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Robotic poker ?


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Been thinking about a robotic strategy for low level cash games for a while. Not looking to maximise profits, but have +ev and to multi table 8 or so tables and grind out $1000 a month in profits. Here's my inital thoughts Group 1 AA, KK, QQ, JJ - Push preflop in all circumstances Group 2 88 99 10 10, - Push from early position, fold to all-in before me, or raise and re-raise. Push all other times. Group 3 All other pocket pairs, limp and look for set. Push if make set, other wise if checked to you, try and take down pot on flop with pot sized bet. Fold to any other bets. Suited connectors Limp, call single Bb raise. Otherwise trash them. Everything else Fold. Idea is to buy in for 20 x BB and aim to quadruple buy in and leave. I was thinking about trialing this on the 5c/10c Stars tables. Any thoughts / refinements ??

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Re: Robotic poker ? Looks like a plan, but may be a little too strict. I take it this is going to be NL? Only problem here is that you may be fairly easy to read after a while and waiting for pairs and suited connectors could see you sitting out a large portion of the games while losing blinds. Nothing wrong with the occasional fishing trip. Especially with something like AQh

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Re: Robotic poker ?

My thoughts are, yeah I'll be easy to read, but at 5c/10c does anyone bother doing that ?
Does anyone at these limits observe their opponents, or have any interest in what they're doing? I'm pretty certain a robotic strategy can be developed in these games to work (so am amazed that the rooms aren't swamped with bots doing precisely that - I believe they're not, because if they were, the games wouldn't be so bad....)
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Re: Robotic poker ?

Does anyone at these limits observe their opponents, or have any interest in what they're doing? I'm pretty certain a robotic strategy can be developed in these games to work (so am amazed that the rooms aren't swamped with bots doing precisely that - I believe they're not, because if they were, the games wouldn't be so bad....)
half the people at this level don't even know what day it is:loon it would definately work but i think the small hand selection means you may lose out blinds wise ,making profit very minimal. to really make some money you would really have to put a shedload of work into programming the bot ,which would probably take longer than playing yourself.
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Re: Robotic poker ?

ok' date=' so general consensus appears to be hand selection is too small.[/quote'] I think it's generally fine :ok I would restrict suited connectors to later position. Not sure a Pot sized bet with a PP and 3 overcards (for example) is profitable :unsure Remember, these players are bad precisely because they call when they should fold.....You have 22 with a flop of 48Q rainbow and 4 opponents and I'm out of position (i.e. others still to act after me).... no way I'd put in a pot sized bet....
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Re: Robotic poker ? Good point about the low PP. What I'm struggling with is how to play two broadway cards. Things like AQ AJ QJ KJ KQo, My gut feel is to limp from early and try and take down unraised pots with a 4x BB raise from late. What do you think ? When I get something I'm happy with I'm going to trial on Pokerstars with 20 buys in.

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Re: Robotic poker ? I think "bluffing" in any shape or form is unlikely to succeed at this level - think you can limp, in late position with almost any 2 cards, for the implied odds (they will pay you off), but you have to let it go when you miss..... if you miss the flop - just let it go....

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Re: Robotic poker ?

I think "bluffing" in any shape or form is unlikely to succeed at this level - think you can limp' date=' in late position with almost any 2 cards, for the implied odds (they will pay you off), but you have to let it go when you miss..... if you miss the flop - just let it go....[/quote'] Bluffing doesn't work on PKR, but i played a cash game on Stars the other day the 5/10c and after 10mins had a good idea about the table, raised in early position with 8,2off purely for advertising purposes, the flop came K high i bet hard got 1 caller, the turn came an A bet even harder they folded i showed my bluff. The very next hand i got QQ and bet exactly the same only got the one caller - the same person i bluffed the hand before, they re-raised me all the way, it turned out they had 9,10o and i stacked them because of the bluff i pulled off the hand before. So definitely don't rule out bluffing - it can be very lucrative if done at the right times. My playing style when i play cash games includes all the hands stated in the first post and a bit of Gafs.
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Re: Robotic poker ?

Good point about the low PP. What I'm struggling with is how to play two broadway cards. Things like AQ AJ QJ KJ KQo, My gut feel is to limp from early and try and take down unraised pots with a 4x BB raise from late. What do you think ? When I get something I'm happy with I'm going to trial on Pokerstars with 20 buys in.
if you are 8 tabling then fold these from EP/MP and maybe limp co/but/sb/bb - why bother playing them when a 'proper' hand will turn up in the next 4 deals or so across the 7 other tables you need to be strict and playing KJ UTG+2 is going to get you in trouble in a multiway pot when you flop TP OOP on an otherwise innocent looking board. Damo
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Re: Robotic poker ?

, So definitely don't rule out bluffing - it can be very lucrative if done at the right times. My playing style when i play cash games includes all the hands stated in the first post and a bit of Gafs.
single or multi-tabling? single tabling you have a chance to read others and play this out. multi-tabling (say 8 tables) then stick to ABC because you can't remember when you bluffed and who it was against etc, so your previous play is pointless Damo
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Re: Robotic poker ?

single or multi-tabling? single tabling you have a chance to read others and play this out. multi-tabling (say 8 tables) then stick to ABC because you can't remember when you bluffed and who it was against etc, so your previous play is pointless Damo
Good point, i only single table, so that's how i was thinking. Multi tabling it will be harder to bluff and so best to stick to ABC. My point about the mid pairs i put in the other post still stands though, no matter if you're single or multi-tabling.
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Re: Robotic poker ?

Been thinking about a robotic strategy for low level cash games for a while. Not looking to maximise profits, but have +ev and to multi table 8 or so tables and grind out $1000 a month in profits. Here's my inital thoughts Group 1 AA, KK, QQ, JJ - Push preflop in all circumstances Group 2 88 99 10 10, - Push from early position, fold to all-in before me, or raise and re-raise. Push all other times. Group 3 All other pocket pairs, limp and look for set. Push if make set, other wise if checked to you, try and take down pot on flop with pot sized bet. Fold to any other bets. Suited connectors Limp, call single Bb raise. Otherwise trash them. Everything else Fold. Idea is to buy in for 20 x BB and aim to quadruple buy in and leave. I was thinking about trialing this on the 5c/10c Stars tables. Any thoughts / refinements ??
When u say a robotic strategy, are u actually trying to make a bot or play robotically? Also with small pocket pairs, are you planning to limp fold them? Because this will probably not be profitable, with hitting a set being
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Re: Robotic poker ?

When u say a robotic strategy, are u actually trying to make a bot or play robotically? Also with small pocket pairs, are you planning to limp fold them? Because this will probably not be profitable, with hitting a set being not going to devlop a bot, but play myself according to a defined set of rules. I revamped my buy in to 50 x BB on the thread i'm going to use to record my progress. you're correct 20 x BB was far too low.
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Re: Robotic poker ?

Been thinking about a robotic strategy for low level cash games for a while. Not looking to maximise profits, but have +ev and to multi table 8 or so tables and grind out $1000 a month in profits. Here's my inital thoughts Group 1 AA, KK, QQ, JJ - Push preflop in all circumstances Group 2 88 99 10 10, - Push from early position, fold to all-in before me, or raise and re-raise. Push all other times. Group 3 All other pocket pairs, limp and look for set. Push if make set, other wise if checked to you, try and take down pot on flop with pot sized bet. Fold to any other bets. Suited connectors Limp, call single Bb raise. Otherwise trash them. Everything else Fold. Idea is to buy in for 20 x BB and aim to quadruple buy in and leave. I was thinking about trialing this on the 5c/10c Stars tables. Any thoughts / refinements ??
With your 20BB forget about suited connectors or limping with small pp looking for a set. You don't have the odds to do this with such a short stack. In group 1 I would add AK AQ. I wouldn't push unless someone has already raised. Just raise 4xbb The key to this, I believe, is regardless of what the flop is you are then pushing all in (v different to calling all in). Invariably they will fold and you take the pot. If they call you've got a premium starting hand that will take it's fair share of the pot. Obviously there is a lot more to this. I believe there are 33 pages on this exact stratrgy in Getting Started in Hold'em by Ed Miller. Remember once you double up this stratrgy doesn't work so you'll need to find a new table or play proper poker;) I've personally not tried this but after recently getting raped at the cash tables I may well give it a go:cry
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