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What would you do?

slick mick

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Re: What would you do? I know odds are good but being on the bubble, currently in 5th with a chance of going out against any PP if an A, K or strt don't come... fold has gotta be my choice... my only issue would be that with the blinds so high people will be making moves all-in with much worse hands than this. With only 6xBB you need to make a move soon though so maybe this is the point! Tough decision. Still a fold for me...

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Re: What would you do?

Playing in the GUKPT freeroll last night and after more than 2 hours we're down to 2 tables of 6. Top ten get paid. I'm 5th in chips with about 50k and in the big blind with AKs' date=' blinds are 4k, 8k. UTG folds, second position goes all in and has me just covered, folds round to me...[/quote'] fold, you have no FE to move him off his hand as he is already AI and you are at best a 70/30 fav if he has Ax easy lay down for me - I would defo lay down QQ here and maybe KK (dependant on how short the shorties are and how soon they are going to be blinded out) Damo
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Re: What would you do?

be that with the blinds so high people will be making moves all-in with much worse hands than this. With only 6xBB you need to make a move soon though so maybe this is the point!
but he is not making a move - he is calling a move He is better to make a move first, not call an AI to a player who has him covered this is an easy lay down Damo
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Re: What would you do?

with 6xbb I'm deffo calling.. You could even have him dominated you can't miss this chance' date=' you are [b']only afraid of AA and KK.. quote] you are? I am afraid of every holding he has, why gamble when you might only be a 70/30 fav? why take the risk of missing?, best to fold and bully the other middle stacks and pick a better spot - doubling up in chips make no difference at all in this scenario - the aim is to reach 10th, not 1st, you don't need any more chips than it will take to reach 10th - let others worry about bubbling and fold Damo
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Re: What would you do? i think i'd probably call:unsuredepends on the prize values as well,if 1st to 3rd get a high percentage then i'm calling ,if its a more even payout i may fold. with the all in i would guess he doesnt have aces or ks so with the blinds that high its a good value call against anything else ,that said i wouldnt want a race if 10th was decent money:ok

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Re: What would you do?

doubling up in chips make no difference at all in this scenario - the aim is to reach 10th, not 1st, you don't need any more chips than it will take to reach 10th
Do 1st to 10th all win the same? Sorry, I've never played this tournament. If so, then I agree it's an easy fold. In fact, I'd fold KK, and probably even AA.
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Re: What would you do?

i think i'd probably call:unsuredepends on the prize values as well,if 1st to 3rd get a high percentage then i'm calling ,if its a more even payout i may fold. with the all in i would guess he doesnt have aces or ks so with the blinds that high its a good value call against anything else ,that said i wouldnt want a race if 10th was decent money:ok
Hmmm - I assumed that the top ten get the same prize as it is a freeroll? (like entry to main event final on the pokersite for a shot at entry into the actual live tourney) Mick - could you clarify what the prizes were please? Damo
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Re: What would you do? What's the prize structure? Is it a cash payout increasing the higher you finish, or is it a satalite to another tourney? Also what's your read on the All In player? Have they done this consistantly each round? have they done it previously, been called and shown crap? AK is a great hand for seeing a flop with but there's no need to put your tournament life on the life needlessly with it. However with more information on the player and the state of the game it's possible that a call is the best play. It's unlikely that he has a monster hand as he'd want some action with AA, KK, QQ I suspect. He's overbet hoping for no callers IMO. If the prizes are cash paid out then the chances are you don't get much for finishing 10th - therefore you may as well bubble if you get it wrong. Doubling up against one of the 4 people who have more chips than you puts you in a very strong position going into the final table. If however the prize is the same whether you finish 1st or 10th then I'd fold and let the small stacks take the risk.

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Re: What would you do? except you can fold a make a move on your terms - I would guarentee my seat in the next tourney first before committing chips to an AI people will be scared to play now and when you get to the last 4 or so, there will be better spots to get your money in the middle (i.e. first) and with worse hands than AK, to gain chips - let the others bust first If I already had my seat to the next tounry (i.e. was on the final table) I am calling all day in this situation, but I haven't as yet, so I would fold if Mick calls he has 16BB or so rather than 8 - not much of a difference if the blinds are that big as all that happens is he gets to last an orbit or two longer than he can now (am assuming antes are in play, if not then he could fold 4-5 orbits before he feels the pinch of being dragged back into the hole he is currently in) because there is not any bigger stacks with which to double up again. Obviously with 16BB he can take a shot and knock out a 4BB stack and this gains him a couple more orbits to fold his hands before playing again. he is desperate, but so is everyone else, and being in 5th then twice as many are more desperate than him and are more likely to make a move first and as everyone has about the same blinds (most would have 4-6 BB) you will end up with 4 out to burst the bubble and the 4 who won the AI confrontations will now have about 8-10BB each, about the same as Mick has. Just the way i would play it Damo

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Re: What would you do? If it was an entry into a normal tourney with 10%+ getting paid yes make sure of qualifying first. But its a ticket for a tourney were only the top 3% get paid there for imho this is as good a chance as you are likely to get to win the ticket so get the chips in.

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Re: What would you do? Yeah, I'm folding this as well, unless I had a very specfic read on the guy. You've gotta put him on a pocket pair at least. AK is a drawing hand and you're behind 52%/48% to a lower pocket pair. At best your facing a coin flip, if he's got AA / KK you're dead. You've spent 2 hours, got to the end of the tourney. I'm not taking the chance. You need better hands to call with, than bet with.

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Re: What would you do? Jeeze cant even get Jaded on my side. Bunch of wimps the lot of you. Need to try and convince the mathematical experts. Currently there are a dozen left and you hold perhaps 10% of the total chips, so rather than gamble now you would sooner "lock" 3% and start over again another day? I'm sure Slapdash and GaF have a formulae for his type of situation. $100 sat seat might sound good but with only 3% going through you are far closer here then you are likely to get ever again. This is basically a winner takes all tourney.Put it another way if the 2nd to 10th were winning $10 and the winer was getting $300 would you call or fold? A/K is as good as it gets this late in a tourney this is your chance at the big time so ge in there

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Re: What would you do?

You've got 5 big blinds left' date=' what are you going to play? the violin?[/quote'] LMAO... My thoughts in the few seconds I had was that I was looking to win the tournament rather than cash and this was a very good opportunity to get the chip lead and start dominating as there were a lot of weak players. Also with the chips so evenly distributed and the blinds so high there was no guarantee of making the final table. I put the all in on either a middle or low pair or a decent ace so I called and he turned over a pair of tens. No help on the board and I'm out. This call bothered me for a while as I went through the various options discussed here. In the end I think I'm happy with making the call. In the long run it is winning these coin flip situations which give you the chance of winning rather than just cashing. "If you want to live you've got to be prepared to die"
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Re: What would you do? Without prizestructure, and stackseizes, its impossible to answer. If it was a sat and there was several players with lower stacks than you it would be an easy fold. If it a normal prize structure its an easy call, unless you are a very big 2 stack and chipleader moves in on you or something like that

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Re: What would you do? I've had more success folding AK than calling with it. Only time I call with AQ/AK in this position is if I think some muppet if stealing with crap eh MCfook? *cough*K7*cough*.:lol Regards the blind structure; I-poker's MTT blind structure is quite possibly the worst that there is and I've been in this very same situation. When you take into account your M at this stage you start to shit a ton of bricks but when you consider the relative stack sizes you realise that its a crapshoot and the important thing is your position. The fact is that Mick wasn't short stacked and didn't need to call for his game on a flip. I'd suggest folding here and playing position poker is the better option and that pushing with crap in position is better than calling any all in.

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