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100k focus game

the croc

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Guest gazza271

Re: 100k focus game

You have to go through 18 pages of registered players before you get to one that starts with a letter of the alphabet. :loon
:lol:lol:lol Let the mayhem begin !!! Not in from work long,was a bit late off so chilling with a beer before it all goes crazy :lol
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Re: 100k focus game

You have to go through 18 pages of registered players before you get to one that starts with a letter of the alphabet. :loon
You try searching for PL'rs to get their BPP points :loon This kind of tourney was the original idea behind starting our usernames with PL - so that we're all together .... but there's even pages between PL-GaF and PLGazza :loon
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Guest gazza271

Re: 100k focus game

You try searching for PL'rs to get their BPP points :loon This kind of tourney was the original idea behind starting our usernames with PL - so that we're all together .... but there's even pages between PL-GaF and PLGazza :loon
GOOD ! The further away from me that you are the better, always nicking me blinds :spank:lol:lol:lol
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Re: 100k focus game :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall * HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mtd520 [4h 4c] roy2601: calls 20 Chicken Thin: folds ernie1973: raises 2680 to 2700 and is all-in mtd520: folds Chefhase: folds mrsracerx: raises 620 to 3320 and is all-in ms-makler: folds BWDave: folds just4me17: folds roy2601: folds *** FLOP *** [5s Qs 3c] *** TURN *** [5s Qs 3c] [4s] *** RIVER *** [5s Qs 3c 4s] [6d] *** SHOW DOWN *** ernie1973: shows [Ah Ad] (a pair of Aces) mrsracerx: shows [Jc Jh] (a pair of Jacks) ernie1973 collected 5450 from pot

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Re: 100k focus game Was up to 3700 but back to 3k now, had QQ pre flop raise on button to 250 after about 5limpers, BB re-raises to 600 so alarm bells ringing big time i'm putting them on at least jacks, but call in the hope of hitting a Q/ sign of weakness from them post flop. Flop comes J high they they 1k and even if they had JJ or 1010 i was behind so just layed it down after saying i had QQ but they didn't show, but 100% certain i was behind :).

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Re: 100k focus game

I just had KK in the BB with blinds at 25/50. UTG raised to 150 and got four (!) callers. God knows how much I should raise in this situation. I raised to 1000 and took it down.
At least with a 1000 you really know where you stand ;) Personally would have gone for 6-700 as it may have just been enough to tempt one into hanging themself, but taking down the pot is never a bad thing ;)
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Re: 100k focus game Up to 6k, raised to 600 in mid position with Bullets, everyone folded to BB so i was a bit gutted expecting no action, then a few seconds go by and my hopes increase... they go all in :nana I insta-call and they only have 4's :unsure Turn brings a flush draw for them but no heart on river, phhhhhhew!

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Re: 100k focus game Well, I made it to the break, nut I'm barely alive (10055 out of 10101) with 655 chips. Was chuckling when my 33 made trips on the flop - unfortunately, some sneaky slow-playing barstidge in the BB, who had called my 3x BB raise was laughing louder, and called my all in 'cos his KK had also made trips. Still, I've beaten 7,890 people in an hour, so not too bad :loon The table has actually been fairly steady, with very little wild play, apart from my massive boob above. :hope to those still in.

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Re: 100k focus game Short stacked so go all in and he hits his flush with the turn and river.:@:wall:wallPokerStars Game #12095652931: Tournament #60483029, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (300/600) - 2007/09/16 - 16:58:02 (ET) Table '60483029 1824' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: The Trittipo (9338 in chips) Seat 2: kevsul (2202 in chips) Seat 3: mushroomcat (13485 in chips) is sitting out Seat 4: Kault (17450 in chips) Seat 5: Arti34 (9065 in chips) Seat 6: canukatm (3810 in chips) Seat 7: Jonny65 (8550 in chips) Seat 8: 2busedd (11965 in chips) Seat 9: Catenaccio (9223 in chips) The Trittipo: posts the ante 50 kevsul: posts the ante 50 mushroomcat: posts the ante 50 Kault: posts the ante 50 Arti34: posts the ante 50 canukatm: posts the ante 50 Jonny65: posts the ante 50 2busedd: posts the ante 50 Catenaccio: posts the ante 50 Jonny65: posts small blind 300 2busedd: posts big blind 600 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to kevsul [Qs Ac] Catenaccio: folds The Trittipo: folds kevsul: raises 1552 to 2152 and is all-in mushroomcat: folds Kault: calls 2152 Arti34: folds canukatm: folds Jonny65: folds 2busedd: folds *** FLOP *** [4s 6c 3h] *** TURN *** [4s 6c 3h] [Th] *** RIVER *** [4s 6c 3h Th] [7h] *** SHOW DOWN *** kevsul: shows [Qs Ac] (high card Ace) Kault: shows [Jh Ah] (a flush, Ace high) Kault collected 5654 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 5654 | Rake 0 Board [4s 6c 3h Th 7h] Seat 1: The Trittipo folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: kevsul showed [Qs Ac] and lost with high card Ace Seat 3: mushroomcat folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Kault showed [Jh Ah] and won (5654) with a flush, Ace high Seat 5: Arti34 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: canukatm (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Jonny65 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 8: 2busedd (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: Catenaccio folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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