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Ax in last rounds of a Sit'n Go


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Hello, I have started playing poker about a couple of months ago, mainly Sit'n Go tournaments (5+0.5$) In a recent tournament, when we were only 3 players remaining (two players with about 6000 chips and the other about 3000 or something similar) the game was very very tight at first rounds. Every player trying to steal blinds, not a lot of defense at first, but when we noticed that strategy, the game became not so tight and players started defending the blinds, calling and raising, but not big pots at all. In this situation, I raised with A 7 offsuited to 3 BB and the other player (the one with least chips) made all-in. I called and he had A 9. And I lost 1/2 of my stack, becoming third player. After several rounds I made an all-in with A 9 offsuited and the same player called with A 10. Again I lost and out of tournament. Is it correct to push all-in or to call all-in in this situation? With three players and Ax? Is it better to wait for a better hand? Try to steal blinds but fold if they re-raise? Some advice here please

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Re: Ax in last rounds of a Sit'n Go Sorry, I forgot, I am talking about No Limit Hold'em And another question. I am looking for a good book about Sit'n Go tournaments in No Limit Hold'em. I have heard about one from Collin Moshman. Does anybody know where to find it on-line for free? :) Or another good book for these Sit'n Go's? I am looking for on-line books, in free pdf format or available in torrents or something similar :) Hope somebody can help me with my doubts

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Re: Ax in last rounds of a Sit'n Go hello Eulo :welcometo the poker forum Aces are very strong when you get in the money (ITM) and certainly if you are short stacked compared to the blinds (less than 10 BB or so) then shoving Ax is a standard play - so well done:clap regarding the first part of your question A7vs A9 - it would help to know

  • what your stack was
  • what his stack was
  • what the blinds were
  • how much was your raise
  • what positions you were all in
  • how many chips did the small stack actually have
  • had you raised the other player in the previous few rounds (if so what had he done?)
  • how aggressive were the other two (very, moderately, or just a bit)

Cheers Damo

Hello, I have started playing poker about a couple of months ago, mainly Sit'n Go tournaments (5+0.5$) In a recent tournament, when we were only 3 players remaining (two players with about 6000 chips and the other about 3000 or something similar) the game was very very tight at first rounds. Every player trying to steal blinds, not a lot of defense at first, but when we noticed that strategy, the game became not so tight and players started defending the blinds, calling and raising, but not big pots at all. In this situation, I raised with A 7 offsuited to 3 BB and the other player (the one with least chips) made all-in. I called and he had A 9. And I lost 1/2 of my stack, becoming third player. After several rounds I made an all-in with A 9 offsuited and the same player called with A 10. Again I lost and out of tournament. Is it correct to push all-in or to call all-in in this situation? With three players and Ax? Is it better to wait for a better hand? Try to steal blinds but fold if they re-raise? Some advice here please
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Re: Ax in last rounds of a Sit'n Go i think you did the right thing in raising both times ,i might have folded the reraise on the first hand depending how much it was to call. pretty much any ace means you should raise:ok also any 2 face cards are usually a auto raise with 3 left,the odds are pretty good you have the best hand and you dont want them to creep in a pot and hit something :puke. i am a little wary with a2 to a6 but above that i always raise heavily unless of course i hit aa ,then you want to get as much out of them as you can ,so only call or a small raise . aggression is key when playing short handed because by that time the blinds are high and they come round very quickly, so if you play weakly you will get bullied and lose your stack quickly so you cant wait for a real monster. on the first hand if his all in was more than double my raise i might well fold,usually if somebody does this they want a call, so does your a7 look that strong:unsure i think it would depend on your read of the player ,relative stack sizes etc sometimes i'd call sometimes not. as it was it could have easily been the other way round with you just ahead,just one of those hands thats bound to happen:\ as for the books i dont know of any free ones about but i would try and read as many books, threads or mags as possible,not just about stts but any type of poker, mtts ,cash etc and by as many diffrent people as possible . the more styles of play you know about and experiance you get ,the better you will be able to read/counteract other players making you a better player. i know playing against loads of good players on here and with the experiance many have using this knowledge has made me a much better player:nana:nana

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