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AQ off suit Utg


AQ off suit Utg  

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    • Fold
    • Flat call
    • Small Raise (less than 4 BB)
    • Large Raise

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Re: AQ off suit Utg

I think Staffy's probably right' date=' but it's tough to do...... I probably try and limp and see :$[/quote'] Lets say you limp and you hit 1 pair. You are in such a bad position if people also limped in behind. Will you be ablke to put down Pair of Queens with Ace kicker after some one raises you in late position. They could have trips or anything.
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Re: AQ off suit Utg In cash games i'll raise AQo UTG to about 3/4 BB as it's a big enough hand on a tight table. I hate limping UTG it just encourages more limpers behind you and you want to have less amount of people in pot as possible with this hand. Folding isn't a bad play. Meh i haven't played cash properly for a couple of weeks so not 100% sure what i'd do, depends what the table's like and what mood you're in really.

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Re: AQ off suit Utg I don't think whether it is off suit/suited comes into the equation, it is an instant fold everytime in early position and for me mid position as well. A horrible hand that can lose you a lot more money than it can make you.

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Re: AQ off suit Utg So many nits! lol I only play 0.25/0.50 at the moment, but folding AQo UTG is very tight, I raise 4bb's AQo always. Folding this hand is too tight and also it means it is very very easy to put you on a hand if you are only raising AK and JJ+ or whatever UTG. If you know your capable of folding when you hit top pair or whatever, why not raise - thin the field - you probably have the strongest A at the table. As for open limping I think this is definitely the worse thing you can do here.

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Re: AQ off suit Utg

it is very very easy to put you on a hand if you are only raising AK and JJ+ or whatever UTG.
I'd rather occasionally raise UTG with suited connectors (eg 67s) than AQo.... It does seem incredibly tight to be folding AQo from any position in an unopened pot though :loon
As for open limping I think this is definitely the worse thing you can do here.
I agree :ok .... wont stop me doing it though :tongue2
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Re: AQ off suit Utg Interesting that people say you look to tight if your folding AQ UTG. Trust me the players are too crap at these levels to notice how often you raise and where from. Also they will still call you anyway if you hit a monster with their top pair. IMO you have to fold and wait for position. Position most important thing in poker.

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Re: AQ off suit Utg

Interesting that people say you look to tight if your folding AQ UTG. Trust me the players are too crap at these levels to notice how often you raise and where from. Also they will still call you anyway if you hit a monster with their top pair. IMO you have to fold and wait for position. Position most important thing in poker.
Well said Staffy :clap:clap:clap:clap This thread has amazed me as well, especially the limpers, I can think of a situation to raise in but that is with a lower M and in a tourney but not in this situation. It is not tight play it is just sensible play, you are horribly out of position with Ace high, I would rather be playing A rag in position. If this is considered tight play then so be it, I would rather not stick a label on it but if I did I would call it a profitable play, the second most important thing in poker ;)
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Re: AQ off suit Utg thanks for the responses, this thread has been good for my game. i started it after reading an interview with a pro, he always asks people who want to turn pro, what they do with AQo UTG. If they don't say fold he tells them they aren't ready. This surprised me, my gut feel before this thread and reading Ed Milller / David Slansky was limp or small raise. I now realise that this is a clear fold, and I haven't played position enough. Ed miller says most people could move up a level if they tighten up early and loosened up late. Lot of wisdom in that i think

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Re: AQ off suit Utg

I now realise that this is a clear fold' date=' and I haven't played position enough.[/quote'] I think this is a bit too definite. Nothing is clear. I can understand folding, limping I can't tbh. Me personally I prefer to raise here. Higher stakes you may get more squeeze type plays with people reraising in position with lesser hands and such but at these stakes I imagine this doesn't happen so much, people's reraising ranges tend to be a lot tighter. AQo is profitable for me UTG at the moment if I reach these really aggressive levels it may get folded from time to time, but to say a "clear fold" is being too cut and dry I think.
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Re: AQ off suit Utg

I don't see why you would raise more than about pot sized when first into the pot ever?
Pre flop I dont measure raises in terms of Pot size, but as a multiple of the BB - but a 3xBB raise when first in is 2x Pot - are you saying you would never raise more than 1.5 BB pre flop?
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Re: AQ off suit Utg By pot size, if only blinds are in, I mean 3.5 big blinds, as there is 1.5 big blinds in the pot, you must call 1 big blind so 2.5 BB's in pot then you raise by this new pot. This is what I mean by raising by the pot. So i make it 3.5 or 4bb's to go. I don't see why you would ever make a "big raise" or anything less than 3.5bb's here in a cash game.

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Re: AQ off suit Utg

By pot size' date=' if only blinds are in, I mean 3.5 big blinds, as there is 1.5 big blinds in the pot, you must call 1 big blind so 2.5 BB's in pot then you raise by this new pot. This is what I mean by raising by the pot. So i make it 3.5 or 4bb's to go. I don't see why you would ever make a "big raise" or anything less than 3.5bb's here in a cash game.[/quote'] See what your saying and raising the pot is fine IMO.
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Re: AQ off suit Utg

Ed miller says most people could move up a level if they tighten up early and loosened up late. Lot of wisdom in that i think
He also lists AQ as a hand to play in early position. :tongue2 I don't really have enough experience of cash games to have any firm opinion. It doesn't surprise me that there have been differing opinions, but I'm a bit surprised at how certain many people seem to be, on both sides. Interestingly, in Antonio Esfandiari's book, he advises folding AQ in early position unless you're playing against very weak players, but later on there are at least two situations he discusses that start "You raised UTG with AQ ...". :)
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