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** Poker Friday 7th September **


** Poker Friday 7th September **  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 14.00 CelebPoker Team Celeb RH Freeroll Qualifier
    • 19.30 William Hill £500 Added
    • 19.30 Boss Deep Stack
    • 19.45 Virgin Festival Sat
    • 20.00 Stans EPT London RH Freeroll
    • 21.15 Ladbrokes Cruise Daily Freeroll
    • 21.30 Paradise 50 Up Club

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Re: ** Poker Friday 7th September ** Wow i just made a sick move to go up to 23.5k :notworthy:notworthy :nana Guy min raises in mid pos, SB calls i call in BB with 87diamonds because i was feeling the hand. flop comes A72 one diamond, SB checks i check, first raiser puts 4k into 6k pot after a wait, SB folds, i took a long time but felt that he didn't look strong throughout so went all in, he took an eternity but called with 8Kspades (K high) I hold on and feel bloody smug about myself :lol :notworthy

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Re: ** Poker Friday 7th September ** Ooopsie i just got away with one :$ :loon. chip leader limps in early pos, every1 folds to me on button with K10h, i attempt to steal all in for 14k, SB insta calls with AQ, least i wasn't dominated, luckily i won the race, up to 30k, just got up to 37k now with QQ :$

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Re: ** Poker Friday 7th September ** Didn't really think i had a choice but to push with A5s as the chances of him having a hand that was beating me in his position were slim. Amazed i came 7th as barely had a decent hand all tourn, but won a race when behind at a crucial time and got paid off on some of my better hands, pretty frustrating on final table with no cards but it's all a learning curve :). Anyway wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i really am playing good at the moment as reflected in my results in the focus game, i just like that added pressure :lol. :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana :dude:dude:dude :cheers:cheers

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