakes by 10, you'll run into far better opponents. Others may disagree, but I think it would be hard to make a living at it unless you were prepared to spend huge amounts of time playing (far more than I'd be able to play and still enjoy it) or are very talented.
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Re: Starting Out Hey, :welcome to the Poker Lounge ;) Firstly, as i said on your thread in 'general chat' this is a great place to get going in your poker life, tonnes of people will help you out with anything regarding poker and there are pages full of great strategy advice :ok. I notice it says you're 18, that's a bugger as you may take my mantle of being 'the young 'un' at 20 :sad :lol. But anyway, i know what it's like starting out at that age and my journey within 2yrs has been a long but very good one so i see no reason why you shouldn't do well - but you gotta work hard and that includes reading, reading, more reading and playing a lot too :D. Re. making a living. Personally i'm a student, but i don't have a job. Why's that? Because i earn more money playing online poker then everyone i know who has a part time job. I'm not saying this is mountains of money, it really isn't, but i have a very comfortable life for a student. So it's very possible to make a sustained living from the game and make more than the minimum wage at the low limits. Just think the average British wage is about £20k per yr. It's not impossible at the low limits say around 25/50c to earn $20 an hour (would have to multitable) and if you did this in the normal working hours (8hours, 5 days a week for 50weeks) you would earn roughly $40k a yr or £20,000. So you really don't have to be playing at high limits to earn an average crust in poker and add on top of this Sit & Go's and Multi Table Tournaments you can increase your winnings further. Hope to see you around often and would like to hear on your progress, GL :ok

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Re: Starting Out Depends what you mean by a living. I've been playing online for years and I know I cant make a living at it, I do however make enough to take the wife and kids on holiday so its not a bad supliment to other incomes. As for lots of people making it pay remember millions actually play so there ae bound to be some winners and the cream of these does rise to the top. Word of warning before you get too heavily involved with trying to make it a major part of your income, its not a very healthy lifestyle as it will take up an enormous ammount of your time

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Re: Starting Out :welcometo PL, mate. First off, I wouldn't worry too much about making your fortune from online Poker, just enjoy it. If you have a great aptitude for it, then potentially worry about that kind of thing, for now, kick back, and enjoy:dude. If you really want to improve your game, try and play in some of the PL 'focus' games (details under Poker Tourneys). You'll be playing against a lot of very good players (and me:lol!!) and it will help you out!:ok

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Re: Starting Out The great thing about poker, is that if you are disciplined, and good enough, you dont need to risk a single penny of your own money to get as far as your ability can take you - Read this thread to find some GREAT advice on how to do this :ok How To Start Out in Poker Without Risking Your Own Cash - I've run my own little experiment recently and quickly turned nothing into the beginnings of a poker bankroll. GaF's Nothing to Something thread (Current Bank €302.18) If you find yourself profitable at the lower levels (over enough time to be "believable"), then to get to the next step, I would suggest you look at something like Team Badbeat - Dream Team PS Shop around - dont just stick at ladbrokes ;)

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Re: Starting Out Thanks for the advice guys, took time to read it all. Im going to play a $100 freeroll in 30mins time. Over 1'000 players in it so they are very hard to win or even get in the money but im going to try and do what GAF says and build something from nothing to start with. Whats the best site that offers most good freerolls??

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Re: Starting Out The best investment you can make Thommo is subscribing to Poker PLayer and Inside Poker as they offer freerolls which have good prizes with fewer entrants. Someone some where has a link to a cheap subscription or you can get it free from your local casino. I don't think that many of us make a living out of poker but certainly manage to win enough for it to be the equivalent of a part-time job which pays for the treats. Good luck. :ok P.S. I know you've received some good advice, but this advice is regarding cash games (clearing bonuses and return on investment). I would suggest keeping away from cash games until you are an experienced player. The risk involved in tournament poker is not as big (my opinion).

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Re: Starting Out

The best investment you can make Thommo is subscribing to Poker PLayer and Inside Poker as they offer freerolls which have good prizes with fewer entrants. Someone some where has a link to a cheap subscription or you can get it free from your local casino.
:ok You can get a 12 issue subscription to Poker Player for £5 on the APAT website and a 24 issue subscription to Inside Poker for £9.99, with an ...erm....code ;) (Anyone who would like it, PM me ;) ) I used to agree with Mr V regarding cash games, however am currently undecided ...... I have heard the argument that cash games will teach beginners a more solid game and it kind of makes sense. Dont be under any illussions though - cash poker, EVEN at the very lowest micro stakes, risks more, more quickly than in tournaments ..... beginners should expect to lose if going straight into cash tables .... it's just a question of how much value you place on the education you will receive....
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Re: Starting Out i thought bonuses came off any buy in :\stts and tourneys etc .im sure i cleared my bonus on so playing $3 stts once i started building a bit of a roll.i know it takes a while at really low levels but every cent you get back helps. i definately didnt mean tommo to walk onto any cash table till he has had at least a good few months heavy play and then only at micro limits as a tester. cash games should definately be your last port of call ,once you have at least got a very good understanding of the game,even then they aren't for everybody and can be very dangerous :eekwith good bankroll management being crucial. but as gaf says they do teach you a lot and are a very good way to learn a few lessons but only when you have learned the basics well:ok.

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Re: Starting Out :welcome tp PL, ThOmMO, depending on the number of players the $50 freeroll was probably not worth it. In general, my view is that freerolls where the effective buyin (prizepool divided by number of players) is less than $1 just ain't worth it. If you do reasonably well and make it to the prize money then you end up with peanuts - moneywise you'd be better off serving burgers at Micky D's :unsure. The daily lists at PL generally point you to better value freerolls - mind you they are often ones where you have to subscribe to the mags mentioned earlier - the subscriptions are great value (I reckon I get at least several hundred dollars per year profit from just these). A few other nice little earners are the Virgin V-points tournaments, the Paradise 25up games and of course the PL Wednesday €1 game . You have to play raked hands to qualify for the first two - but if you can't play the low level limit games on these sites and make a small profit then you aren't gonna make money at poker. My advice is to do what lots of others do when they start - play freerolls, value games and bonus whore until your bankroll (and experience) starts to grow - then move up the foodchain. If you want to make serious money playing poker then it takes dedication, patience, good bankroll management (and some luck). My biggest tip is press the fold button a lot more than the call or raise buttons! A lot of us here play it for fun and profit, its a bit like being paid for something you'd do for a hobby - a few play it very seriously and make serious money but I wouldn't advise charging in with your liife savings until you have conquered the game at the lower levels first and can then safely get serious using other peoples money. Lots of luck :ok

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Re: Starting Out

If you do reasonably well and make it to the prize money then you end up with peanuts
Have to disagree - almost all sites pay out in dollars (and cents) - Boss have changed recently and pay out in Euro's. Never come across a site paying out in peanuts.....
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Re: Starting Out For me the most important thing when playing poker is to enjoy it. If you can make a bit of money along the way, all well and good. But, at the end of the day (damn these cliches are getting bad today), you can have lots of fun without it costing you the earth. PL tournaments offer you a great chance of winning extra money...these lads seem so adept at getting sites to sponsor our games...it is a pleasure, and an honour, to play with such a great bunch. Also keep an eye out for threads pointing the way to good value games, there are plenty out there and you'll probably end up having to decide which ones not to play, which is a good situation to be in. Anyway, welcome to the forum and best of luck in your poker playing future (except when up against me, heads up, when you should fold all the time as I have three wives and eleven kids to feed!!!):loon :ok

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